9 Aug 2004

Mr. Ken Dryden, MP, PC
Minister of Social Development
House of Commons
Ottawa ON K1A 0A6

Dear Minister Dryden,

I have recently been contacted by Ms. Michelle Dawson of Montreal concerning a number of issues affecting autistic Canadians. I am aware that your department has had previous exchanges with Ms. Dawson, but a number of legitimate concerns continue to remain unaddressed by your department and your predecessors. I’m hoping that your recent appointment will result in resolution of these outstanding issues.

For your information, I have enclosed a copy of Minister Frulla’s most recent letter to Ms. Dawson and her response, which I assume will be handled by you in your new capacity. Some further developments, as well as a brief summary of the relevant issues, are also enclosed in the form of Ms. Dawson's recent letter to Prime Minister Martin.

Ms. Dawson’s primary concern stems from the lack of direct representation autistic Canadians have, or do not have, within the various federally-funded disability organizations and research projects. Many autistic Canadians are perfectly capable of participating in a decision-making environment regarding matters that affect them directly. I am told that the Autism Society of Canada does not even have a member with autism on their board of directors. I personally find it surprising that the Society is unable to find a qualified or suitable representative for such a position.

Through further investigation of this situation, I am confident that you will discover two distinct ‘schools of thought’ regarding the management of autism in Canada. One segment believes that autistic Canadians are sick in the way people with cancer are sick, and require an expensive, arduous, and ethically questionable ‘treatment’ to get rid of their autism and ‘normalize’ them. The other believes that autism is not a sickness; that autism is integral to autistic people, who in turn should be accepted, be given assistance and education appropriate to their autistic nature, and have their existing and often unique skills and potential be embraced and appreciated. Ms. Dawson is concerned that only the first group is adequately represented under the existing regimes. What will you be doing to ensure the second group is adequately represented?

Finally, it would be appreciated if you could also provide me with a response that addresses each of the matters raised in Ms. Dawson’s May 3rd, 2004 letter, as well as the substance of her subsequent letter to the Prime Minister.


Carol Skelton, Member of Parliament
Saskatoon - Rosetown - Biggar

CC: Michelle Dawson
    Mr Stephen Fletcher, Official Opposition Health Critic