Applets                                                                                               P.Komisar
                                                                                                                                     latest minor revision  March 6 / 2001

'HTML and Applets', 'Java 1.1 Certification Guide', Heller&Roberts and 'Just Java' P.van der Linden

Java programs can be run in different contexts. Up to now we have been running stand-alone
programs from the command line. Some java programs run in another java program's context.
For instance a web browser can have a java virtual machine running in which a special kind
of java program called an applet can be run. Because an applet is designed to plug into the
browser's java runtime environment, it has a different form and syntax than a standalone java

An applet is a java visual component. It is referenced by the browser from an applet
tag placed in a HTML page. The info in the tag tells the browser where to find the java
class file containing the applet. The browser runs the java class code and places the applet
visually inside this HTML page.

This approach is very successful and is used with two other java appliances, servlets and
enterprise javabeans. They also run in the context of hosting applications. In the case of
servlets, they are run in a webserver application on a server machine. Enterprise java beans
also run on a server in an application called simply a container.


First it is neccessary to become familiar with the HTML page from where a browser will
reference an applet. The page will be coded in HTML. Hypertext Markup Language is
a page description language that provides instructions in the form of Tags. The browser
interprets these tags to format it's presentation which might include multimedia content such
as sound and images. Java-enabled browsers support applets which are set in a html page
using the applet tag. Html tags are not case sensitive. The following example uses the
convention where all the tags are set to upper case. The APPLET tags must appear
somewhere within the BODY tags.

Notice future versions of HTML will deprecate the applet tag in favor of the OBJECT tag.
( See table below ) Applet tags attributes list is basically a subset of the larger and more
generic attribute list supported by the Object tag. So we'll continue with a look at the Applet
tag noting as we go in small italics how the attribute tags compare in the Applet and Object
as described in the W3C recommendation.
Plans to deprecate Applet Tag in favor of Object Tag

 Life has become a complicated with a W3C  recommendation  to deprecate the applet 
 tag in the HTML 4 specification. It will be replaced by the Object tag. The good news 
 is that Object tag is really not any harder to use than the applet tag and for the most 
 part simply requires a substitution. Also many of the attributes  supported in the new 
 format are the same as we find in the applet tag. 
 The browsers currently support both tags and probably will for a long time to come. 
 It is probably wise to be conversant with both tag formats with the recognition that 
 the applet tag is on it's way out. I successfully viewed an applet referenced from the 
 Object tag in both Netscape v.4.7 and Explorer 5.0. The appletviewer utility didn't mind 
 the Object tag but insisted on seeing the applet class referenced from a code tag. 
 Also interesting to note, the new W3C rec indicates that the code tag can reference
 a class as an absolute or relative path. This is not the case with the current deployment
 of the code attribute tag in the Applet tag.  Following is an example from the W3C 
 recommendation showing how an applet tag  might be replaced by the Object tag.

// In the following example, the APPLET element includes a Java applet in the document.
//  Since no codebase is supplied, the applet is assumed to be in the same directory as the 
// current document.

            <APPLET code="Bubbles.class" width="500" height="500">
                               Java applet that draws animated bubbles.
  // This example may be rewritten with OBJECT as follows:

          <OBJECT codetype="application/java"
                             width="500" height="500">
                            Java applet that draws animated bubbles.

 To see the part of the document that pertains to applets go to ObjectTag.html.
 and to see more go to tp://

HTML tags of a typical page

    < HTML > [ NAME ]
    < HEAD >
    < TITLE > An Applet </ TITLE >
    < /HEAD >
    <BODY>              // applet tags must appear somewhere  between body tags
    < H1 >
        Here's a little text about this applet
    < /H1 >
    < BR >
    < APPLET CODE = Apt.class WIDTH = 200 HEIGHT = 150 >
    </ APPLET >
    </ BODY >
    </ HTML >

 // In this example the Applet class file must reside in the same directory as the Web page.

This example shows the tags that describe the minimal html required to show an
applet on a page

      <APPLET CODE=Zapplet.class WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=100>

A lot of the general functionality of HTML is available for use within the APPLET tag
as shown in the detailed example below.

Detailed Applet Tag


CODE = class file (file or URL)
      HEIGHT = pixels
      WIDTH = pixels
      [ CODEBASE = URL directory ]               //  [ ] square brackets  indicate optional tags
      [ ALT = alternate text message ]
      [ ARCHIVE = names of JAR files ]
      [ ALIGN = alignment ]
      [ NAME = name for other applets on page ]
      [ HSPACE = pixel ]
      [ VSPACE = pixel ]

      >                              // notice all these instructions are enclosed withing the first applet tag

      [ < PARAM NAME = identifier VALUE = value > ]
      [ < PARAM NAME = identifier VALUE = value > ]
                                   . . . . . . . . ..
      [alternate HTML ]

 </ APPLET >                   // CODE WIDTH and HEIGTH tags are mandatory

// Van der Linden notes that there is a proposal to replace the java-specific applet tag  with
//  a more generic  EMBED tag  but for now the applet tag is alive and well.(Aug 2000)

Following is a brief description of the tag options available in the APPLET tag.


  - specify the width and height of the applet in pixels
  - other HTML page items may constrain the size of the applet
  - getSize( ) will return at runtime how much space a browser allots to an applet

Object tag'swidth and height attribute tag per HTML 4 spec.recommnedation - This attribute specifies
the initial width and height of the applet's display area (excluding any windows or dialogs that the
applet creates).     Note width and height the same in both tags


The applet code that will run in an HTML page is specified with the CODE tag.

Example Code="X.class"

// quotes can be left out on the class identifier but it is good HTML form to quote all attribute values

The CODEBASE tag is used to specify an absolute path, a URL, or a relative path
(relative to where the calling HTML file is located). The java class identifer is case
sensitive and must end with the .class extension.

Following are two handy methods for finding out where the applet and the html page containing
it are located. getCodeBase( ) returns a URL describing the directory where the applet code
is located. getDocumentBase( ) returns a URL describing the directory where the HTML
page referencing the applet is located.
 According to some texts CODE tag is suppose to specifiable by a path relative to the calling
 HTML or URL but this isn't the case. Try for yourself. Van der Linden gets it right and states 
 that CODE must be provided as a single file name with no part of a longer path prefixed to it. 

// The W3C HTML 4 recommendation has Object tag's code tag able to  use absolute and relative paths
// where codebase will be restricted to subdirectories of the directory containing the current document
// for security reasons. Note this restriction doesn't exist at this time

Examples using the Codebase tag

In this example a HTML page is put  in H2 directory, in H directory in P directory. The
Applet code is put in C2 directory in C directory in P directory as per Fig.1 Directory

 Fig.1 DirectoryTree

      P        Example 1 // accessing by an absolute  path
    _|_        <applet code="AppT.class" codebase="C:/P/C/C2"  width="300" height="300"> </applet>

   |      |
  H    C      Example 2  // accessing by a path relative to the location of the calling HTML page
   |      |    <applet code="AppT.class" codebase="../../C/C2"  width="300" height="300"> </applet>

 H2  C2     Example 3   // accessing the applet using the url for a file on the local machine

            <applet code="AppT.class" codebase="file:///c:/newcode/P/C/C2"  width="300" height="300">

             Example 4  // using a url for an applet located on any Internet machine
   <applet code="AppT.class" codebase="" width="90" height="90">


PARAM tags appear between the <APPLET> param tags </APPLET>
This tag allows data to be passed from an HTML page to an applet on that page.

The following applet example reads three parameters from the HTML page and stores their
values in instance variables. Three parameters are specified in the Applet tag All the values
are strings. Note quotes allow multiple words with spaces An applet reading these values uses
the NAME identifiers as parameters to the getParameter( ) method. (Going in, case is not
significant.) The string value returned, (representing the VALUE assignment)  however is
case sensitive.
Code examples from  'Java 1.1 Certification Guide, Heller&Roberts

 <APPLET CODE = Thermostat.class WIDTH = 200 HEIGHT = 200 >
 < PARAM    NAME = label VALUE = "My Excellent Thermostat" > 
       // note quotes allow inclusion of spaces
 < PARAM    NAME = scale VALUE = celsius  >
 < PARAM    NAME = increment VALUE = 2 >
 </ APPLET >

 public class Thermostat extends Applet {
     private String label = "Thermo";
     private boolean isCelsius = false;
     private int increment = 1;

   public void init( ) {
       String val = getParameter("LABEL");            // here's getParameter( )
         if (val != null)                                  // avoids a access if the val is null
            label = val;                        // straight assignment as this is already string
      try {
            isCelsius = getParameter("scale").equalsIgnoreCase("CELSIUS");
             // if this value is celsius,(ignoring case) then the boolean isCelsius is set to true
            } catch (NullPointerException e) { }
      try {
            increment = Integer.parseInt(getParameter("INCREMENT"));
           catch (Exception e) { // catching  for null pointer or number format exception
      }             // end of init( )
  }                // this class is not really complete in itself as it doesn't indicate what it will
                          // do with the boolean value or where the increment is being applied. 
                          // It does show how you can bring in parameter values from the applet tag 


The ALT tag provides an altenate text for browsers that know the tag but don't support applets.

1. < APPLET  CODE = Thermostat.class WIDTH = 200 HEIGHT = 200
2.    ALT = " Try another browser!" >
3. < /APPLET >

 // alt is borrowed from elsewhere in HTML in both the Object and Applet tags


These tags control the applet position on the HTML page and the space between them and
adjacent items on the page. HSPACE specifies the distance in pixels between the applet's left
and right boundaries and any adjacent HTML elements. VSPACE specifies the distance in
pixels between the applet's top and bottom boundaries and any adjacent HTML elements.

 example  ALIGN="MIDDLE"

//  align, hspace, vspace are borrowed from elsewhere in HTML in both Object and Applet tags


The Name tag can be used to support inter-applet communication. An applets name can be
referenced by another applet on the same page to make method calls on the named applet.

//  Object tag's name attribute per HTML 4 spec.recommnedation  -This attribute specifies a name for
//  the applet instance, which makes it possible for applets on the same page to find (and communicate
//  with) each other.      Note:same as for Applet tag


A JAR (Java ARchive) file is a zipped collection of files. The ARCHIVE tag identifies JAR
files on the server the browser needs to download. JAR's speed remote class loading. Bundling
files in JARs reduce the per File download penalty to a single payment.

example // Note the CODE tag still identifies the class that starts execution, X.class is in the jar

<APPLET  CODE = X.class WIDTH = 90 HEIGHT = 60 ARCHIVE = "Zip_In.jar" >

Multiple JARs are downloaded using a comma-seperated list

<APPLET  CODE=Apt.class WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=100 ARCHIVE= a.jar, b.jar, n.jar">

// Object tag's archive attribute tag per HTML 4 spec.recommnedation  -This attribute specifies a
// comma-separated list of URIs for archives containing classes and other resources that will be
// "preloaded". The classes are loaded using an instance of an AppletClassLoader with the given
// codebase. Relative URIs for archives are interpreted with respect to the applet's codebase.
// Preloading resources can significantly improve the performance of applets. Note: same as Applet

Object Tag Attribute Tags not defined in Applet    // for reference

object   This attribute names a resource containing a serialized representation of an applet's state. It
              is interpreted relative to the applet's codebase. The serialized data contains the applet's class
              name but not the implementation. The class name is used to retrieve the implementation from
              a class file or archive. ( see excerpt from W3C spec hyperlinked in the table above)

Other relevant tags defined elsewhere in HTML

  id, class (document-wide identifiers)
  title(element title)
  style (inline style information)

Applet class       //  Netscape 6.x supports swing!

When we talk about applets, we must now consider both the classic Applet class found in the
awt package and the newer JApplet which resides in the swing package. They are different in
a few ways. Applet class has a flow layout manager by default while JApplet's default layout
manager is as border layout.(See box) JApplet has the more complex behaviour displayed by
JFrame, where menus and layered panes are used to show pop up menus and tooltips. JApplet
like other swing components can have icons added. At this time you cannot be assured of
widespread JVM support for swing components in the various browsers. Accordingly classic
Applet class may be a practical 'safe' choice for current web programming usage.
(See Reminder below)

An applet is a visual component which is run in a browser. Applet class inherits from Object,
Component, Container and Panel. JApplet in turn descends from Applet. Applet class has
a few superficial similarities to Thread class which can be a source of some confusion. For
instance the Thread class has a start( ) and stop( ) method which starts and stops the thread.
Thread's stop( ) method has been deprecated because of trouble it causes (See box regarding
Thread class deprecations below). Applet's start( ) and stop( ) method are used in the context
of a browser entering and leaving a page in which case the applet is started and stopped.
Stopping in the case of an applet amounts to storing the applet with its current state in cache
memory in case the browser returns to the page and expects everything still to be there.

JApplet has by default a BorderLayout while  Applet class has a FlowLayout by default inherited from Panel

* FlowLayout manager adds components to a container from left to right, top to bottom. 
 The components added retain their preferred size and shape.  BorderLayout manager has 
 NORTH,  SOUTH, EAST, WEST and CENTER regions defined. Components added to North 
 and South,  keep their preferred height but width varies with the container. Components added 
 to East and West areas keep their preferred width but height varies with the container. Default
 is CENTER and an add( ) to center in the absence of other zones being used will fill the screen. 

Methods of the Applet Life Cycle
public void init( )   Called by the browser or appletviewer when an applet is first 
 loaded into memory, overrridden to do one-time initializations 
 and a good place to create a GUI and for starting  threads.
public void start( )  After init( ) the browser/viewer calls start( ).  start( ) can be 
 overridden to start programmer defined threads. start( ) is 
 called each time the browser visits the page
public void paint(Graphics g)  Called by the system whenever the component needs to be
 redisplayed. paint( ) is overridden to change what appears 
 on screen. 
public void stop( )  Called when the browser leaves the applet's page 

When a web page containing an applet has been accessed, the applet class is loaded into the
browser's runtime environment.The first method called is init( ) which performs the job of a
constructor in a regular java application. Next start( ) is called followed by paint( ) which
draws the graphical aspects of the applet. When the browser leaves the page, stop( ) is called
to shut down the applet and close any resources that may have been associated with it.

// the applet is down but not out, still cached in memory in case of a return to the page
Thread class method deprecations

 Thread class' stop( ) method (as well as suspend( ) and resume( )) have been deprecated .
 stop( ) has been observed to be responsible for corrupting behaviour in a multi-threaded 
 environment. (suspend( ) and resume( )'s lend themselves to the creation of deadlock. It is 
 recommended that instead of calling stop( ) on a thread  (from within an applet's stop( )
 method, it is preferable to set the given thread to null.)

For more info see 'the Java Tutorial',

Applet methods                                                                  // reference
void  destroy( )   Called by the browser to tell this applet it is being reclaimed 
 and that it should destroy any resources that it has allocated.
getAppletContext( ) 
 Determines this applet's context, allowing the applet to query
 and affect the environment in which it runs.
 String  getAppletInfo( )   Returns information about this applet.
 getAudioClip(URL url)
 Returns the AudioClip object specified by the URL argument.
AudioClip getAudioClip
(URL url, String  name) 
 Returns the AudioClip object specified by the URL and name arg
URL getCodeBase( )   Gets the base URL.
URL getDocumentBase( )   Gets the document URL.
Image  getImage(URL url)  Returns an Image object that can then be painted on the screen.
 Image  getImage
 (URL url, String name) 
 Returns an Image object that can then be painted on the screen.
 Locale getLocale( )   Gets the Locale for the applet, if it has been set.
 String getParameter
 (String name)
 Returns the value of the named parameter in the HTML tag.
 getParameterInfo( )
 Returns info about parameters that are understood by this applet.
void  init( )  Called by the browser or applet viewer to inform this applet that it 
 has been loaded into the system.
boolean isActive( )  Determines if this applet is active.
static AudioClip 
newAudioClip(URL url) 
 Get an audio clip from the given URL
void  play(URL url)  Plays the audio clip at the specified absolute URL.
void  play
 (URL url, String name)
 Plays the audio clip given the URL and a specifier relative to it.
 void  resize
 (Dimension d) 
 Requests that this applet be resized.
 void  resize
 (int width, int height) 
 Requests that this applet be resized.
 void setStub
 (AppletStub stub)
 Sets this applet's stub.
 void  showStatus
 (String msg) 
 Requests this argument string be displayed in the "status window".
void  start()   Called by the browser or applet viewer to inform this applet that 
 it should start its execution.
void stop()  Called by the browser or applet viewer to inform this applet that it 
 should stop its  execution.

A HelloWorld in swing

/* This is a basic HelloWorld applet with an extra line to make the font big */

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;

/* Putting the applet tag in the source allows us to run the applet in applet viewer
    without the need to create a web page to see it.*/

// <applet code=OK.class width =400 height =100></applet>

// note tags can be lower case

public class OK extends JApplet{
   public void paint( Graphics g){
     g.setFont(new Font("Monospaced", Font.BOLD, 22));
     g.drawString("OK, It's Hello World", 50, 60 );

A Fancier Applet example in classic AWT

/*  This applet shows a couple of the drawing methods you can access from the Graphics
  *  class,  Note how it is used in paint( ). It's often referred to as the 'graphics context'

// <applet code=AppletRun.class width =320 height =200></applet>

 import java.awt.*;
 import java.applet.*;

 public class AppletRun extends Applet{
     int k;
     int l;

  public void init( ){
      setBackground(new Color(250,230,210));

public void paint(Graphics g){
      repaint( ); 
      // calling repaint( ) in paint causes this to loop 
      g.setColor(new Color(180,100,230));
      g.setFont(new Font("Monospaced",Font.BOLD,18));
      g.drawString("~20 Seconds~",k,l);
      // scheduling offset values for the 20 second draw
      for(int i=1;i<6;i++){
       g.setFont(new Font("Helvetica",Font.ITALIC|Font.BOLD,i*10));
       g.setColor(new Color(i*40+5,i*30+5,i*10+5));
       //   just a way of increasing the int values of the Color constructor a reasonable amount
       //  relative to i in the loop. It's arithmetic on the i value
       g.drawString(i+"", i*25+15,i*25+30);
           catch(InterruptedException ie){}

For Applet Development

1) Put the applet tag into the source file
2) Comment it out      // this leaves the tag visible as script but not as code
3) Save and compile as usual (using the .java extension and javac)
4) Run appletviewer on source file as in appletviewer

To Set to HTML

1) Move your applet tag into an appropriate location on a  HTML page
2) Save and compile your applet code as usual (using the .java extension and javac)
3) Run appletviewer on the html file as in appletviewer html_file_name.html
4) Or, find the file and view in your browser
What version of JDK to use for applets 

 At this point swing is not supported in the common browsers. Last testing is on Netscape 4.76
and Explorer 5. There is light at the end of the tunnel! The new Netscape beta 6 ran a swing 
applet. So perhaps it's just a matter of time. There is a lag time between the  issue of the latest
JDKs and browser support. Also Microsoft is not supporting Java past 1.1.x  for proprietary 
 reasons. Sun has responded by providing a JDK plug-in so the latest java  versions  can be
 supported in any browser. If you need widespread support for your applet  now, (still true as
 of Nov 2000), you will have to stick to awt and Applet vs swing and JApplet  or be sure the 
 latest java plug-in is installed for your target browsers. Now too, you can use Netscape 6.x.

A Little on Jars

Jar files, for Java Archive Files, are java's version of ZIP files, the algorithm for archiving
developed and donated to the public domain by Phil Katz. Since JDK 1.1.x Java Jar Files
are synonomous with ZIP files with the compression turned on.You can use a utility like
WinZip to create zip file (with compression on) then rename the file with a .jar ending. You
can also make jar files from the command line using the jar command. (The syntax is similar
to using the tar extraction utility in Unix.) You can get excruciating detail from the Jar File
Specification in the JDK documentation( in docs at jdk1.3/docs/guide/jar/jar.html). Plenty
of simple examples are available, for instance,

    jar    cf      Globe.jar   *.gif    *.class

// places all .class and .gif  files in the current directory into a JAR  file named Globe.jar

Jars are a generally useful tool for such things as general archiving, providing security
(in the process of signing an applet) and are used in packaging JavaBeans. In applets
they help organize the files that go into an applet but most importantly they decrease the
download time of a web page over the net allowing all the applet files to be downloaded in a
single jar archive.

// Van der Linden states there is extra steps you have to go through to extract media files from a jar file.
// He addresses this issue in on pages 338 and 339 of 'Just Java'