Graphics I Lab Assignment                    Peter Komisar


Q1 (a) Find out what fonts your computer has by calling the static getDefaultToolkit( ) on the Toolkit
      class. (Remember it returns a String array which you'll have to print to screen, say using a for loop set to
      iterate for the stringArray.length) When you build your simple class with a main method as it's first line
      you'll also have to import java.awt.* where Toolkit class resides.
     (b) You'll notice the compiler tells you this method is deprecated. Run the program with the -deprecation
     option to see what the compiler says.
     (c) Repeat the excercise using the code sample from the notes containing the GraphicsEnvironment
     references. What are the differences in the fonts returned by the two techniques?

Q2 Look at the result of running the Colors program code example.
     In reference to the three integer values returned for each color;
(a) What do the colors red green blue have in common?
(b) What general formula can you use to describe the r g b numbers that yield grey.
(c) If red green and blue are called primary colors, What might we call secondary and tertiary colors
     from the colors set returned by the program.

Q3 Create arrays of x and y coodinates for five points. Draw a polygon using this array specifying
      3, 4 and 5 points. What do you observe for each?

Q5 Using Color, Font and Graphics create an art applets to appear on a HTML page for
      ' The Maple General Store'