Hubble Slide Show                                Peter Komisar

This applet is an adaption of the MediaTracker code example from the JDK 1.2.2. API
documentation The gallery of images is available for viewing with a commentary  at // where this series of images were
selected from. I am not using the archive tag so expect this applet to work in Netscape.
MediaTracker takes care of making sure the images are downloaded before they are

The Applet Code for the Hubble Slide Show


// <applet code=ImageBlaster.class width=300 height=300 >
// </applet>
      import java.applet.Applet;
      import java.awt.Color;
      import java.awt.Image;
      import java.awt.Graphics;
      import java.awt.MediaTracker;
      import java.awt.Dimension;          //just importing whats needed

      public class ImageBlaster extends Applet implements Runnable {
             String[] jpgFiles=new String[]{
             MediaTracker tracker;
             Image bg;
             Image anim[] = new Image[11];
             int index;
             Thread animator;

                                         // Get the images for the background (id == 0)
                                         // and the animation frames (id == 1)
                                         // and add them to the MediaTracker
             public void init( ) {
                 tracker = new MediaTracker(this);
                             // bg = getImage(getDocumentBase( ), "images/background.gif");
                                        //  tracker.addImage(bg, 0);
                 for (int i = 0;i< anim.length; i++) {
                     anim[i] = getImage(getCodeBase( ), jpgFiles[i]);
                     tracker.addImage(anim[i], 0);

             // Start the animation thread.
             public void start() {
                 animator = new Thread(this);
                 animator.start( );

             // Stop the animation thread.
             public void stop( ) {
                 animator = null;

             // Run the animation thread.
             // First wait for the background image to fully load
             // and paint.  Then wait for all of the animation
             // frames to finish loading. Finally, loop and
             // increment the animation frame index.

             public void run() {
                 try {
                                                        //     tracker.waitForID(0);
                 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                 Thread me = Thread.currentThread();
                 while (animator == me) {
                     try {
                         } catch (InterruptedException e)
                        // break;
                   synchronized (this) {
                         if (index >= anim.length) {
                             index = 0;

                                 // The background image fills the frame so we
                                 // don't need to clear the applet on repaints.
                                 // Just call the paint method.

             public void update(Graphics g) {

             // Paint a large red rectangle if there are any errors
             // loading the images.  Otherwise always paint the
             // background so that it appears incrementally as it
           // is loading.  Finally, only paint the current animation
             // frame if all of the frames (id == 1) are done loading,
             // so that we don't get partial animations.
                 public void paint(Graphics g) {
                     Dimension d=getSize();
                 if ((tracker.statusAll(false) & MediaTracker.ERRORED) != 0) {
                     g.fillRect(0, 0, d.width, d.height);
               // g.drawImage(bg, 0, 0, this);
                 if (tracker.statusID(0, false) == MediaTracker.COMPLETE) {
                     g.drawImage(anim[index], 10, 10, this);