Peter Komisar
© Conestoga College    latest version. 5.5 / 2008

Characterizing the Array 

We have seen that Java has two general type categories,
the primitive and reference types. In the reference category,
Java supplies three complex data structures for us to use.
We now have fourth complex data type, the enum, as of
JDK 5.

The enum is not used with references since it is all static
so we need to create a new category for it. 

We are familiar with the class and have seen it is the main
unit of containment in the language. We also have seen in
the keywords that there is an interface type that provides a
place to define a set of abstract methods. A third major
reference type Java supplies is the array.

Java Types

Primitive Types
Reference Types Complex  Non- Reference Type
//  jdk 1.5
  • boolean
  • byte
  • char
  • short
  • int
  • long
  • float
  • double
  • Class
  • Interface
  • Array
  • enum
-added in JDK 1.5
-a type of it's own
 -it allows the user
 to  define sets of values associated
 with a named type
 akin to the class
 when it is used in
 it's static mode.

Short Detour to the 'enum' Type

The following is supplied for reference and interest. At
first glance, one would think that enums are more like
primitives supplying a list of constants as choices. The
following example shows that the boundary can be blurred
and obscured! The following enum has fields that have
referenceable values and accessor methods to match.
The enum can also run a main( ) method! 'Pandoras Box'.
Now, non-object-oriented Java programs can now be
created without a class in it! All this stuff can be done
in a class. The enum is strictly limited to the 'static'

Enums // for reference from JDK 1.5 docs

public enum Planet {
    MERCURY (3.303e+23, 2.4397e6),
    VENUS   (4.869e+24, 6.0518e6),
    EARTH   (5.976e+24, 6.37814e6),
    MARS    (6.421e+23, 3.3972e6),
    JUPITER (1.9e+27,   7.1492e7),
    SATURN  (5.688e+26, 6.0268e7),
    URANUS  (8.686e+25, 2.5559e7),
    NEPTUNE (1.024e+26, 2.4746e7),
    PLUTO   (1.27e+22,  1.137e6);

    private final double mass;   // in kilograms
    private final double radius; // in meters
    Planet(double mass, double radius) {
        this.mass = mass;
        this.radius = radius;
    public double mass()   { return mass; }
    public double radius() { return radius; }

    // universal gravitational constant  (m3 kg-1 s-2)
    public static final double G = 6.67300E-11;

    public double surfaceGravity() {
        return G * mass / (radius * radius);
    public double surfaceWeight(double otherMass) {
        return otherMass * surfaceGravity();
  // a main( )  method is added to reference some
  // of the defined data You would probably reference
  // the enum from another class but the enum is happy
  // to host the main( ) method!   .ed

     public static void main(String[] args){

An Enum Related Example

Just to show a enum in it's more likely context of
an auxiliary apparatus, the following short
class shows it's information
being referenced.


class CallingPlanet{

public static void main(String[] args){
 System.out.println(Planet.MERCURY.mass( ));

Back to the main topic!

Description of the Array   

The Array is Uniform in Type

The array is uniform in that all the elements it stores must
be of the same type. The array offers
the Java programmer
a way to reference a single object that represent a numbered

collection of elements. The array in Java is a class-like
structure however it is more
restricted in how it can be used. 

Arrays are Assignable to References

Arrays, like classes assigned to references. They also
use the 'new' operator. Arrays descend from Object
the class. Arrays allow the user to control some aspects
of their creation. For instance,
the user defines the arrays
identifier, designates what type of element the array
hold and decides how many elements the array will

Arrays have an Index

The array has an index that can be used to access
individual elements that
have been stored in the array.
The array also provides a variable called 'length' that

will report how big the array is.

Like classes arrays can also be passed into and
from methods.

Example Showing an Array Passing In and Out of a Method

abstract class AA{
abstract int[ ] change(double[ ] doubleRay);

Features That Arrays & Classes Share

Arrays Are More Limited Than Classes

Beyond these features, the array does not supply the
sort of programming freedom that the class provides.
The user cannot define custom methods or fields for
an array. Further creating subclasses of arrays to create

more specialized versions is not possible. Unlike the
class the array is a dedicated entity which holds a
of primitives, objects or other arrays.

Array are Unlike Classes in That They :

Arrays are More Primitive Than the Class

Characterizing the array as a 'sort of' class type is
somewhat artificial. Arrays predate
the invention of
object-oriented thinking. Arrays are defined at very
basic levels of the computer where a specific number
of sequential memory cells are referred to by a starting
address in memory.  Arrays underpin many of the
classes we use in Java, such as the Vector class.

// arrays underpin classes such as 'Vector' and 'ArrayList'

Arrays Underlie Other Collection Types

The modern alternatives to the array are container classes
like the classic
Vector and newer classes defined in the
collection package such as the ArrayList. These classes,
though they add many new functionalities, are still internally
dependent on the array. 

Key Elements of an Array

The Array in the main( ) Method

The first array we encountered in Java was found supplied
as an argument to the command line on the main( ) method.
The String array, specified as a parameter of
the main( )
method, is used to introduce command line parameters to
a Java program.

Following is a sample that shows clearly the relationship
between the command line arguments and those stored in
the main( ) methods array.


class Args{
 public static void main(String[]args){
      if (args.length<1)
         System.out.println("Enter as many arguments as you want");
         System.out.println("Args length is: " + args.length);
              for (int i=0;i<args.length;i++){
                System.out.println( i+1+". " + args[i]);

The 'length' Variable

The final 'length' variable specifies how many
elements are
in the array. Notice it is a 'final' variable. This alludes to the
fact that
arrays are not 'growable'. They have a fixed length
that cannot be changed. What
happens when you go out of
bounds with an array by trying to access an element
that is
beyond the number of elements that have been defined? An
called an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is
thrown. (Yes, all one word!
This is the class that represents
the exception.)

// arrays are not 'growable' and are fixed in length. Exceeding
// an array's length throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

Array Declaration, Construction and Initialization 

Array Declaration

Arrays are not defined like we define classes. The array
has a fixed form that the Java programmer makes use of.
To create an array, we proceed directly to the declaration,
and assignment stages. In this cycle of
events, arrays are very much like classes.

The symbols that array's use in their constructors are
a pair of closed square brackets (instead of the round
brackets used in methods and class constructors.) 
Using these brackets with a type specifier and an
identifier and we have the formula for an array

Array Declaration Example     

int I [ ]; 

   //  arrays are characterized by the use of square braces

There is an ambivalence to array declaration that Java
has inherited from the 'C' programming language. The
square braces can be on either side of the identifier. The
above and below declarations of an int array called  'I'
are equivalent. For simple array declarations either way
will do.

At this point, like with the declaration of a reference type,
a memory container has to be declared for an address.
Declared in class scope, this reference hold null at this

Alternative Form Example

int[ ]  I;


Like a class, the array may make use of the 'new' keyword.
It mimics the appearance of a constructor except that square
brackets are used. The array also must know how big it will
be so the size needs to be specified at construction as well.


int I [];                  // declaration
I = new int [15];    // instantiation includes setting array size

The next example shows that the size of the array can be
specified with a variable.


int size = 20;
I = new int [size];

As with classes, it is common to see the declaration,
instantiation and assignment of an array happen in a
single step.


double[ ] dray = new double [12];

With respect to the double array in above example, when
instantiation and assignment has been completed, there
will be an ordered set of 12 locations reserved in memory,
each able to hold a value of double type.

Arrays Can Have Any Primitive or Class Type

Above we have seen arrays made based on primitive types.
Arrays are 'universal' in that they can be made of any class
type as well.


Object[ ]  object;
Integer[ ]  integer; 

// an object-oriented wrapper class for a single int value

Arrays The Default Values of It's Declared Type

When first constructed, array elements are initialized to the
default values for the type the array contains. For 'double', the
default value is 0.0 so each element of this array will hold 0.0.
If this were a String array, default value for a reference type is
null so each element of an array of type String would hold the
null value. 

Unlike basic primitives, arrays declared locally have default
values assigned. The following example shows this.


class RD{

void local( ){
    int[] i=new int[1];
    public static void main(String[] args){
      new RD().local();

// arrays have default values whether
// declared in class scope or locally


Arrays can be initialized with a set of literals or each
array element can be initialized individually. The array
literal is created by placing a comma-separated list of
literals having the appropriate type inside enclosing
curly braces. In the first example below you can see
the three literals contained between the curly braces
and separated by commas. A comma after the "three"
literal value will be ignored.

Assignment by Literals Example 1        

String[ ]   s = { "one", "two", "three" };

In the second example a double array being assigned


Assignment by Literals Example 2

double[ ] d = { 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5 };

Notice there is no need to establish the number of
elements the array holds as the array 'knows' how
long it is by the number of elements it has been

The following example shows array elements being
initialized by explicit assignments.

Explicit Assignment Example   

int[ ] few = new int[2];
few[0] = 25;
few[1] = 50;

This is the first time we have used the arrays indexing
mechanism. Notice the array
starts at the offset value
of 0. There are two elements in the above array example
and they are referenced
by the index values 0 and 1.
Often a loop will be used to assign values to each
element of an array, deriving the index value from the
loop's variable, as shown
in the next example.

Example of a Loop Using an Array Index     

short [ ] cubes = new short[25];
for( int i =0; i < cubes.length; i ++){
cubes[i] = i * i * i;

Array Creation Expressions

Sometimes after the release of the first version of the
Java Development Kit, an array creation expression
was introduced. It combines features of both array
forms introduced above, the literal assignment form
and the instantiated form. It seems to be a little redundant
but it has some particular uses and you may encounter
this form. It has the following form.

Array Creation Expression Form 

new types[ ] {  literal values  .  .  .  } ;

We can create a three element byte array to show this
form. As with literal assignments the braces end with
a semi-colon.


byte[ ]  b = new byte[ ] { 5, 5, 5 };

// an array expression statement used in an assignment

The same result can be obtained by just assigning the


byte[ ]  b = { 5, 5, 5 };

One Benefit of the Array Creation Expression

So why bother? There is at least one problem this form
serves to get rid off. For some reason an array literal can't
be assigned to a reference that has been declared in a
previous statement.To see what I mean run the following

Problem Example

class Quirk {
 public static void main(String[] args){
        byte bee[ ];
        bee ={ 5, 5, 5 };
        System.out.println(bee[0] + " " +bee[1] );
// doesn't compile & same thing happens using a constructor

The compiler reports that  bee ={ 5, 5, 5 };  represents an
illegal start of an expression. However, if the same thing
is done using the form of the array creation expression
everything is 'rosy'.

Solution Example

class Quirk {
 public static void main(String[] args){
        byte bee[ ];
        bee =new byte[]{ 5, 5, 5 };
        System.out.println(bee[0] + " " +bee[1] );
   }            // using the array creation expression works fine

This may be useful to remember for the times you wish
to declare an array in
class scope but assign literal values
in a constructor or a method.

Two Important Array Methods

There are two very important methods that can be used to
work with arrays.
The first is defined 'way back' in Object
class. Recall arrays descend from
Object class. As such,
they inherit the clone( ) method. The other important
method, arraycopy( ), is defined in System class.


clone( )

The clone( ) method can be used to make an exact copy of
an array. It has the following signature.

The clone( ) Method Signature  Defined in Object Class

protected Object clone( ) throws CloneNotSupportedException

Notes from the JDK on Cloneable   //   for reference only

  CloneNotSuported Exception is thrown to indicate that the
 clone( ) method in class 'Object's has been called to clone
 an object, but that the object's class does not implement
 the cloneable interface. A class implements the cloneable
 interface to indicate to the Object.clone( ) method that it is
 legal for that method to make a field-for-field copy of
 instances of that class.

  By convention, classes that implement this interface
 should override Object.clone ( which is protected ) with
 a public method.

The clone( )
method is defined in Object and accordingly
is defined as returning Object type.
This means that any
array that has been cloned must be cast back to the type
that it
originally was. For following example shows how
clone can be used.


int Z [] = new int [ ]{ 1, 9, 11 };
int Y [] = (int [ ] )  Z.clone( );    // clone returns Object type

Y array will be a perfect copy of Z containing the values
1, 9, & 11. 
The type in brackets, ( int [ ] ) , is a cast
to the int array type. and
changes the method's return
value back to the appropriate type, here an int array.


arraycopy( )

The arraycopy( ) method is in the System class. It can
copy all or part of the array. It
is important as it can be
used to get around the fact that arrays are not growable.
For instance if an array was full or near full, it's values
could be transferred to another array that was defined
to be bigger.

The Vector class has this growable feature which you
could bring to your own class definitions using arraycopy( ).
The arraycopy method is a static method. Recall again,
that a static method may be called off of it's class name.

Following is the method signature as it is defined in the
documentation for the System

The arraycopy( ) Method Signature

public static void arraycopy(Object src, int src_position,
                        Object dst, int dst_position, int length)

// Following is the JDK documentation's description of
// what the method does.

"Copies an array from the specified source array,
beginning at the specified position, to the
position of the destination array .... The number of 
components copied is equal to
the length argument.
The components at positions srcOffset through
srcOffset + length -1 in
the source array are copied
into positions dstOffset through dstOffset + length -1,
of the destination array."

// think offset positions when reading this quote

To show what the method does consider two arrays. The
first we can define two String arrays one with four elements
and the second with six elements. Note the array statement
needs to end with a semicolon.  We will use the identifiers
from the above the arraycopy signature so it is clear what
we are doing.

Example of Two String Arrays

String[] src = new String[]
        { "Left", "Right","Young", "Old", "Downtown", "Uptown"};
String[] dest =  new String[]
        { "London ","Glasgow", "New", "York"};

Suppose we wish to copy two elements from the 'src' array
over to 'dest' array. The length is set to two, reflecting the
number of elements that will be copied over. If we want the
two elements copied to be "Old" and "Downtown" the offset
we enter at src_position will be 3, (counting "Left" as 0). To
put these elements into the first two locations of the 'dest'
array the offset at dst_position is set to 0. The method takes
the following shape.


System.arraycopy( src, 3, dst, 0, 2);

// The second array will then contain
// {"Old", "Downtown", "New", "York"}

To example the clone( ) method, we copy the dst array
into another array and output it to screen to show how
clone( ) can be used to make a perfect copy of an array.


class NewYork{
   public static void main(String[] args){
     // two String arrays
    String[ ] src = new String[ ]
        { "Left", "Right","Young", "Old", "Downtown", "Uptown"};
    String[ ] dst =  new String[ ]
        { "London ","Glasgow", "New", "York"};
    // the method arraycopy() is demonstrated
    System.arraycopy( src, 3, dst, 0, 2);
    ("New Array: " + dst[0] + " " + dst[1] + " " + dst[2] + " " + dst[3]);
    //  the clone() method is used to duplicate the dst array
    String[] twin= ( String[] ) dst.clone( );

    System.out.print("Clone's Output: ");

    for(int i=0; i <twin.length; i++)
         System.out.print( twin[i] + " " );
        // another loop preview


> java NewYork
New Array: Old Downtown New York
Clone's Output: Old Downtown New York

Arrays of Arrays

Arrays can be built of primitives and object types as we
have seen in the earlier examples. Arrays can also be
built to contain other arrays. This leads to the idea of
multi-dimensional arrays. The Java language experts
prefer describing compound arrays as 'arrays of arrays'.

Following are three compound array declarations. Notice
again the ambivalence as to where the square braces
are put.


double _2D [ ][ ];      // is the same as
double[ ][ ] _2D;
or double [ ] _2D [ ] ;   // declares an array of an arrays of doubles

Where the braces are placed becomes significant when
declaring multiple references in a single line. In the next
example, the first line declares int arrays i an j which is
the same as declaring them separately.


int [ ] i, j:       

// is the same as if we had declared i and j separately


int [ ] i;
int [ ] j;

But consider the following example.


int [] k, l[], m[][];

The way to interpret this is the type to the left of the first
identifier is distributed
over the other references declared.
Doing this interpretation, the above declaration
to the following.

int [] k;
int [][] l;
int [][][] m;

// the first part of the multiple array declaration, int [] ,
// is the overall type
that distributes across whatever is
// adjoined to the subsequent variables


Following is an example of declaration, instantiation and
assignment being performed for a multi-dimensional array.
This is a declaration of an array of arrays of the class type
Ford where there is an array of 9 elements which each
holds a sub array of 5 elements.


Ford fords[ ][ ] = new Ford[9][5];

The sub arrays are not limited to a single size. Here's
an array creation that conceptually describes an inverted
triangle where each sub array is a different size.


int triangle[ ][ ]= new int[ ][ ]{
     new int[ ]{ 3,3,3,},
     new int[ ]{ 2,2},
     new int[ ]{ 1},

We can give this triangle a simpler form by converting
it to a classic, literally assigned, compound array.


int  triangle[ ][ ]={
               { 3,3,3,},
               { 2,2},
               { 1},

Because the second arrays do not have to be a uniform
size, the array does not have to be
declared showing
sizes for the second arrays however it is still neccessary
to show the size
of the principle array.


int[][] matrix = new int[7 ][  ] ;

//   int[][] matrix = new int[ ][0];     // not legal

This works fine in a literal assignment form, but can
lead to troubles in assignment if the creation of the
rest of the complex array is not complete.


class Tr1{
public static void main(String[] args){
int[][] triangle = new int[3][ ];

// compiles but leads to a NullPointerException at Runtime
// sub-arrays must be assigned to the top-level array first

The following approach completes the job of establishing
the compound arrays structure. An array instantiation is
to each element of the top-level array.


class Tr2{
public static void main(String[] args){
int[][] triangle = new int[3][ ];
triangle[0]=new int[7];
triangle[1]=new int[5];
triangle[2]=new int[3];


Assignment and referencing Arrays of Arrays

We have already seen examples of assignments
to compound arrays. To change the above triangle
example, we could assign individual elements of the
array as follows. The println( ) statement that follows
shows examples of the array being accessed.


class Tr3{
public static void main(String[] args){

int[ ][ ] triangle = new int[3][3]; 
// creating size of primary and secondary arrays


(" Default value assigned though declared locally: " + triangle[1][0])

(" The third element of the first sub array is: " +  triangle[0][0]);
(" The second element of the second sub array is: " +  triangle[1][1]);
(" The first element of the first third array is also: " + triangle[2][0]);

Object Arrays

Arrays can store primitives, other arrays and reference
types. We have seen all of these, whether the type has
been int, another array or the String class. The array in
all these cases acts as a container with compartments
that store uniform types. An array can also be declared
of generic Object type.

This can be very useful as Object type can be used to
represent any class or array. When it comes to Object
arrays, the strict uniformity that characterizes an array
seems to blur because you can store a String, a Vector
a JButton all in the same array. However, strict uniformity
is still present in that they all are Object type.

// Object arrays enable the storage of various class types

The array in this case is just storing all the reference
addresses that point to these object types in memory.
These addressed are all typed to generic Object class.
This leads to the situation we saw with the return type
of the clone method where a cast was needed to convert
the object back to the specialized type that was stored
in the first place.

// need to do casts to retrieve original types

Still Object arrays are limited from storing primitive numbers.
Primitives cannot be assigned to reference types. The creators
of Java have supplied Wrapper classes for all the primitive
types to enable storing primitives types as objects. These
convenience classes provide a reference type wrapper that
can be used to encapsulate a primitive value. The wrapper
classes also many convenience methods to convert the
number between different types.

// use wrappers for primitives

The following summarizes the wrapper classes available
for the primitive types.

 Primitive Type
Corresponding Wrapper Class
  • boolean
  • byte
  • char
  • short
  • int
  • long
  • float
  • double
  • Boolean
  • Byte
  • Character
  • Short
  • Integer
  • Long
  • Float
  • Double

Getting back to an array of Object type, such an an array
could be used to store an an account number (stored in
a wrapper class),  followed by String objects representing
a person's name and address. As an example we can
wrap an int in it's corresponding wrapper class, Integer.


Integer accountNo = new Integer( 918924 );

The following class shows how a number and a reference
type can be stored in an array and retrieved making use
of a wrapper class. Don't worry about the details of the
wrappers at this point since we haven't covered them.
The main thing to notice is the array is more flexible for
storing data then one might have thought at first glance.


class NO_ID{
  public static void main(String[] args){
    Object[]  oo=new Object[2];
    Integer accountNo = new Integer( 918924 );
    String name="Tim Horton";
     oo[0]=accountNo;     // going in
    Integer acct=(Integer)oo[0];    // coming right back out
    String person=(String)oo[1];
    System.out.println(  person + " " + acct.intValue( ) );

Using Arrays with References

Sometimes you will have a large number of object references
you want to declare using an array of references. Often you
will use a loop to do the initialization.


class Wrap10

     public static void main(String[]args)

        System.out.println("The numbers wrapped as objects are: \n " );
        Integer [] numberObject =new Integer[10] ;
           for(int i=0; i<10; i++)

              numberObject[i]= new Integer(i);
              System.out.println(" "+ numberObject[i].intValue( ) );

Array Code Study

The next code example demonstrates many of the points
we have discussed. We also make use of the 'instanceof'

The three classes A, B and C are defined at the end of
the source code. Each has a method returning a word.
In the body of the ATA class, which all occupied by
the main( ) method an object array is created and an
instance of each class is added to each element of the
array. For good measure, a String array is added as well.
The 'instanceof' keyword is used in the for loop to
determine if the actual type of the object stored at the
element location.

Code Example

class ATA{
public static void main(String[]args){

Object [] mix=new Object[ 4];

A a=new A( );
B b=new B( );
C c=new C( );
String [] s={"cat", "dog", "parrot"};

// the class objects are stored along with a String array in each element
// of the Object array. At this stage all are stored as generic Object type


// here is an example of the keyword instanceof being used to determine
// the specific type of the object represented as an Object type in the array. 

for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
  if(mix[i] instanceof A)  // selecting for the class calling th go method
  System.out.print(  ((A)mix[i]).go( )  );

  if(mix[i] instanceof B)
  System.out.print(  ((B)mix[i]).go( )  );

  if(mix[i] instanceof C)
  System.out.print( ((C)mix[i]).go( )   );

  String[] sx= (String[])mix[3];      //referencing the array elements
// three classes with a method each which return a different word

class A {
 String go( ){
  return " Bad ";
class B {
 String go( ){
  return " Friendly ";
class C {
 String go( ){
 return " Noisy ";

Method Forms With Arrays as Return Types

A final point, an array can be returned from a method
as the following example shows.

Form Example 1       

int[ ] method( )
       return new int[9];

The ambivalence we encountered earlier remains
with methods as well. The square braces can be

put on either side of the identifier.

Form Example 2   

int method( )[ ]{    return new int [11];   }

This is a legal style that looks a little odd, but it is
familiiar to the veteran
'C' programmer where this
form is commonly used. This is a also a legal Java
style and in a
few APIs you can find examples of
this style being used.

Keeping the Square Braces To Left of Method Name

The argument against using the latter of the two forms
is it is easy for a person reading
your code to miss the
embedded square brackets and assume the method
returns an
int rather than an int array.

Self Test                     Self Test With Answers

1) Which of the following is not a Java reference type
a) interface
b) array
c) class
d) primitive

2)  Arrays do not have one of the following features in
common with classes

a) declaration, instantiation and assignment
b) use of the new operator
c) use of references
d) ability to define custom methods

3 ) Place the following steps in the order they would occur.

a ) initialization
b) instantiation
c ) declaration
d) assignment      ___   ___   ___   ___

4) Which of the following features is not found in arrays

a) a final variable called length
b) an offset index starting at 0
c) a way to increment an arrays size as needed
d) default value assignments

5) Which of the following will not compile

a) String s =new String[8];
b) short [2] k;
c) byte b[ ] = new byte{ 2,2,};
d) long[] l =new long{ 3L,4L, 5L };

6. The following example  is the same as which of the following?

    Example int [] x, [ ] l;

a )  int [] x;
      int [] l;

b )  int [][] x;
      int [][] l;

c )  int [] x;
       int [][] l;

d )  int [][] x;
       int [] l;

7. Which of the following is not legal?

a) byte []gallons[]= new byte{ 44,33,22 };
b) byte []quart[]=new byte[22][11];
c) byte pints[][]=new byte[11][ ];
d) byte [][] liters={ {1}, {2} };

8. Which of the following is not legal?

a)  Object[] obee1=new Object[]{ "String", "9" };
b)  Object[] obee2= {"X",vector,array};
c ) Object[] obee3= { new Integer( 9 ), new Integer(11) };
d ) Object[] obee4= { "tractor" ,91823 };


1) In a single line declare, instantiate and assign a three element
 array for each of Java's primitive types. Intialize each element
 with a value. You can use the following example to get you


class Arrays{
public static void main(String[ ] args){
   boolean[ ]  boo  = new boolean[3];
   boo[0] = true;
   boo[1]  = false;
   // am letting third element display the default
    System.out.println("Boolean Array values: " + boo[0] + " " +
    boo[1]  + " Default Value: " + boo[2]);

// continue for short, char, int , long , float , double
// reminder: you will need to suffix float and long, i.e.  1.3F


2) In a new class repeat the above exercise using the classic
    literal assignment technique. A literal assignment example
    is shown below.


float[] f={ 1.23,2.34,3.45 };

3) Create a third class that does the above only using
the array creation expression form. An example of this
form is shown below.


double d= new double[]{1.1,2.2,3.3};

5) Compile and run the following class. Then, adapt the
code to create a new array
of arrays whose values will
be printed to screen. Your class will contain three fictitious

warehouses, named by a different country where each
might exist. For each warehouse
create subarrays
containing string literals describing the five most important
items stored
at the warehouse. Write compile and run the
new class so that these values are printed
to screen.

// It is not neccessary to use the Example as a template if you
// prefer to 'clean sheet' your answer


class Seasons{

public static void main(String[] args){

String[][] seasons = new String[4][ ];
// main array size is set but subarrays can vary in size

String[] Winter=new String[]{"Jan","Feb","Mar"};
String[] Spring=new String[]{"Apr","May","June"};
String[] Summer=new String[]{"July","Aug","Sept"};
String[] Fall=new String[]{"Oct","Nov","Dec"};


for(int i=0;i<seasons.length;i++){
for(int j=0;j<3;j++){

6) Rewrite the following class so that it printout NOT TRUE.

class arrayCopy{
public static void main(String[] args){
   String[]  statement = new String[] { "It's", "not", "true", "it", "was", "my", "plan"};
   String[] out_of_context= new String[ 4];
   System.arraycopy(statement, 3, out_of_context, 0, 4);
      for(int i=0; i <out_of_context.length; i++)
        System.out.print(out_of_context[i]+" ");