Evolution to Java & Swing                                
Peter Komisar  © Conestoga College      latest version 5.1  Sept  2008

references: 'Design Patterns',Gamma,Helm,Johnson&Vlissides,'Thinking in Java',
Bruce Eckels, 'Just Java' ,P.Linden, 'Operating Systems',  Tanenbaum & Woodhull

The Co-evolution of PCs, GUIs, Languages & Object-Oriented Thinking

The following is an attempt to link the developments that
were taking place in computing that lead to the creation of
the environment in which the Java language was born.

Evolution of the Machine

Just for a landmark, Tanenbaum and Woodhull note the first
true digital computer was designed by Charles Babbage
(1792 - 1871). Babbage spent most of his life trying to
make it work. It never worked right because of it's entirely
mechanical design. From the same source, Babbage hired
the daughter of the British poet, Lord Byron, Ada Lovelace,
to create a form of software that would be used to direct the

// perhaps a scroll like those that controlled player pianos.

By the mid-forties, giant computers that filled rooms were
built using vacuum tube technology. Despite their size,
they were slower than today's cheapest computers. In
these days, the machines were programmed in absolute
machine language. A programmer would sign in to use the
computer and actually bring his or her own plug-board to
manipulate the machine. At this point in time, the idea of
programming languages didn't exist yet.   

// ~ late 1940s

By the mid 1950s computers were reliable enough to be
manufactured and sold but only to universities, governments
and large corperations who could afford their multimillion dollar
price tags. To run a 'job' as they were called then, a programmer
would first write the program by hand on paper in
Fortran or
Assembler, then punch the program onto punch cards. The
cards would then
be handed to an operator working in the
input room.

If the Fortran compiler was needed, the operator would
go to a cabinet and take out a tray of punch cards holding
the Fortran
compiler and read it into the machine. An
inexpensive machine could be used (IBM 1401)
to read
the cards which would copy the results to tape. The tape
would be read by an
expensive computer (like an IBM 7094)
which would output to tape. The tape then
would be carried
over to another 1401 and output would be sent to the printer.

Stages In Running a Program in the Early Days of Computing

1 ) Programmer prepares punch cards  -give to operator->
2 ) Operator loads tray of cards that are the Fortran compiler -->
3 ) Reads cards to tape on an IBM 1401 - operator transfers tape->
4 ) The tape is read by an IBM 7094 -->
5 ) Writes output to tape - operator transfers tape->
6 ) Tape output is read by IBM 1401 -->
7 ) Output sent to printer

// things have improved!

1960s and Unix

By the 1960s the first computer designed to run both
commercial and scientific computers
were invented,
the IBM 360. It was built using integrated circuits (ICs).
An enormous
and extremely complex operating system
was designed to coordinate it's activities, OS/360.

Later MIT, Bell Labs and GE embarked on the development
of the computer utility
designed to support hundreds of
simultaneous time sharing users. The system was called

MULTICS (Multiplexed Information and Computing Service).
The designers envisioned
a huge machine providing
computing power to everyone in Boston. Eventually Multics
on dozens of sites and had enormous influence on
subsequent operating systems.

At this time the mini-computer was becoming popular
starting with the DEC PDP-1.  At $120,000 a machine,
they 'sold like hot cakes', (using the words of Tanenbaum
& Woodhull. )

Ken Thompson, who had worked on MULTICS, set out to
write a stripped down, one
user version of MULTICS to run
on a PDP-7. This would later become the UNIX operating


The beginnings of Graphical User Interfaces

The most famous location associated with the beginnings
of graphical user interfaces was the Xerox Research Center
at Palo Alto California (PARC). In fact, many computer
scientists were experimenting with graphical user interfaces
at this time.

One of the oldest references to a graphical system is a
PhD thesis written by
I.E. Sutherland in 1963 called
'Sketchpad: A
Man-Machine Graphical Communication

J. Raskin in his 1967 thesis argued that computers should
be all-graphic, creating characters graphically and in various
fonts so 'What You See on screen Is What You Get in print.
(WYSIWYG). His thesis, "The Quickdraw System" would
provide the moniker for Apple's Macintosh GUI drawing

Personal Computer Advances Made GUIs Viable

From the debut of the IBM PC in ~ 1982, the power of
the PC is increased steadily in processing speed memory
capacity. Using graphical user interfaces would probably
have stayed an academic exercise, without the great
strides the PC computer technology. PCs made the wide
scale use of graphical user interfaces feasible and now
what we consider to be the norm.

Evolution of Computer Languages

It should be said that the limits of early computers put
many constraints on the pioneer writers of computer
languages. In the early, pre-language days of computers
it was necessary to optimize all the memory the system
had to offer. It is telling that the Y2K bug ( of year 2000 )
derived from early designers saving two bytes of memory
in describing the year in the computer's clock. There was
a need to emphasis the efficient use of memory and
processor ability.

Advances in memory and CPU technology gradually
allowed designers to take coding to higher language levels,
gradually changing the focus from how the machine sees
things to how people see things. Eventually, computer
progress allowed developers to take a graphical approach
to interfacing man to machine. Continuing advances and
economies in hardware allowed graphical user interfaces
to move from the academic to wide scale, commercial
use. The focus on graphical user interfaces in turn helped
to alter how computer languages were evolving.

Writing graphical components led to the observation that
problems were recurring that begged for better solutions.
For instance, many similar graphical components were
being re-created over and over again. A model that allowed
code to be easily reused was needed.

Another observation, was that various graphical components
might differ in the detail of their appearance but essentially
were the same device.A button is very much like a checkbox
for instance.

Rather than reworking a new but similar component, a way
of extending the general characteristics of one control to
another would be helpful. The components of new GUIs
were perfect candidates for the new object-oriented design
approach that appeared at this time. The object-oriented
thinking was connected to the evoluting state of the art in
computers and computer languages.

// these ideas are also developed further in design patterns

The Growth of Abstraction

Bruce Eckel in his text 'Thinking in Java' describes the
'progress of abstraction'. Assembly language he states is
a small abstraction of the underlying machine. Command
languages like FORTRAN, BASIC, PASCAL and C are
abstractions of Assembly. These higher level languages
provide great advantages over Assembly but still required
the programmer to adapt problems to the way the computer
worked rather than being free to consider the problem free
of this restriction, as a human thinks. An effort was required
to map the problem from the human problem domain to the
machine domain. The whole process led to a lot of error
prone code that was difficult to write, read to maintain.

// mapping from the human domain to the
// machine domain was an error-prone process

Modelling the Problem

The next step in language evolution was to focus the syntax
of the language to modeling the problem. Mapping to the
machine could be done behind the scenes. Early languages
like LISP , APL and PROLOG used themes to model the
world into programs.

Lisp was based on the premise that all problems could be
described as lists
, APL that all problems could be described
in terms of algorithms.
  PROLOG modeled problems as
chains of decisions
. While all were good approaches, each
was inherently limited in what type of problem they were suited
to solve.

Modelling in Objects

The object-oriented approach takes abstraction to a higher
degree of abstraction providing a means for describing
problem almost entirely in terms of the problem itself.
The connection back to the computer is done through
the definition of objects. Objects serve to interface the
world perception to the machine, where real world
characteristics and behavior map to computer language
states and operations.

Simula-67 and Smalltalk

Alan Kay, an Apple distinguished Fellow, and OO pioneer
stated that
Simula-67 was the first OO language. It's name
self-describes that it was developed circa 1967.
The first
successful object-oriented language was Smalltalk enjoying
widespread popularity and is one of the languages on which
based. Eckel uses Alan Kay's summary to describe
the five basic characteristics of Smalltalk.

1. Everything is an object
2. A program is a group of objects messaging each other.
3. Each object can be made up of other objects.
4. Every object has a type. Each object is a class instance
    where class is synonymous with type.


About the time SmallTalk was released in 1980,  Bjarne
Stroustrup, working at the AT&T Bell Labs began adding
object-oriented extensions to the C language. He designed
C++ so that it could be translated to run to be compiled on
a C compiler. By the late 80s and early 1990s, C++ was in
popular use.  Java was, in large measure,  built on C++,
using the same C style syntax but removing elements that
have proven to be error prone or problematic.

( Ken Thompson was the inventor of Unix. He also
wrote the 'B' programming language, the precursor of
Dennis Ritchie's C language. )


Model View Controller Architecture

In Smalltalk-80 the Model/View/Controller pattern was
used to build the user interfaces. The Model is the application
object, the View,  it's screen representation and the Controller
supplied the interactive aspects of the design. Decoupling
these parts of a component was new at the time and added
a great deal of flexibility to the GUI.

For instance in a music program, midi data (representing
pitch, volume, note time length, type of voice) can be
represented in different views, one perhaps as a piano
scroll another as a musical score. The same data is used
to produce different views. Another example might be
data for a chart where a  number of variables represent
percentages. The percentage data can be represented in
a bar graph or as a pie diagram or simply in a table. Again
one set of data is represented in different views.

This model has been widely copied. Microsoft uses an
almost identical system except adding a Document
object. The Swing components, derivatives of Netscape's
Internet Foundation classes have also been modeled
using Smalltalk's Model View Controller Architecture.

Design Patterns

" Clients should be able to create a window without committing to a
concrete implementation
Only the window implementation should
depend on the platform on which the application runs.
Therefore the
client code should instantiate windows without mentioning specific

quote from  'Design Patterns', Gamma,Helm,
Johnson&Vlissides, discussion of the Bridge Pattern

This quote is from the widely referenced text, 'Design
Patterns'. This quote is in step
with Java's approach
which on a grand scale treats each platform as an concrete
of an abstract Java Virtual Machine, or

The Design Patterns book was published in 1995. It is
a way of thinking in objects at the
framework level. The
book describes a methodology for abstracting and identify
often used,
programming and framework patterns. The
book describes a set procedure for cataloging
these patterns
to facilitate their reuse. Included are 23 such patterns that
regularly in programming. These patterns are frequently
referenced in Java literature.

The Design Patterns text provides a great snap shot of
the culmination of object-oriented
thought prevalent during
the time the Java language was written. (It would still have
called Oak then). In fact many of the patterns and
nomenclature found in the Design Patterns
text are evident
in the Java API as it exists at present. (Java wasn't released
yet at the time the
Gamma, Helm, Johnson, & Vlissides
book was published. The authors of Design Patterns used
and C++ to example their patterns.)

Conclusion: Java In Context

The landmark releases of SmallTalk in 1980 and the
IBM PC in 1982 marked the beginning of a partnership
of machine, object-oriented thinking and graphical user
interfaces. This trend by 1990 had grown into the
mainstream of computing language thinking. Add the
release and popularization of the C++ programming
language and you have a picture of the historical and
intellectual context from which James Gosling would
be writing Java.

Gosling's finished product, Java, is a product of it's time.
It inherits many of the best ideas of object-oriented thinking
that have co-evolved in partnership with graphical user
interfaces and computer hardware. The Java Swing API
is an applied example of a Graphical User Interface based
on the Model View Controller architecture which originated
in Smalltalk. The design patterns illustrated by Gamma and
company are evident in many places in the Java libraries.
Java builds on Bjarne Stroustrups extension of the C
language, C++. Java is clearly a work tied to the times
in which it was created.

Java History    minor revision Sept 2008
reference: 'Core Java', Horstmann & Cornell   

In 1991 a group of Sun engineers led by James Gosling
and Patrick Naughton set out to create a small computer
language for consumer devices. Because CPU's built by
different manufacturer's might be used in such a device
Gosling and the team wanted the language to be 'platform

The project was code named Green. They resurrected
USCD Pascal, pioneered by Niklaus Wirth. This language
generated intermediate code for a hypothetical machine,
often called a Virtual Machine, (hence the JVM or Java
Virtual Machine). The intermediate code could be used on
any machine that deployed the interpreter. There was an
architectural advantage to using this sort of layering as
both the intermediate code and the interpreter could be
kept quite small.

Because the Sun people were from a C/Unix background,
they based their language on C++. Gosling at first called
the language 'Oak', but having discovered another computer
programming language was named 'Oak' the name was
changed to 'Java'.

// probably relates to the coffee a steaming cup
// of coffee is a symbol used for Java at Sun

The Green project developed a 'smart' remote control
which to their disappointment control no one seemed to
want at the time. The group dissolved in 1994.

// " out of the ashes . . . "


Meanwhile, in 1994, Mosaic was the most popular browser,
a non-commercial browser developed at the University of
Illinois.  (Mosaic was partly written by Marc Andressen 
for $6.85 an hour while he was an undergraduate student.
He later co-founded Netscape.)

Gosling realized they the Java code they developed could
be adapted to building a browser so they decided to create
one. The original was built by Patrick Naughton and Jonathan
Payne and evolved into the ' HotJava ' browser. Partly to
provide something to show, the browser was given the ability
to interpret the intermediary bytecode of applets written in
Java. The demo of applets being displayed in the 'HotJava'
browser at 'SunWorld' of 1995 is thought to have been the
'flash point' which started the popular movement to adopt
Java that has led us to where Java is today.

Breakthrough Point

The breakthough in Java's use is attributed to Netscape'
adoption of Java in their 1996 version 2.0 browser. The
technology was licenced by IBM, Symantec, Inprise and
Microsoft. Release of Java proceeded from version 1.x to
1.1.x to the release of 1.2.x in 1998. By 2000 there were
three releases of the the JDK, Enterprise, Standard and
Micro, in  JKK version 1.3. At this time, 2008 the standard
JDK is in version 6.

UML  // the beat goes on

The Design text also references work by OO pioneers like
James Raumbaugh and Grady Booch
whose object modeling
techniques, along with those of Ivar Jacobson,  provide the
basis for the
Unified Modeling Language (UML) being a
administered by
the Object Management Group (OMG). 
UML is a language independent, visual modeling language
which takes object-oriented thinking in new directions.