Eclipse Modeling Framework

Peter Komisar © Conestoga College  version 1.0 Fall / 2008

references: JSR 175: A Metadata Facility for the Java Programming Language,
Sun Microsystems,
Third Draft Document for Review, Sept. 17,2007,
SG24-7501-00 'Rational Application Developer V7 Programming Guide'.

Eclipse Documentation, EMF Programmer's Guide
History of UML ,

The Modeling Zone


UML is an industry standard language used to describe
and communicate requirements, architectures and designs.
UML can be leveraged to visually develop Java Enterprise
components and Web services applications.

UML's Origins

"The development of UML began in late 1994 when Grady Booch
and Jim Rumbaugh of Rational Software Corporation began their
work on unifying the Booch and OMT (Object Modeling Technique)
methods. In the Fall of 1995, Ivar Jacobson and his Objectory
company joined Rational and this unification effort, merging in
the OOSE (Object-Oriented Software Engineering) method"

                                                                               -History of UML

IBM Acquires Rational

We learned earlier in the course that IBM acquired Rational
and subsequently undertook a major revision of their Enterprise
authoring systems based on Rational's body of knowledge.

The Rational Universal Process

The following is a snapshot of Rational's latest thinking.

RUP uses takes process descriptions and progressively
refines them into more detailed process descriptions.

The Rational Unified Process combines six best practices
into a "cohesive and well documented process description:"

RUP Six Best Practices

Visual Editing

Visual editing allows the development to proceed without
explicitly typing code into a text editor. Components, such
as Java classes are dragged and dropped from a palette
onto a diagram. Further editing can proceed by adding
methods and attributes or defining relations between them.

RAD 7 supports the following types of UML visual diagrams:

RAD 7 UML Visual Diagrams

The tools are not Java specific and can work with
XML in creating Web Services.

// see pdf for diagram of a typical work space setup

Unified Modeling Language

RUP is largely based on models.

"A model - is a description of a system from a particular
perspective, omitting irrelevant details so that the
characteristics of interest are seen more clearly."

Models are useful for
Modeling promotes
UML is a standardized language for modeling different
aspects of an application.

UML can be used to:
// a UML favorite word, 'artifact'  -'anything made
// by human work or art' - webster's dictionary


The language uses three kinds of building blocks:


Things are the basic elements of a model.

The UML defines four kinds of things:


UML defines five kinds of relationships describing
how element are related:


"A diagram -is a graphical presentation of a set of
elements, most often rendered as a connected graph
of things and their relationships."

UML provides thirteen types of diagrams allowing
capturing, communicating and documenting all aspects
of an application in a standard graphical notation.

The diagrams are categorized into three groups:

Rational's Products are Costly

The modeling software that Rational provided before
joining IBM and now after having integrated fully with
the Eclipse platformed, value added Rational Development
Environment has always been expensive.

One seat at a coorporation, for RAD 7 purportedly costs
~$5000 for a year. // last time it was checked at least

Open Source Alternatives

The Open Source movement is hotly pursuing the
provisioning of Modeling software. Although they have
a ways to go before catching up with Rational, the pace
of development is quick.

Modeling in Open Source with Eclipse

// detour to Annotations

Annotations, New in JDK1.5

A trend was developing in Java where the Javadoc comment
section was being used to send extra information  about the
source code to differerent  development and deployment tools.
This extra information, really what is called metadata is also
referred to as annotations.

Just as in JavaBeans archictecture, where naming patterns
were used for getting and setting properties, in Enterprise
JavaBeans, stylistic patterns have allowed methods to be
marked as those of the remote or the home interfaces.

Additional informations is supplied regarding persistence
and transactions.

Custom tools use metadata in the creation of auxillary files
needed in the system being developed. An example is the
creation, by a stub generator, of remote procedure call stubs
based on signals provided as annotations.

Because this system of supplying metadata is growing, and
threatens to become vague and 'ad hoc' in it's use, JSR 175
promotes a standardization of the technique, where attribute
information can be associated with classes, interfaces,
methods and fields in a predictable fashion.

This new Java feature is introduced here, to provide a
background to the use of annotations in the Eclipse Modeling

EMF Overview

A definitive reference for the Eclipse Modeling Framework
is supplied below.

Eclipse Modeling Framework (Addison Wesley, 2003)

"EMF is a Java framework and code generation facility for
building tools and other applications based on a structured

EMF helps you rapidly turn models into efficient, correct,
and easily customizable Java code. While, modeling systems
are usually very expensive, EMF is intended to provide the
same benefits at a low cost of entry.

What is Modeling?

When we think of modeling we generally think of UML or
Unified Modeling Language, the de facto  standard for
modelling, with it's different Class, Collaboration, State
and other sorts of diagrams.  Essentially each aspect of
an object or data oriented system is represented pictorally
by a diagram. A translator program can then translate this
diagram into corresponding code.

The EMF model achieves it's modest cost by only developing
a small subset of the things that can be modeled in UML.

EMF is focused on modeling only class definitions with their
attributes and relations. This makes full-scale graphical modeling
tools unnecessary.

XMI, XML Metadata Interchange

While EMF uses XMI or XML Metadata Interchange as its
primary form to create model definitions. Models can be
translated into that form in different ways.

XMI Form Changing

Creating XMI or XML Schema, will appeal only to XML specialists
familiar with XMI and XML Schema. Exporting from a Rational 
product is an option, perhaps as a way of sharing the product of a
few seats at a corporation that  have Rational, with a larger body
working on Eclipse.

Annotations Strike Again

Providing annotating Java interfaces is a practical option for Java

But in the general sense, this is about translation. The real promise
of EMF is to provide a modeling method that can be used to generate

Getting Back to the Model

Given an EMF model, an EMF generator can generate a corresponding
set of Java implementation classes. Editing the generated classes will,
in the general case, cause a regeneration in the corresponding model. 

Primary Benefit of building an application Using EMF

While EMF, is a modeling tool that will grow in sophistication, it most
important utility, may be that it provides a foundation for interoperability
with other EMF-based tools and applications.

EMF Fundamental Frameworks

Tutorial: Generating an EMF Model

EMF & OMG's MOF // Ecore

The OMG Object Management Group have a modeling
system called MOF or Meta Object Facility. EMF started
out as an implementation of the MOF specification. 

EMF has since evolved into a highly efficient Java
implementation of a core subset of the MOF API.
To avoid confusion, the MOF-like core meta model
in EMF is called Ecore.

//  MOF 2.0,  proposes a similar subset called EMOF or Essential MOF
// with small differences between Ecore and EMOF. EMF can transparently
// read and write serializations of EMOF.

Defining an EMF Model

In IBM's "Eclipse tutorial, a model is started on a  single class.

Class Diagram


pages:int =100

It's Easy in UML

You draw the class diagram as shown above, press a button
and the code is generated for you!


Following is how the above definition is defined in XMI.
Definitely not as much fun.

XMI Representation of the Book Class
  <ecore:EPackage xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi=""
name="library "nsURI="http:///library.ecore" nsPrefix="library">
<!-- below you see the the class def and the two attributes -->
<eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Book">
<eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="title"
<eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="pages"


Annotated Java

Our third option as Java programmers, is to provide a Java
interface with model annotations that can be used by the
EMF generator. The Eclipse Tutorial supplies the following

Partial Java Code
// from the Eclipse Documentation

* @model
public interface Book
* @model
String getTitle();

* @model
int getPages();

The @model tag may be followed by with. additional details.
To make the page  read-only where a set method is not
created, the following would be added to the annotation.

// from the Eclipse Documentation

* @model changeable="false"
int getPages();

XML Schema

Recall EMF supplies three native forms. Following
is the XML schema equivalent of the above forms.
In XML schema the class is represented as a complex
type with, a sequence of attributes.

Schema Example
// from the Eclipse Documentation

  <xsd:schema targetNamespace="http:///library.ecore"
xmlns="http:///library.ecore" xmlns:xsd="">
<xsd:complexType name="Book">
<xsd:element name="title" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="pages" type="xsd:integer"/>

The Generated Java

Following is the generated EMF example and in this case
the result is heart-warmingly familiar.

EMF Output
  public interface Book extends EObject
String getTitle();
void setTitle(String value);

int getPages();
void setPages(int value);

A point to note, the extension is of EObject. This is the
EMF equivalent of java.lang.Object and is the base of
every EMF class.

The implementation class that is created is reminiscent
of the output of the CORBA and RMI generators.

Following is the generated implementation, (some parts
left out presumably for clarity, in the Eclipse Documenation.)

Implementation Class
// from the Eclipse Documentation
  public class BookImpl extends EObjectImpl implements Book
protected static final int PAGES_EDEFAULT = 0;
protected int pages = PAGES_EDEFAULT;

public int getPages()
return pages;

public void setPages(int newPages)
int oldPages = pages;
pages = newPages;
if (eNotificationRequired())
eNotify(new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, ..., oldPages, pages));

EMF Practical

We can detour to the IBM site to trace through a practical
tutorial that is listed there.

EMF Tutorial Site
// Eclipse site

Saying Goodbye to EMF for Now

From here the explanation of how EMF deals with different sorts
of modeling associations, different types and inheritance gets
complicated. Refer to the documentation for more information.

Hopefully, this is sufficient to characterize EMF and to point out
that it promises to provide an excellent modeling framework for
future use.


Following is the packaging map for an enterprise applications.
We can use it to reflect on different aspects of the course. The
Java project was a straight ahead aspect of the course with which
we had no problemsn. The web components were also easy to
develop in Eclipse as was the database component. The
Connection Project below represents the database component.

I had some difficulty with the Enterprise JavaBeans and personally
think that EJBs remain a part of Enterprise Java that needs more
work and standardization.

Project Mapping To Module Types

     →   Enterprise
EAR File 

Connector Project Resource Adapter Archive RAR
Utility JAR Project Utility Java Library JAR
Web Project Web Application Resource WAR
Java Project Standard Java Archive JAR
EJB Project EJB Resource JAR
Client Project
Client Resource
JAR File

To Do

Other parts of the Enterprise Edition that call for investigation
are as follows.

Enterprise Topics Still To Do
If we had one more lecture, it would have been good to take
the following MVC models we introduced earlier and provided
a implementation. 

I hope our students recognize that we were close to doing
complete implementations of these models in our exercises.

Diagram of Model II Architecture

Browser --request--> Controller Servlet
                       ( instantiates bean)
             Bean Controller <--data access--> DataSource/EIS

Browser <--response---   JSP View

Variation of a Model II JSP Architecture

// different component accesses data source. Bean is more a 'result carrier' then a controller.

Browser --request--> Servlet/JSP <-->  DataSource
                        Result Bean
Browser  <--response--- JSP View


First and Last Lecture won't be on the final test.
The test will have multiple choice, True False and
a few fill in the blanks.  Good Luck!