IO  Overview        
Peter Komisar 
©   Conestoga College      version 5.6 / 2010

IO Streams & Encoding

IO is a abbreviation that stand for input and output. The use
of the computer depends on input and output processs.


Information has to been entered into the machine for it to be
processed. Data might be entered into the computer from the
keyboard. Data can also be supplied to a computer program
by loading a file.

// files, keyboards,


In the early days, the standard means of outputing data from
a computer program was to send the processed information
to a printer. Long term storage was supplied by reels of
magnetic tape. The monitors we view have become the
commonest means of viewing a computer's output. Now data
is output to files which are stored on hard drives and other
media such as CDs, Flash drives and DVDs.

// files in turn stored on persistent medium, printers, monitors

The & java.nio Packages

Java supplies the package of classes to provide Java
programs with the capability to input and output data.

Later version of Java have added the java.nio package which
adds an alternate framework for doing input and output. 


It is easy to picture a stream of water running from a lake down
a grade to a small
pond. The lake is the source for the stream of
water. The pond is the destination.
Drawing the comparison to
the computer world, the water represents data
or information.
The data source might be a file or a data structure
in a program.
The destination might be another file, or an internet connection.

In this 'watery' metaphor, the stream runs through a trench or
perhaps is carried along in pipes
or aquifers. In Java, the conduit
for data is supplied by the different classes of the package.

// water ( or data ) streams from a source like a lake ( file or net
// connection) to a destination like a pond ( a program or  another file.) 


Before streams can be used effectively, there has to be agreement
on both ends of a transmission just what the data means. A series
of 1s and 0s can be intepreted in a number of ways. Do you count
them in groups of 8, 16, 24 or 32 bits per character? In what order
are the bits interpreted within the byte? Is the first bit the most
significant bit or the least. If more than one byte represents a
character which byte holds the bits of greater significance?

// a 'word' stored in big endian format places the least significant byte at the
// higher address and the most significant byte at the
lower address -> 'big ends'

ASCII and ISO-8859-1

Encoding describes the schemes used to translate characters
into binary bit patterns, represented by 0s and 1s. Character sets
are composed of letters, numbers and symbols. The ASCII letter
capital 'A' has a decimal value, 65. In binary this can be described
in a single byte as 1000001. Using the first seven bits of a byte to
describe the 128 characters is the original ASCII character set.

Using all 8 bits to describe 256 characters is a character set
called ISO-8859-1 by the ISO standards organization.

As time went on, different characters were mapped to the different
numeric values of the byte to derive other character sets, for example
ISO-8859-9. A bewildering array of these character sets have been
created describing not just different languages but also different
platform versions of each of these languages. Soon schemes were
being sought to bring these character sets into single manageable

Unicode and UCS-2

Unicode uses 2 bytes to describe 65,535 characters. This is the
character set Java uses. From inception, Java was 'internationalized'.
Unicode currently has over 35,000 of it's values assigned to characters
that make up the world's languages. Unicode is the more or less the
same set described by a different name as UCS-2. UCS-2 is an
abbreviation for Universal Character Set and is a ISO standard. Like
Unicode, USC-2 uses two bytes to describe each character.

UCS-4    // aka ISO-10646 or BMP-10646

Though it is likely that Unicode will supply everyone's character set
needs for some
time to come, ISO recognizes that in addition to the
spoken languages there are
non-spoken languages such as those
used in Mathematics, Science and Commerce. As well, there are

experimental invented languages. There are also many dialects,
both ancient and modern that are just now being
discovered and
committed to script.

Considering these facts, it became apparent that Unicode would
ultimately not be big enough! The great character set endorsed by
is UCS-4 which uses 4 bytes to represent every character.  It
is also referred to
as ISO-10646 character set or BMP-10646
where BMP is an abbreviation of Basic Multilingual Plane.

UTF-8  &  UTF-16 

As you can imagine, if you were sending a stream of data half way
around the world, in UCS-4 encoding, but all your characters were
ASCII values, you would be sending 3 blank bytes along with each
byte that held the ASCII character.  This would be an inefficient use
of bandwidth. ( Bandwidth in this context relates to the number of
bytes of data that are used per character.)

// ASCII characters in UCS-4 --> 3  of 4 bytes would be null

UTF-8 and UTF-16 are clever schemes that allow a variable number
of bytes of data to be used depending on what type of character is
being sent. UTF stands for Universal Character Set Transformation
Format. UTF first determines what character encoding type it is sending.

Because ASCII always has the most significant bit empty, UTF_8
is able to use this fact to send a corresponding single byte for each
ASCII character it is converting. For Unicode, one to three bytes are
used. For ranges higher, a fourth byte is used. As such, UTF-8 may
be more or less efficient in terms of bandwidth used, than transmissions
based solely on fixed-length character sets.

// see the DataInput Interface in the Java Documentation for a description of
// how Java implements UTF-8

   UTF-8 Notes      // for reference

 Following is an interesting note, regarding UTF-8. It was  invented by Ken Thompson, 
the inventor of Unix. He also wrote the 'B' programming language, the precursor of
Dennis Ritchie's 'C' language.

// Quoted from "UTF-8, a transformation format of
ISO 10646,

"UTF-8 was devised in September 1992 by Ken Thompson, guided by design criteria
specified by Rob Pike, with the objective of defining a UCS
transformation format
usable in the Plan9 operating system in a non-
disruptive manner. Thompson's design
was stewarded through
standardization by the X/Open Joint Internationalization Group.

"The table below summarizes the format of these different octet types. The letter x
indicates bits available for encoding bits of the
character number."

Char. number range | UTF-8 octet sequence
(hexadecimal) | (binary)
0000 0000-0000 007F | 0xxxxxxx
0000 0080-0000 07FF | 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
0000 0800-0000 FFFF | 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
0001 0000-0010 FFFF | 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx

Fortunately, character sets were deviced to be backwards compatible with
earlier character sets, so ASCII is a subset of ISO-8859-1. ISO-8859-1 is a
subset of UCS-2 or Unicode. UCS-2 or Unicode are subsets of UCS-4.

Table depicting characters set relationships

    UCS-4 // ISO 10646
    UCS-2// Unicode

Common Data Formats

 ASCII   American Standard Code for 
 Information Interchange
 [1 byte]
 128 mostly readable characters
 ISO 8859-1  256 ISO character code   8-bits, 
 [1 byte]
 adds many non-English characters
 Unicode  synonymous with UCS-2  16 bits, 
 [2 bytes] 
 most of the world's characters 
 UCS-2   Universal Character Set
 two byte encoding
 16 bits,
 [2 bytes]
 1st plane of ISO/IEC 10646 
  in two bytes (0 to 64K)
 USC-4  Universal Character Set
 four byte encoding
 32 bits, 
 [4 bytes]
 Full ISO/IEC implementation
 in 4 bytes // ISO 10 // 2 31 characters
 UTF-8 *  UCS Transformation Format
 versatile but complex
 [1 to 6
 if bit 1 is 0,-->1 byte ASCII
 if 1st bits are 110,-->2 bytes
 if 1st bits are1110,->3 bytes etc.
 UTF-16   extended variant of UCS-2  [2 to 4 
 binary  data transfer in numeric form  [1 to 8 
 binary version of Java chars

Java's own Object Oriented Streaming Object Type

 objects    streaming java objects         [variable length]   the serialization  process 

//  ASCII is a subset of ISO 8859-1 which is a subset of Unicode/(UCS-2) which is 
// a subset of UCS-4/(ISO/IEC 10646)


* A Table Describing Details of UTF-8 encoding
 Bits   Hex Min   Hex Max   UTF-8 Binary Encoding 
 7  00000000  0000007F  0xxxxxxx 
 11   00000080   000007FF  110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
 16   00000800   0000FFFF   1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 
 21   00010000   001FFFFF  11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 
 26   00200000   03FFFFFF  111110xx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 
 31  04000000   7FFFFFFF 1111110x 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 
 from 'Unicode support in Solaris Operation Systems', a white paper at the Sun Site.

// Note the original UTF-8 used four bits, perhaps no one envisioned using more.
// The above Sun example describes
the use of 6. The use of 7 bytes would give
// you the capacity
to encode a full UCS-4. 6 bytes gives a 2 billion character
capacity which might explain the lack of interest in a 7th byte.

Character Set Translation between Java & the Operating System

As mentioned earlier, Java uses Unicode internally. The operating system
that Java is running on may not be using Unicode. Solaris for instance may
be using ASCII, ISO8859-1 or UTF. Mac uses ASCII coupled with a proprietary
character format. NT uses Unicode, ASCII or UCS. The Java IO functions take
care of translating between the the character set(s) being used by the underlying
operating system and the Unicode character set Java uses.

Quote from Microsoft Site

"Windows is developed with English as the default user interface. From its
initial design, the Microsoft Windows NT® operating system incorporated
international support through the Unicode character encoding system."

For more Microsoft Encoding Info go to:Quote from Microsoft Site. This
page is for XP features. You might want to check Windows 7.

The following link shows you the many encodings that Java in JDK1.5.x
supports with reference to different popular platforms.

Levels of Organization

The Original Package Expanded to Include char Types   

Very early in Java' life, at Java 1.0 a 'snafu' was discovered
that required a cumbersome but effective fix.

When Java was first released it had one set of IO classes
that were based on working with bytes of data. Unfortunately,
when this byte-based system of classes was put into service
it was discovered that there were problems associated with
translating the character encoding based on using multiple
bytes per character. The fix was to add a set of parallel classes.

Wherever applicable, for each byte-based stream class, a
char-based counterpart was created. The new set of classes
were designed to work with 2-byte Unicode characters instead
of bytes. Now in addition to the 8 bit Input/OutputStream classes
of JDK1.0 the Reader/Writer classes of JDK1.1 were added.

This has made the package larger by 13 classes. The
IO package had already been criticized for having a design
that involved too many classes, and this augmented this criticism.

In anycase, it is what it is. Although it is a little more work to
learn than perhaps it needed to be, once you get use to the
IO package, you will find it easy to use.

To summarize, the original IO classes descend from Input and
OutputStream which work with bytes. Reader and Writer are
the superclasses of the classes that were added in JDK 1.1
and work with char primitive types.

IO Class Subgroupings

One nice feature of the stream classes is they follow predictable
naming patterns.
The stream class names relate to the categories
that they fall into.

Stream Width  
/* based on 8 ore  16 bit primitive data types */

The IO classes are built to work with 8-bit bytes or 16-bit characters.
Input & OutputStreams are the parents of the set of classes that work
with 8-bit byte
streams while the newer Reader & Writer superclass
are subclassed to produce a set
of IO classes that work with 16-bit
character based streams. One works with the 'byte' primitive type

while the other works with the 'char' type.

Source / Destination or Function 
/* What is the target source or destination i.e. File */

A second way that IO classes are categorized is based on what
they do, or, what vessel serves as a source or destination for their
functionality. For example, FileOutputStream streams data to File,
CharArrayWriter writes to
character arrays.

Direction of Input or Output 

/* Does the class stream data in or out */

The final categorization scheme is based on the direction of flow.
Input classes will be suffixed with InputStream or Reader, depending
on if they
work on bytes or char types and output classes will be
suffixed as OutputStream or
Writer depending if they write bytes
or char types. Classes that are not named according to this system
are designed to do some other kind of work beyond just streaming

Most of the time you can deduce the name of the class you need by
deciding the source/destination or function, whether you need an 8
or 16 bit stream, and which I/O direction you are going in.

To write an array of bytes out to stream you would use the following.


ByteArray + OutputStream -->  ByteArrayOutputStream.

To read a file of 16 bit,
char types in you would formulate the
name of the class as follows.


File + Reader -->   FileReader.

Abstract Super Classes

InputStream & OutputStream
Reader  &  Writer

In general, the methods of the stream classes throw IOException.
The methods that do
not cause exceptions, are involved with
processes other than streaming. IOException is
the parent of
15 specialized Exception classes in the package and
in the JDK documentation.

Normally, the try{ } catch( ) {   } construct is used to handle the
potential of exceptions being thrown,  catching IOException. 

Note the abstract superclasses are not all that abstract! Only
one or two methods in each
class is abstract and require
implementation. Both Reader and Writer have an additional

constructor which take an Object instance as an argument.
The object's lock is used to
synchronize thread access to
shared code in a multithreaded environments.
The functions
contained in the 8-bit classes are mirrored in the
16 bit classes, distinguished primarily by
the argument types,
being byte for Input/OutputStream and char for Reader/Writer


 abstract int read( )   reads one byte from a source returning the
 value in the
low-order 8 bits of an int type
 int read(byte[ ] dest)  reads bytes from source into dest array, in
 this case returning
an int value describing
 the number of bytes read
 int read(byte[ ] dest,
 int offset, int length)
 reads length bytes into dest array, starting at
 offset All
three forms of read return -1 when
 no more data is available 
 void close( )  releases system resources associated with
 the source
i.e. the file descriptor
 int available( )   returns the number of bytes that can be read
 or skipped
from the given input stream without
 long skip(long nbytes)  attempts to skip and discard nbytes, returns
 the number
actually skipped
 boolean markSupported( )*  returns true if mark/reset mechanism is supported
 void mark( int readlimit )*  sets a mark in the input stream
 void reset( )   resets the stream to repeat the read from mark

*doesn't throw IOException


 abstract void write
 (int b) 
 writes the byte in the low-order
 8-bits of  b,
discarding the high 24
void write(byte b[ ])  writes an array of bytes, b
 void write
 (byte b[ ] , int offset,
 int length)
 writes an array subset, b, from offset,
 length bytes long
void flush( )   writes out any bytes which may have
 been buffered
void close( )  releases system resources associated
 with the data source

1) Output Streams methods are declared throwing IOException  
2)  flush( )  buffers before close( )


 int read( )   reads one character from source, returned
the low-order 16 bits of an int
 int read(char[] dest)  reads characters from source into dest
returns the number read
 abstract int read
 (char[] dest, int offset, int length)
 reads length chars into array dest
 beginning at offset all
three forms of
 read return  -1 when no more data is
 abstract void close( )  releases system resources associated
 with source
i.e. the file descriptor
 long skip(long nchars)  attempts to skip and discard nchars,
 returns the number
actually skipped
 boolean markSupported( )*  returns true if mark/reset mechanism
 is supported
 void mark(int readlimit)*  sets a mark in the input stream
 void reset( )   resets the stream to repeat the read
 from mark
 void ready( )   returns true if stream has data immediately
(so read( ) won't block)
* don't throw IOException


Writer // note Writer has two extra writes that take String or a String subset
 void write(int c)   writes char in low order 16-bits of
 void write(char[] c)  writes an array of characters
 void write
 (char[] c, int offset, int length)
 writes a subset of an array of characters
 void write(String s)   writes a string
 void write
 (String s, int offset, int length)
 writes a subset of String s of given
from offset 
 abstract void flush( )  writes out any characters the stream
 has buffered
 abstract void close( )  releases system resources associated
 with source
* flush( ) buffers before close( )

Miscellaneous  // for reference 

1) available( ) is replaced by ready( ) in Reader.

2) Because Reader and Writer methods convert native codesets
    properly, they should be used
when processing character data.

3) read( ) methods returning an int allowing for 16-bit char values,
   (0 to 0xFFFF) and EOF int value, -1 ( 0xFFFFFFFF )

4) The number of bytes read by a method is dictated by the system's default encoding.

( i )  if ASCII, one byte is read and promoted internally to two-byte Unicode.

( ii ) if Unicode two bytes are read and no conversion is needed

(iii) if UTF is in effect, 1 to 3 bytes are read, and the corresponding
     Unicode (Java) char is

5) Currently the encoding in effect for a file cannot be changed.
// should be checked periodically

Using the IO Classes

Basic Methodology

The basic approach to using the IO classes is to open a stream
by instantiating
one of the IO classes, then using a read or write
methods to stream data, in or out. Often,
a while loop is used to
process the information until there is nothing left to read
or write.

To use the IO classes the following steps are followed:

1 ) Select the appropriate I/O class for the objective.

2 ) Instantiate the class using the most appropriate constructor

3 ) High level streams may be layered over low-level streams
    by making the
low-level stream objects the arguments to
    the high-level stream's constructor

4 ) Call the appropriate read( ) or write( ) methods on the top
    level stream.

5 ) Use a while loop if needed to process the information.

Note as a rule the methods will require IOException to be
caught. You will also notice in some of the following examples
FileNotFoundException is caught. This exception may arise
when opening a stream on system file.

FileNotFoundException is a subclass of IOException, so catching
IOException suffices for catching the FileNotFoundException.


        FileInputStream fis=new FileInputStream("HT.html");
       // other stuff 
  catch(IOException io){
        io.printStackTrace( );

Opening an Input Stream

The following example shows the role performed by the stream
classes. In practice, the action of streaming data is accomplished
by instantiating a stream class on a source or destination then
calling a read or write method. Here a FileInputStream is being
set up to get bytes from a stored file.


Computer memory  <--  FileInputStream ( read ) --<  File bytes 

The first part in the coding sets up the 'pipe' and gets it ready to
transfer data. This is the instantiation of the steam class.


FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("disk_file.txt");
// ready to call a read or write method on the reference

Once created, the read methods can be called on the stream
object reference
to stream data from the file into computer
memory available to the program in the form of some Java
data type.


int hold= );

The following code sample shows the simple case of where
byte is read from the stream. Instantiating FileInputStream
requires that
FileNotFoundException be caught. Using the
read( )method requires
IOException to be caught. Keeping
catch clauses for both exception types is good form in that
it provides an opportunity for a fine-tuned response for each
error condition.

Code For Reading a Character & the EOF Symbol

Create in the same directory as the following code will be
compiled into, a  text file with a single letter in it such as "A"
(without quote marks). We will read this one character and
then attempt to read another. Since there are no others, we
will instead read the EOF symbol which is the int value, -1.

Code Sample

// needs a file with a single character in it, here a 'Z'


class ReadOne{
  public static void main(String[]args){
    int oneCharacter=0;
    int EOFSymbol=0;
        FileInputStream fis=new FileInputStream("Z.txt"); ); );
     catch(FileNotFoundException fnfe){
    catch(IOException io){



> java ReadOne

Opening an Output Stream

FileOutputStream class is one of a few classes in the IO package
that will automatically create a file. If the file exists it will overwrite it.  
The process of outputing data is essentially similar but the reverse
or reading data from a file. Here a
FileOutputStream is being set
up to write data from a program to file for


From program  -->
                      via FileOutputStream 
-->  to File

The instantiation that represents setting up the stream
class in the above process is as follows.


FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("disk_file.txt");

Once created, the object's write methods can be called
to send bytes to file.
The following lines represent the key
code that outputs to a file. 
The file T.txt will be created
containing the characters 'X' and Y'.

 FileOutputStream fos=new FileOutputStream("T.txt");
 int i='Y';
 byte b='X';

After running the following code do a directory check and
observe a new file, "T.txt" has been created with the letters
X and Y as contents.

Complete Code Sample Showing Characters Output to File


class WriteTwo
  public static void main(String[]args)
    try {
       FileOutputStream fos=new FileOutputStream("T.txt");
        int i='X';
        byte b='Y';
    // byte works as it is promoted to an int
   catch(FileNotFoundException fnfe)
        fnfe.printStackTrace( );
    catch(IOException io)

// to demonstrate the file is overwritten, change the values
// that are sent to file, recompile, rerun and read file.

Opening a High Order Stream on a Low Order Stream

Low order streams open directly on sources or destinations.
High order streams
are designed to supply higher functionality.
For instance a DataInputStream has
methods that can extract
different data types from the raw bytes of a file.

Partial List of DataInputStream Methods

readByte( ) readChar ( )
readShort( ) readInt( )
readLong() readFloat( )
readDouble( )
readUTF(DataInput in)
readUnsignedByte( ) readUnsignedShort( )
readUTF( ) readFully(byte[] b)

// DataInput's readLine( )  is deprecated as it doesn't always work right

The following shows the idea behind layering. First an
input example is shown.


ints, doubles etc
                    <-- FileInputStream
-- bytes
bytes in a disk file

Following is how the layering is set up in Java. Notice the
DataInputStream is opened on the FileInputStream object.


FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("disk_file.txt");
DataInputSteam dis = new DataInputStream(fis);

Here the layered streams show an process of outputing specific
Java types via the
DataOutputStream to a FileOutputStream
which sends them to a disk file as raw


 ints, doubles etc --> DataOutputStream--->bytes
--> FileOutputStream  -->bytes in a disk file

Following is how the layering is represented in java. Here
the DataOutputStream is opened on the FileOutputStream


FileOutputStream fos =  new FileOutputStream("disk_file.txt");
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(fos);

Following are two concrete examples of writing primitive types to
and from file. Notice there is an append flag that can be used with
FileOutputStream writes which we example shortly in this note.

Writing Primitive Types Example 


class WriteTypes
public static void main(String[] args)
boolean bee = true;
byte    bite =7;
char    car='X';
int     i =1234567;


FileOutputStream fos= new FileOutputStream("Data.txt");
DataOutputStream dos= new DataOutputStream(fos);


catch(IOException io)

The following code reads back the primitives that were
stored in the Data.txt file created above.

Read Primitive Types Example


class ReadTypes
public static void main(String[] args)
boolean boo;
byte    by;
char    car;
int     i;


FileInputStream fis= new FileInputStream("Data.txt");
DataInputStream dis= new DataInputStream(fis);

boo = dis.readBoolean();
System.out.println("boolean: " + boo);

by = dis.readByte();
System.out.println("byte: " + by);

car = dis.readChar();
System.out.println("char: " + car);

i = dis.readInt();
System.out.println("int: " + i);

// use flush on output buffers not incoming

catch(IOException io)

System Streams

There are three streams that are automatically opened
when a program is started.

1) // reads bytes from the keyboard
2) System.out // writes bytes to the screen famous for System.out.println( )
3) System.err     // seperate out to screen to report errors

We take advantage of System.out frequently whenever we use
the statement
System.out.println( ). Here we are using a static
PrintStream object defined in
the System class. Printstream
has a number of print( ) and println( ) methods that are
for us to use to print to console.

Reading From may serve some useful purposes. Unfortunately it is
a static instance of InputStream
that doesn't have a convenient
'readString( )' method defined.
The following formulation uses the
class, readLine( ) method.

Before it can be used however the 8-bit stream that InputStream
generates must be converted to a 16-bit character stream. This

function is provided by the special stream conversion class,
A BufferedReader object can be layered on
an InputStreamReader object which in turn takes the
object. The following shows this


BufferedReader in=
new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;

The following code showsBufferedReader's
readLine( ) method
\may be used. The program prompts the user to input a line. When
carriage return is entered the line is sent to file and the program

Notice int the following code, the FileOutputStream constructor
form includes a boolean parameter. This decides if the target file
is written over or if the output is appended to the file's contents.

Code Example


public class ToBlog{
public static void main(String[]args){
   String line;
    // need to catch IOException
    PrintWriter out=null;
        out=new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream("Blog",true));
         // boolean decides if file is appended or written over
     catch(FileNotFoundException f){
     System.out.println("file not found");
     BufferedReader in=new BufferedReader
      (new InputStreamReader(;

      ("Type in a line of any length. Carriage return ends it.");
          line=in.readLine( );
       catch(IOException io){

Setting in, out, and err streams

Each of, 'out' and 'err' have an accompanying
set method that permits
redirecting the output to another
stream. These methods are setIn( ), setOut( )
and setErr( ).

Setting Out

The following example shows output being set to deliver
to a
file via a FileOutputStream class.



class SetOut{
public static void main(String[]args){
("You won't see screen output after this line as it is redirected to file." );

FileOutputStream fs1 = new FileOutputStream("log.txt",true);
System.setOut(new PrintStream(fs1));
catch(FileNotFoundException nf)
// this is the line that gets redirected
("Hello There! System.out. has been redirected to the log.txt file");
// check your current directory to find the mylog.txt file

Setting In

The next example shows the input stream being set to
receive data from a file. To read this stream out, a
BufferedReader is built on an InputStreamReader which
takes as an argument. The BufferedReader
class has the very useful readLine( ) method.

This method considers a line anything that terminated by
a line feed ('\n'), a carriage return ('\r'), or a combination
of a carriage return followed directly by a linefeed. If there
are no more lines the method returns the null value. This
can be conveniently used in a while loop to end reading
when a file has no more lines to read.

The following example shows a file read using System's
setIn( )method and the readLine( )method of the
BufferedReader class.



class SetIn{
public static void main(String[]args){
  String line;

    FileInputStream fi = new FileInputStream("Read.txt");
    BufferedReader in=new BufferedReader
    (new InputStreamReader(;
// while in.readLine( ) returns not null continue
    while( (line=in.readLine())!=null){
       in.close( );
  catch(FileNotFoundException io){
    System.out.println("File Not Found");
  catch(IOException io){
    System.out.println("IO Exception: ");


Self Test                               Self Test With Anwers

1) Basic Multilingual Plane 10646 is synonomous with which of the following?

b) ISO-8859-1
c) UCS-2
d) UCS-4

2 ) Which of the following is a  16-bit stream

b) ISO-8859-1
c) Unicode
d) UCS-4

3 )  The primary reason the io package was made bigger was

a) to add new functionality to the package
b) to overcome problems that arose in translating some of the character sets
c) to make it easier to use
d) to accomodate new developments in character set technology.

4) Pick the incorrect statement. IO Classes get their names from

a ) whether they handle byte or String type.
b)  the width or the streams they handle, one or two bytes
c)  where the stream is being sent or taken from or what they do
d)  what direction the stream is going, whether being read or written.

5) Which of the following statements is not correct?

a) InputStream, OutputStream, Reader & Writer are all abstract classes.
b) Generally the exception that must be caught when using io classes is the
c) Both 8-bit and 16-bit abstract io superclasses have methods defined to
    read and write arrays.
d) 16-bit abstract io superclasses have methods defined to read and write
     String type.

6 )  True or False. System.out and represent static instances of
      different classes.


1 ) Adapt the code in the section of the note to create a
command line
program that queries an individual for his or her name,
phone number and e-mail
address. This could be concatenated
together as a String. Use BufferedReader's
readLine( ) method to
accept input.

Finally save the information to a file. (There is a constructor of
FileWriter that allows data to be appended to the file. )


public FileWriter(String fileName, boolean append)


// if you have done some Swing recently you might like to do this

2) Create a JFrame with a JMenu that has Open and Save menu items.
listeners to these menu items where in their action method they will
open or
send a String to or from file. Use a JTextArea to create or receive
the output
or input that will be streamed to or from file.