JDBC Java Database Connectivity  Peter Komisar

references:                                                                                                                          minor revision May 28 / 2001
1) 'Java 1.2 Developer's Handbook', Heller&Roberts  2) JDK 1.2.2 API
3) 'Advanced Java', Cliff  Berg 4) The Java Tutorial SQL, Maydene Fischer

RDBMS -a relational database management system

In a relational database management system information is stored in rows of a table.
Structured Query Language (SQL) is used to retrieve, store and change the data.
SQL is an ANSI standard that all vendors more or less comply with.

The Single Tier Database

The original database system was a coupling of the user interface, the application code,
and database libraries all on a single mainframe which could have hundreds or thousands
of terminals attached. The Single Tier was simple, by comparison inefficient, limited in the
area that could be covered, and not designed to handle several application instances at once.

The Two-Tier Model

With the advent of socket technology, the database evolved into a two-tier design. Sockets
in conjunction with communication protocols, LANS  (Local Area Networks) and WANS
(Wide Area Networks) allowed an application residing on a client machine to access, via a
socket, a database located on the back-end of a server. In this model, the client sends SQL
requests to the database server. The server accesses the database and sends back a reply
containing the requested data. The client application formats and presents this data to the user.
Many vendors provide libraries written in 'C' to manage this type of client-server communication.

This model frequently locked a user into vendor version updates. Switching vendors meant
rewriting front-end applications. The data-accessing 'intelligence'  was largely associated
with the client making the client large and costly.

Three or multi-Tier Database Model

A middle tier soon evolved added between the client and the database server. The middle tier
could be multithreaded to accept multiple client requests and could also be attached to one or
more database servers.
This added flexibility to the architecture as data requests could come from different applications
designed to make queries over vendor-neutral protocols such as HTTP. The back end of the
middle tier could be designed to handle different proprietary database servers. The middle
tier also offered a good vantage point to position gateways and firewalls for security control.
As well, additional data management libraries could be added at this juncture. The middle tier
lightened the client's 'machine' load ultimately spawning today's concept of the thin client which
is primarily a user interface, reminicent of the mainframe terminal. (A mainframe terminal had no
intelligence at all and was really just a keyboard and monitor interfaced to a net card.) Today's
thin client will always be smarter than the old mainframe terminal.

Java Centric Models

Today network architectures are often referred to as n-tiered designs. The latest conception
for a java-centric network at it's simplest uses a browser as a client GUI communicating
with a servlet which would interface with a database. A more complex architecture might
have a browser as a front end communicating again with a servlet. The servlet in turn would
communicate with an Enterprise JavaBean. The EJB in turn would take care of accessing
any of a number of database resources.


JDBC offers a single API to handle all database activity in a uniform and database independent
way. The objective of JDBC is to allow a single java application meet a corporation's database
requirements despite the fact that the company has it's information deployed across several
different database platforms.

The JDBC API, (Java Database Connectivity) resides in the java.sql package.

JDBC is not a derivative of ODBC (Microsoft's Open DataBase Connectivity). Rather,
both JDBC and ODBC derive from X/Open SQL Command Level Interface(CLI).
JDBC is written in Java. ODBC is written in C. The small and efficient JDBC-ODBC
bridge translates JDBC to ODBC.

JDBC has

1) an Application layer, to access the database(s), and
2) a Driver layer, to handle connecting to the given vendor-specific or custom database.

At the design, level a vendor / programmer must implement four interfaces at the driver level.

Driver is normally accessed by a user through the DriverManager class which bridges
Application and Driver layers. This class is responsible for loading, unloading and making
driver connections. The Connection, Statement and ResultSet interfaces are implemented
by the vendor/developer for the use of the Application layer developer.

The Driver Interface     // Driver targets database via --> a data_base_url

Every jdbc application must have at least one driver implementation. Driver's locate and
access databases a string similar to a URL. This link essentially decouples application and
driver development. The JDBC url follows the www standard URL syntax as in;

jdbc:< subprotocol >:<subname >

where subprotocol is the driver type (vendor) and subname is the network-encoded database
name. The subname contains the database connection information such as host, port, database
name, user_name  and password. Optionally, network indirection, can be used to hide
connection information, by creating a subprotocol defining a local service which resolves an
'alias' to a given database

JDBC url Examples

Example 1.  jdbc:oracle:services        // describes an oracle driver and a local database, services

Example 2.  jdbc:msql://bugserver.bug:9999/bugparade             // describes a server named bugserver
                                                                                        in the bug domain, on port 9999 and database bugparade
Example 3.  i.e. jdbc:nameService:alias       // describes a naming service, nameService and a name alias

JDBC database driver categories

From the inception of JDBC specifications for different types of driver types were specified.
 Type 1
 JDBC-ODBC bridge driver
 ( aka JDBC/ODBC driver )
 // Java to ODBC
 A client bridges to an ODBC driver via a  JDBC-ODBC 
 bridge driver. In this model the ODBC driver  for the
 database must be installed. A Type 1 driver translates 
 queries into ODBC queries // via ODBC
 Type 2
 ( aka Native-API )
 // Java to Native
 Level 2 drivers specialized for specific databases like 
 Oracle and Sybase. A Java part interfaces to a native 
 binary driver which in turn connects to the database. 
 (The driver interfaces with the vendor's driver or 
database API). // 1st from Oracle, Sybase & Informix
 Type 3
 A network- protocol Java driver
 ( aka Open Protocol -Net )
 // Java to Neutral Protocol
 The application communicates through a JDBC driver 
 to a server which uses a DBMS-independent protocol 
 which in turn communicates with a middleware protocol
 handler that translates to calls on the DBMS libraries 
 Type 3 drivers can talk to multiple databases and are not 
 vendor specific. The all-java client driver communicates 
 with the net server via a database independent protocol.
 Type 4
  DBMS-protocol all-Java driver
 (aka  Proprietary Protocol-Net)
 // All Java net protocol to native 
 Level 4 drivers are written by the vendor entirely in Java
 to connect to a Java-based socket and calls are made 
 directly on the DBMS server via it's native protocol.

Type 1 )    client -- JDBC-ODBC driver  --  ODBC driver  --  database                         // bridge driver to ODBC
Type 2 )    client -- JDBC driver  -nativeVendor API  -- database           // JDBC to vendor driver to DBMS
Type 3 )    client -- JDBC driver -network- ProxyServer -native- any database   // driver to neutral  protocol
Type 4 )    client -- JDBC driver -- directly to  database                                       //driver to vendor net protocol

Selective look at the JDBC API

 Selected methods of the Driver interface                                            // 2 of 6 methods
  public Connection connect 
  (String url, Properties info) 
  throws SQLException
 Checks sub-protocol name of the url string for a match. If a 
match is  found, a TCP/IP connection is attempted based on 
rest of the url info.  If successful,  a Connection object is
returned, (a vendor's Connection object ) An SQLException 
 is thrown if the url subprotocol is valid but the connection 
 fails. If the url is a mismatch null is returned. Properties is a 
 container class encapsulating a user_name and password.
 public boolean acceptsURL
 (String url) throws 
This method asks the driver if the URL  is valid.

The Driver Interface

One of the six methods the Driver interface describes is the important connect
method that does the actual connecting to the url that represents the database.
Usually this method is not called directly but only indirectly through the method
getConnection( ) of the DriverManager class. If a resource is found matching the
database described in the url a TCP/IP connection is attempted. If successful,
the method returns a Connection object. ( This is part of the driver vendor's
responsibilities to create an implementation of the Connection interface that
is returned by the connect( ) method. The connect( ) method also takes a
Properties object that store a user name and password. The method throws
an SQLException if the url is valid but the TCP/IP connection fails.

The signature of the connect method

public Connection connect (String url, Properties info) throws SQLException

Every jdbc application must have at least one driver implementation. Driver's
locate and access the particular database files using a special jdbc version or
a url. The JDBC url follows the www standard URL syntax as in;

jdbc:< subprotocol >:<subname >

where subprotocol is the driver type, usually the vendor's name and subname
is the network-encoded database name. The subname will contain any network
locating information needed such as the host domain name or IP address, the
port to use, the database file name, a user_name and a password.

Optionally, network indirection, can be used to hide away the connection
information. In this case the subprotocol field will provide a naming service
which in turns resolves a connection to a database based on having been
supplied some kind of alias.

JDBC url Examples

The first example shows a jdbc driver for a mysql database system located on the
local machine for an unspecified database file in the DB directory inside the data
directory inside the mysql directory. You can create a url something like this to
do local development using mySQL on your personal machine.

Example 1      String url =  "jdbc:mysql:///mysql/data/DB/";

The next example describes an oracle driver and a local database called services.

Example 2.  jdbc:oracle:services    

The third example describes a server named bugserver in the bug domain, on port
9999 and a database called bugparade.

Example 2.  jdbc:msql://bugserver.bug:9999/bugparade

The last example describes a naming service, nameService and a name alias
which will take care of resolving the connection to the database without
exposing details about the machine hosting the database.

Example 3.  i.e. jdbc:nameService:alias

The DriverManager Class

The DriverManager class is the traditional utility class allowing a user to manage
a set of database drivers. It's methods can be used to obtain driver connections,
to register and deregister and set up database logging. The DriverManager class
is simpler to use then the newer DataSource interface and remains widely used
(We look at the advantages the DataSource interface confer shortly).

DriverManager maintains a list of drivers which take care of registering themselves
with the class using the static registerDriver( ) method. The driver vendor supplies
a section of  static code, ( called a static initializer ) that takes care of instantiating
the the class and registering it with the DriverManager.

Example     static {  // driver developer instaniate the driver
                          // passes instance to DriverManager.registerDriver( )

For this reason, you would not normally instantiate the driver and register it
yourself as this would presumably be redundant.

The DriverManager can load the class template that is used to instatiate the
driver in one of two ways, either using the Class.forName( ) method or by
adding the class to the java.lang.System. property called  "jdbc.drivers".

Class.forName( )

A program can also explicitly load drivers as needed via a call to class Class'
forName( ) method. This is the recommended way of loading the driver class
into the java environment. This will make the class available for the section
of static code we mentioned above that will create and register the driver
object with DriverManager's list of drivers.

Example          Class.forName("Sql_Driver");

Using the java.lang.System Property "jdbc.driver".

The other way the driver class can be made available is to specify the driver
as a java.lang.System property. This takes the form of a comma separated
list as is shown in the following examples. This method depends on the
System property not changing. If there is any doubt about the underlying
system's information, the Class.forName( ) approach is probably better
to take. The following examples from the jdk documentation show how
drivers are specified via a java property assignment.

Example 1


Example 2


 DriverManager Methods                                                         // 5 of 14 methods
 public static synchronized Connection
 getConnection (String url,Properties info)
 throws SQLException
 iterates a vector of registered drivers against  it's 
 url arg , passing parameters to each driver's 
 connect( )method. Uses the first driver to return 
 a Connection object.
 public static synchronized Connection 
 getConnection ( String url ) 
 throws SQLException
 used if the Properties object is empty 
 public static synchronized Connection
 getConnection(String url,String user, 
 String password) throws SQLException
 creates a Properties object then calls 
 getConnection(String url, Properties info)
 public static synchronized void 
 registerDriver(java.sql.Driver driver) 
 throws SQLException
 stores the Driver object and a  securityContext
 describing where the driver came from in a vector.
 public static void setLogWriter
 (java.io.PrintWriter out)
 sets a private static PrintWriter  reference to 
 the PrintWriter object passed as an arg into it 

The DataSource interface

The DataSource interface, new in the JDBC 2.0 API, provides another way to connect
to a data source and the Java database people prefer it to DriverManager. The Enterprise
JavaBeans architecture uses DataSource implementations to find it's database resources.
If neccessary, a DataSource class can be extended to wrap a generic DriverManager.
The DriverManager class has been heavily used and spoken of in texts so it won't be
disappearing anytime soon.

The Application Layer

Involves the three interface implementations, defined at the Driver layer, but used at the
application layer. These are the Connection, Statement and ResultSet implementations
used to access databases. Normally, the Connection object is obtained from the driver
implementation via the DriverManager.getConnection( ). Once the Connection object
is returned, a Statement object can be created with Connection's createStatement( )
method. The Statement object provides the methods used to send SQL commands to a
database. If the SQL statement sent is a SELECT query, the result is returned encapsulated
in a ResultSet object. The ResultSet instance in turn provides methods to access the
returned result set data.

The Connection Interface

The Connection interface represents a session (or connection) with the database provided
by the Driver. The interface includes definitions for the following  methods.

 Connection Methods                                                                                // 7 of 24 methods
 Statement createStatement( ) 
 throws SQLException
 returns a Statement object, used to issue queries.
 prepareStatement (String sql) 
 throws SQLException
 returns a PreparedStatement object, 
 (configured with the sql string passed in)
 prepareCall (String sql) 
 throws SQLException
 returns a CallableStatement,
 (this object is optimized for stored procedures)
 void setAutoCommit
 (boolean autoCommit) 
 throws SQLException
 when a JDBC connection is made, auto-commit is set 
 to true by default meaning no rollback where changes 
 are automatically committed to the database.  Setting 
 auto-commit to false makes rollbacks possible If auto 
 commit has been disabled, an explicit commit must be 
 done or database changes will not be saved. 
 void commit ( )
 throws SQLException
 Makes all changes made since the previous commit or 
 rollback permanent and releases any database locks 
 currently held by the Connection.
 void rollback( ) 
 throws SQLException
 drops changes made since beginning of transaction
 getMetaData( ) 
 throws SQLException
 returns an object implementing the DatabaseMetaData
 interface. This object  provides information about the 
 database as a whole (DatabaseMetaData interface defines 
 over 130 information retrieving methods which vendors 
 are free to implement  in whatever manner they wish)

The DatabaseMetaData implementation is important for testing which of the features one
expects of a target database are supported by any given JDBC driver.


The Statement Interface

A statement is the vehicle for sending SQL to the database and retrieving the results. They
can be SQL updates, inserts, deletes or queries as well as table creations or deletions.
It common methods are listed below.

 Statement Interface Methods                                                                  // 6 of 18 methods
 ResultSet executeQuery
 (String sql)
 throws SQLException
 executes one SQL query, and  returns a ResultSet object
 int executeUpdate(String sql) 
 throws SQLException
 executes an SQL query, returning the number of rows effected
 boolean execute(String sql)  a general means to execute SQL statements, which may return 
 multiple ResultSets and/or number counts.The boolean flag is 
 used to indicate if there are more result sets.
 ResultSet getResultSet ( ) 
 throws SQLException
 used with execute( ) to get more result sets 
  // i.e. in a do... while loop
 int getUpdateCount ( ) 
 throws SQLException
 used with execute( ) to get more update counts 
 // i.e in a loop
 boolean getMoreResults ( )
 throws SQLException
 used to test if there are more results/updates in a set of 
 multiple results/update counts


The PreparedStatement Interface

Figure 1:  CallableStatement descends from PreparedStatement which descends from Statement

                                              Statement Interface
                                                     PreparedStatement Interface
                                                                   CallableStatement Interface

PreparedStatement extends Statement and is useful for repeating statements with minor
variations. setType( ) methods are used to fill parameter values marked by question marks
in a PreparedStatement. Parameters are indexed from 1 to n. PreparedStatement has
a set of setType( ) methods, one for each java type,which is used to set the corresponding
SQL type (in locations represented by question marks).

Example    // from JDK1.2.2 API documentation

PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement
pstmt.setBigDecimal(1, 153833.00);
pstmt.setInt(2, 110592);

// the first argument is the question mark index, (starting at 1), & the second is the value to be stored

The CallableStatement Interface

CallableStatement extends PreparedStatement. The CallableStatement interface is used
to execute SQL stored procedures. (Also called persistent stored modules, they are
program routines stored in the database which are invoked by SQL)

IN parameters use inherited execute( ) and setType( ) methods and OUT parameters use
getType( ) methods to return java types for SQL returns from within the stored procedures.
CallableStatement's set of getType( ) methods are a mirror of PreparedStatement's setType( )
methods. get/setType( ) methods access reference requested data in each column by row
position (1 to n) or by name.
Exerpt from the Java Tutorial, authored by Maydene Fischer http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/jdbc/index.html

 " In some DBMSs, the following SQL statement creates a stored procedure:

          create procedure SHOW_SUPPLIERS
          from SUPPLIERS, COFFEES
          order by SUP_NAME

     The following code puts the SQL statement into a string and assigns it to the variable 
     createProcedure , which we will use later:

         String createProcedure = "create procedure SHOW_SUPPLIERS " +
                                   "as " +
                                   "select SUPPLIERS.SUP_NAME, COFFEES.COF_NAME " +
                                   "from SUPPLIERS, COFFEES " +
                                   "where SUPPLIERS.SUP_ID = COFFEES.SUP_ID " +
                                   "order by SUP_NAME";

     The following code fragment uses the Connection object con to create a Statement 
     object, which is used to send the SQL statement creating the stored procedure to the 

          Statement stmt = con.createStatement();

     The procedure SHOW_SUPPLIERS will be compiled and stored in the database as a 
     database object that can be called, similar to the way you would call a method. 

The ResultSet Interface

The ResultSet interface defines methods for accessing data tables generated by a Statement
execution. ResultSet tables are fully indexed and accessible by row number or column name.
The interface has over 40 accessing methods( ). These three methods may throw SQLExceptions
as vendors have the option of caching the results on the remote side creating the possibility of a
communication error.

 The three (of 40 methods) that throw SQLExceptions
 boolean next ( ) thows SQLException  positions the result set to the next row. The 
 initial position is just before the first row.
ResultSetMetaData getMetaData( ) 
throws SQLException
 returns an object describing the current result set
void close( ) throws SQLException closes a result set

The ResultSetMetaData Interface

This interface allows the developer to gather information about a ResultSet object and defines
about 20 methods( ).



A database transaction is a sequence of operations with a well-defined beginnning and end
point, the set of which can be treated as a unit of change for the database. The end point of a
transaction is when the transaction is committed and thereby made permanent, or rolled back
in which case the changes are discarded. JDBC specifies one transaction can exist at a time per
connection. Also, drivers are required to allow concurent request from different threads on the
same connection. Transactions are by default in autocommit mode where commit( ) is called
automatically when the statement completes. Setting setAutoCommit( false) turns autocommit off.
If autocommit is disabled and a transaction is performed which obtains a lock on the database,
the lock will remain in effect until the commit( ) or abort( ) are called , or some other form of
disconnection occurs. A local transaction is one executed against a single data resource. A
transaction coordinated by a transaction manager across multiple heterogeneous data resources
is called a global transaction. The Java Transaction API , JTA, provides a standard Java
interface to tranaction management.


Most databases have a set of functions that can be called to construct expressions.
To call a function, use the escape sequence with the fn keyword.


ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery("{ \fn LOG( " + a_float + " ) }");