Java Keywords                              [Assignment 2 Java I]           P.Komisar

abstract   boolean   break   byte   case   catch   char   class   const   continue   default   do   double    else   extends   final   finally   float   for   goto   if   implements   import   instanceof   int   interface    long  native   new   null   package   private   protected   public   return   short   static   super  switch   synchronized   this   throw   throws   transient   try   void   volatile   while

Q Associate one of the above java keywords with each of the following brief definitions.

1) _________- used in source code to assign classes to specific groupings or packages
2)_________- used to bring in classes to make them available for use in source code file
3)_________- a type defining a collection of related data and code that works with this data
4)_________- the keyword used to derive or 'inherit' the contents of another class
5)_________- used to substitute for multiple inheritance, containing abstract methods and/or class constants
6)________  - used by a class to invoke an interface, (the class must implement the interface's method(s)
7)_________- access modifier which allows a class/member to be accessed from outside the package where class resides.
8)_________- modifier restricting access to methods or variables to same class members
9)_________- restricts access to anywhere within a package and also to subclasses outside the package.
10)________-used to mark occurences of a method which has been declared but not implemented (no body)
11)________- belonging to the class, describes code which exists 'as one of a kind' of which new copies cannot be created
12) ________- used to queue multithreaded accesses to a shared section of code
13) volatile_   - prevents compiler optimization for variable that might change asychronously in a threaded environment (rare)
14) _______ - makes a variable or method unchangeable by subclasses
15)________- applies only to methods written in non-java, platform dependent code, i.e. C
16)________- a keyword which enables the referencing of the current or 'containng' instance
17)________ - enables referencing the parent or superclass.
18)________ - the reference value for a nonexistent instance
19)________- used in methods to indicate a method does not return a value
20)________- used to create an Exception object in response to a particular event  // throw new Exception( );
21)________- a controlled way of executing a block of code which may create an exception
22)_______  - marks the block of code used to handle an exception created by a try block
23)_______  - used with a try/catch block for code executed regardless of the outcome of the try/catch execution
24)________- indicates the type of exception a method may throw
25)________- creates new instances or objects of classes
26)________- tests an instance to see if it is an instance of, or a instance of a subclass of a particular class.


Keywords representing 1) primitive types, 2) normal flow control, and 3) reserved words are not defined.