SQL Syntax I
Peter Komisar         ©           Conestoga College          version 1.1

reference: Structured Query Language(SQL) ,D.Geller, R. Roselius,
Danielle Waleri, DDC Publishing, Core MySQL, Leon Atkinson,
Prentice-Hall Publishing

Following is a solution for the somewhat unfair
second assignment which ask you to build a
database before we learned SQL! This was
done to provide us a base against which we
could execute our SQL statements.  Following
is one solution.

While unfair, in that the syntax was not covered
formally yet, starting with your own table of values
makes the learning of the subsequent SQL
statements more 'hands on'.

Canadian version of Store table

STREET           VARCHAR(45)
PROVINCE         CHAR(2)
AREA_CODE        CHAR(3)

Store Create Statement

STREET           VARCHAR(45),
PROVINCE         CHAR(2),
AREA_CODE        CHAR(3),

Enter password: ****

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 2
Server version: 5.0.45-community-nt MySQL Community Edition (GPL)

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> CREATE DATABASE bizzy;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| bizzy              |
| mysql              |
| test               |
4 rows in set (0.05 sec)

mysql> use bizzy;
Database changed

mysql> show tables;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

Executing the Create Statement in SQL

Enter password: ****
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 2
Server version: 5.0.45-community-nt MySQL Community Edition (GPL)

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| bizzy              |
| mysql              |
| test               |
4 rows in set (0.05 sec)

mysql> use bizzy;
Database changed

mysql> show tables;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> create database townfinder;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

    -> STREET VARCHAR(45),
    -> CITY VARCHAR(25),
    -> PROVINCE CHAR(2),
    -> AREA_CODE CHAR(3),
    -> );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.22 sec)

| Tables_in_bizzy |
| store           |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.09 sec)

mysql> show tables;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

    -> STREET VARCHAR(45),
    -> CITY VARCHAR(25),
    -> PROVINCE CHAR(2),
    -> AREA_CODE CHAR(3),
    -> );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.06 sec)

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_bizzy |
| store           |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


Store Data

We need (10 x 2) stores  (-1 ) for PEI and plus four,
two each for Ontario and Quebec. We need a total of
23 stores. The following is a lift of a text file where each
field has been tab separated.

// assume it is a Toronto based store chain.

St.No.MgrNo  Street               City        Prov.  PC     AreaCode Ph_No GST  PST

1001    1893    '1111 Rosemary Blvd.'    'Victoria'    'BC'    'B1C9W2'    '204'    '3231122'    5.0    8.0
1002    4930    '579a Delaware St.'    'Vancouver'    'BC'    'B2C8T1'    '204'    '2039485'    5.0    8.0
1003    2309    '2 Shepard Rd.'        'Edmonton'    'AL'    'A2BW2T'    '780'    '3345555'    5.0,    0.0
1004    1234    '555 Queen St.'        'Calgary'    'AL'    'A6NN3W'    '403'    '9192834'    5.0    0.0
1005    9991    '33 WheatField Ave.'    'Saskatoon'    'SK'    'S3S9Q2'    '306'    '1223344'    5.0    6.0
1006    1029    '4301 Main St. West'    'Regina'    'SK'    'S3C8B9'    '306'    '9987787'    5.0    6.0
1007    1111    '1099 Portage Ave.'    'Winnipeg'    'MB'    'M4W9S8'    '204'    '5456566'    5.0    8.0
1008    2143    '507 King St.'        'Brandon'    'MB'    'M4W3N2'    '204'    '8273364'    5.0    8.0
1009    1011    '2044  Arlington Ave.'    'Ottawa'    'ON'    'JOX1B0'    '613'    '9348888'    5.0    8.0
1010    1012    '3099 College St.'    'Toronto'    'ON'    'M4T2K9'    '416'    '7634567'    5.0    8.0
1011    9001    '993 Eglington Ave.'    'Toronto'    'ON'    'M4T5L2'    '416'    '5673300'    5.0    8.0
1012    1105    '456 Dunlop Ave.'    'Barrie'    'ON'    'N4Z3L7'    '705'    '6830987'    5.0    8.0
1013    2019    '62 Broadway Ave.'    'Orangeville'    'ON'    'L1N4Y0'    '519'    '4343431'    5.0    8.0
1014    2222    '444 Vincent Blvd.'    'Moncton'    'NB'    'N2E1G4'    '506'    '4400493'    5.0    8.0
1015    3345    '305 Wade St.'        'Bathurst'    'NB'    'N6F2H1'    '506'    '2999393'    5.0    8.0
1016    2435    '444 Governor Blvd.'    'Halifax'    'NS'    'S1T3V4'    '902'    '8112777'    5.0    8.0
1017    8876    '486 Hyde St.'        'Sydney'    'NS'    'S3B8F2'    '902'    '5484448'    5.0    8.0
1018    1239    '99 Victoria Ave.'    'Charlottetown'    'PE'    'P3E1I8'    '902'    '3394483'    5.0    8.0
1019    6685    '3 St. Laurent St.'    'St. John'    'NF'    'N3F1L3'    '709'    '4456281'    5.0    8.0
1020    9387    '112 Marlee St.'    'Labrador City'    'NF'    'N7F8L2'    '709'    '3918884'    5.0    8.0
1021    1212    '488 Trembly Ave.'    'Montreal'    'QC'    'Q2U9B8'    '450'    '2998858'    5.0    7.0
1022    2882    '95 Baptiste Ave.'    'Quebec City'    'QC'    'Q4C1D9'    '819'    '2292299'    5.0    7.0
1023    7665    '777 Rue Fontaine'    'Hull'        'QC'    'Q2D4G4'    '819'    '4499660'    5.0    7.0

Entering MYSQL

Enter password: ****
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 3
Server version: 5.0.45-community-nt MySQL Community Edition (GPL)

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

Changing the Database

mysql> use bizzy;
Database changed

Inserting Values

mysql> insert into store values(
    -> 1002, 4930, '579a Delaware St.','Vancouver','BC',
    -> 'B2C8T1','204','2039485',5.0,8.0
    -> );
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.03 sec)

mysql> select Store_Number,Manager_ID,City,Province from store;

| Store_Number | Manager_ID | City      | Province |
|         1001 |       1893 | Victoria  | BC       |
|         1002 |       4930 | Vancouver | BC       |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Loading and Outputting to File // just for reference at this point

While we are here we should mention that there is an
easier way to load and store a database. Following is
the LOAD and INTO directives used to load to from file.



mysql> select Store_Number,Manager_ID,City,Province
    -> into OUTFILE 'R_Set.txt' from store;
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.00 sec)

C:\Program Files\MySQL\'MySQL Server 5.0'\data\bizzy>notepad R_Set.txt

SQL Syntax I

Select Statements

Select Statements have the following form

Select Statement Form

SELECT [ DISTINCT ] { column_list |   *   } FROM table_name

// where  [ ] means optional, and *  means all columns

Select statements can be used to retrieve data from one
or more tables. The returned set of values is referred to as
a 'result set' or 'virtual table'.

Select statements can be used to make selections based
on columns.

The Wild Card  // selecting all columns

The asterisk, * is used as a 'wild card' and can represent
any column. Thus the following statement selects all values
from the store table.


SELECT * FROM store;

The output is large so suffice it to say the whole table
content was displayed to console.

Selecting Sub-sets of Columns

To select one or two columns, the columns are listed
in place of the wild card symbol, separated by columns.
In the following example three columns from the store
table are selected.


SELECT Store_Number,City, Province  FROM store;

Following is the executed statement.

mysql> SELECT Store_Number,City, Province FROM store;
| Store_Number | City          | Province |
|         1001 | Victoria      | BC       |
|         1002 | Vancouver     | BC       |
|         1003 | Edmonton      | AL       |
|         1004 | Calgary       | AL       |
|         1005 | Saskatoon     | SK       |
|         1006 | Regina        | SK       |
|         1007 | Winnipeg      | MB       |
|         1008 | Brandon       | MB       |
|         1009 | Ottawa        | ON       |
|         1010 | Toronto       | ON       |
|         1011 | Toronto       | ON       |
|         1012 | Barrie        | ON       |
|         1013 | Orangeville   | ON       |
|         1014 | Moncton       | NB       |
|         1015 | Bathurst      | NB       |
|         1016 | Halifax       | NS       |
|         1017 | Sydney        | NS       |
|         1018 | Charlottetown | PE       |
|         1019 | St. John      | NF       |
|         1020 | Labrador City | NF       |
|         1021 | Montreal      | QC       |
|         1022 | Quebec City   | QC       |
|         1023 | Hull          | QC       |
23 rows in set (0.00 sec)

The DISTINCT Modifier

To select each distinct occurrence of some column
value the DISTINCT modifier may be used after the
SELECT keyword.



Following is the executed statement.

mysql> SELECT DISTINCT Province  FROM store;
| Province |
| BC       |
| AL       |
| SK       |
| MB       |
| ON       |
| NB       |
| NS       |
| PE       |
| NF       |
| QC       |
10 rows in set (0.01 sec)

Column Aliasing

A different name can be assigned to represent a
column. This may be a single word or more than
one word bounded by double quotes. This is useful
in doing calculations and presenting data in informative
ways unencumbered by the actual column names.


                 GST_TAX_RATE AS GST,
                 PST + GST AS "Total Tax"
     FROM store WHERE STORE_Number = 1001;

    -> PST_TAX_RATE + GST_TAX_RATE AS "Total Tax"
    ->  from store where store_number=1001;
| PST  | GST  | Total Tax |
|  8.0 |  5.0 |      13.0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Notice we used an operator, the plus symbol to
add the values for two columns. We will look at
operators in more detail later.


Column data can be ordered using the ORDER BY
clause. This optional clause is applied to columns
where the data can be listed in ascending or descending

We note that the store_number in our table of data
shown above are listed in ascending order. The following
statement can be used to show them in reverse order.


SELECT STORE_NUMBER, Street, Province   FROM store

Following is a sample executed in MySQL.

mysql> SELECT STORE_NUMBER, Street, Province FROM store
| STORE_NUMBER | Street               | Province |
|         1023 | 777 Rue Fontaine     | QC       |
|         1022 | 95 Baptiste Ave.     | QC       |
|         1021 |  488 Trembly Ave.    | QC       |
|         1020 |  112 Marlee St.      | NF       |
|         1019 | 3 St. Laurent St.    | NF       |
|         1018 | 99 Victoria Ave.     | PE       |
|         1017 | 486 Hyde St.         | NS       |
|         1016 | 444 Governor Blvd.   | NS       |
|         1015 | 305 Wade St.         | NB       |
|         1014 | 444 Vincent Blvd.    | NB       |
|         1013 | 62 Broadway Ave.     | ON       |
|         1012 | 456 Dunlop Ave.      | ON       |
|         1011 | 993 Eglington Ave.   | ON       |
|         1010 | 3099 College St.     | ON       |
|         1009 | 2044  Arlington Ave. | ON       |
|         1008 | 507 King St.         | MB       |
|         1007 | 1099 Portage Ave.    | MB       |
|         1006 | 4301 Main St. West   | SK       |
|         1005 | 33 WheatField Ave.   | SK       |
|         1004 | 555 Queen St.        | AL       |
|         1003 | 2 Shepard Rd.        | AL       |
|         1002 | 579a Delaware St.    | BC       |
|         1001 | 1111 Rosemary Blvd.  | BC       |
23 rows in set (0.03 sec)

Notice in the following example where the order
is based
on street the alphabetic value of each
number is evaluated
not the number value.


mysql> SELECT Store_NUMBER, Street, Province   FROM store
    -> ORDER BY Street ASC;
| Store_NUMBER | Street               | Province |
|         1020 |  112 Marlee St.      | NF       |
|         1021 |  488 Trembly Ave.    | QC       |
|         1007 | 1099 Portage Ave.    | MB       |
|         1001 | 1111 Rosemary Blvd.  | BC       |
|         1003 | 2 Shepard Rd.        | AL       |
|         1009 | 2044  Arlington Ave. | ON       |
|         1019 | 3 St. Laurent St.    | NF       |
|         1015 | 305 Wade St.         | NB       |
|         1010 | 3099 College St.     | ON       |
|         1005 | 33 WheatField Ave.   | SK       |
|         1006 | 4301 Main St. West   | SK       |
|         1016 | 444 Governor Blvd.   | NS       |
|         1014 | 444 Vincent Blvd.    | NB       |
|         1012 | 456 Dunlop Ave.      | ON       |
|         1017 | 486 Hyde St.         | NS       |
|         1008 | 507 King St.         | MB       |
|         1004 | 555 Queen St.        | AL       |
|         1002 | 579a Delaware St.    | BC       |
|         1013 | 62 Broadway Ave.     | ON       |
|         1023 | 777 Rue Fontaine    | QC       |
|         1022 | 95 Baptiste Ave.     | QC       |
|         1018 | 99 Victoria Ave.     | PE       |
|         1011 | 993 Eglington Ave.   | ON       |
23 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Where Clauses

The Where clause allows selecting a subset of the rows
retrieved by a select statement.  The form of the where
clause is added to the select form below.

Where Clause Form

Select Statement Form

SELECT [ DISTINCT ] { column_list |   *   } FROM table_name
[ WHERE  conditions ]

The WHERE is following by one or more conditions against
which each row is tested. The condition evaluates to one
of the following:

Condition Evaluation Values
If for a row the condition evaluates to true, then that
row is added to the returned result set.

Following are the operators that may be used in
WHERE clauses.

Operators Used With Where Clauses


equal to
not equal to
>, < is greater than, is less than
>=, <= is greater than or equal,
is less than or equal

In the following example, first we select all the
store numbers that are in Ontario. We will this
with a compound statement where, the 'not
equal to' operator is tested to eliminate one of
these numbers.


mysql> SELECT Store_Number FROM store
    -> where province ='ON';
| Store_Number |
|         1009 |
|         1010 |
|         1011 |
|         1012 |
|         1013 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

// one store is eliminated

mysql> SELECT Store_Number FROM store
    -> where (store_number <> 1011) & (province='ON');
| Store_Number |
|         1009 |
|         1010 |
|         1012 |
|         1013 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

The NULL  Value and IS, IS NOT

Null represents an absence of value and is
not equal to an empty string, a blank or a zero.
Null is tested with IS or IS NOT operators.



mysql> SELECT * FROM store WHERE postal_code IS NULL;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

Using IS NOT NULL returns the entire table.

Any other operation on NULL yields NULL. Therefore
using NULL in an equality test will always yield null even
if the value in that cell is NULL.


WHERE postal_code=NULL; // always yields NULL

Compound Expressions

More than one condition may be applied in a WHERE
clause as we saw in an earlier example. Three operators
are used to combine expressions.

Compound Operators

AND is used to support the comparisons where
both conditions must be true in order for the compound
condition to be true.

All Boolean Combination With the AND Operator

FALSE AND FALSE  yields FALSE // 0 && 0 = 0
FALSE AND TRUE   yields FALSE // 0 && 1 = 0
TRUE  AND FALSE  yields FALSE // 1 && 0 = 0
TRUE  AND TRUE   yields TRUE  // 1 && 1 = 1

In the first example a randomly created postal code
is used to arrive at a negative comparison. Because
this value is false any value 'ANDED' with it will be
false so an empty set is achieved.


mysql> SELECT * FROM store
    -> WHERE postal_code='BTW1W2' AND city ='Toronto';
Empty set (0.00 sec)


OR is used to support the comparisons where if one
or the other, or both conditions are true then the compound
condition will also be true.

All Boolean Combination With the OR Operator

FALSE AND FALSE  yields FALSE // 0 || 0 = 0
FALSE AND TRUE   yields TRUE  // 0 || 1 = 1
TRUE  AND FALSE  yields TRUE  // 1 || 0 = 1
TRUE  AND TRUE   yields TRUE  // 1 || 1 = 1

Repeating the earlier example with the OR operator
yields rows with city 'Toronto'. This is because though
the first condition is false, the second condition is
true for two rows. A fewer number of columns than
the wildcard returns was selected, just for presentation


mysql> SELECT STORE_NUMBER, City, Province FROM store
    -> WHERE postal_code='BTW1W2' OR city ='Toronto';
| STORE_NUMBER | City    | Province |
|         1010 | Toronto | ON       |
|         1011 | Toronto | ON       |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


Not inverts the value of a condition. Not true
is false. Not false is true. In the following
example rows with every city except Toronto 
are included.


mysql> SELECT STORE_NUMBER, City, Province FROM store
    -> WHERE postal_code='BTW1W2' OR NOT city ='Toronto';
| STORE_NUMBER | City          | Province |
|         1001 | Victoria      | BC       |
|         1002 | Vancouver     | BC       |
|         1003 | Edmonton      | AL       |
|         1004 | Calgary       | AL       |
|         1005 | Saskatoon     | SK       |
|         1006 | Regina        | SK       |
|         1007 | Winnipeg      | MB       |
|         1008 | Brandon       | MB       |
|         1009 | Ottawa        | ON       |
|         1012 | Barrie        | ON       |
|         1013 | Orangeville   | ON       |
|         1014 | Moncton       | NB       |
|         1015 | Bathurst      | NB       |
|         1016 | Halifax       | NS       |
|         1017 | Sydney        | NS       |
|         1018 | Charlottetown | PE       |
|         1019 | St. John      | NF       |
|         1020 | Labrador City | NF       |
|         1021 | Montreal      | QC       |
|         1022 | Quebec City   | QC       |
|         1023 | Hull          | QC       |
21 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Following is a straight forward example of

two conditions being satisfied.


mysql> SELECT STORE_NUMBER, City, Province FROM store
    -> where province = 'ON'
    -> and city ='Barrie';
| STORE_NUMBER | City   | Province |
|         1012 | Barrie | ON       |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Nested Queries
// Sub Queries

Queries may be nested inside other queries. Subqueries
are placed inside round brackets.  Further, subqueries
can be further nested inside subqueries. You are free to
use any SQL in the subquery except for SET operations
and the ORDER BY Clause.

The following example shows that the return type
of the nested query must match the column type
it is being equated with.

Conditional Comparisons With Nested Queries

When a nested query is being used to return
a value that will be used in a comparison such
as with the operators, =  or  !=, a single value
must be returned so that a logical comparison
can be made.

Nested Form

SELECT [ column_list | * ] WHERE column_name = ( Nested Query )

In the following example the store number is obtained
using a nested query based on selecting a street name.
This return value is used in the primary select to return
row information on that store.


SELECT Store_Number, Province  FROM store
WHERE store_number = (SELECT store_number
        FROM store WHERE street = '
993 Eglington Ave.');


mysql> SELECT Store_Number, Province  FROM store
    -> WHERE store_number = (SELECT store_number
    ->         FROM store WHERE street = '993 Eglington Ave.');
| Store_Number | Province |
|         1011 | ON       |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

White Space Padding

Something to watch out for, the street names are stored
with white space intact. A search for '488 Trembly' didn't
work. However quoting the address with white spaces
did work as is shown below.

// Ave. has been added to Trembly for the note
// but not in the database yet


mysql> SELECT Store_Number, Province  FROM store
    -> WHERE store_number = (SELECT store_number
    ->         FROM store WHERE street = ' 488 Trembly Ave. ');

| Store_Number | Province |
|         1021 | QC       |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Most databases including MySQL will have a TRIM
function that can remove leading or trailing whitespaces
or both.


IN allow comparing a value to a list of possible matches.
For instance to select western stores we might search
for stores in B.C, Alberta and Saskatchewan. IN is
logically is an 'OR' function selecting item 1, OR
item 2 OR item N from a list.


SELECT Store_Number, Province  FROM store
WHERE province IN ('BC', 'AL', 'SK');


mysql> SELECT Store_Number, Province  FROM store
    -> WHERE province IN ('BC', 'AL', 'SK');
| Store_Number | Province |
|         1001 | BC       |
|         1002 | BC       |
|         1003 | AL       |
|         1004 | AL       |
|         1005 | SK       |
|         1006 | SK       |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Equivalent Form Using OR

The equivalent form can be written or the OR


mysql> select Manager_ID from store
    -> where province ='BC'
    -> or province ='AL'
    -> or province ='SK';


| Manager_ID |
|       1893 |
|       4930 |
|       2309 |
|       1234 |
|       9991 |
|       1029 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Simply adding NOT will give us all the
stores not in the western provinces selected.


SELECT Store_Number, Province  FROM store
WHERE province NOT IN ('BC', 'AL', 'SK');


mysql> SELECT Store_Number, Province  FROM store
    -> WHERE province NOT IN ('BC', 'AL', 'SK');
| Store_Number | Province |
|         1007 | MB       |
|         1008 | MB       |
|         1009 | ON       |
|         1010 | ON       |
|         1011 | ON       |
|         1012 | ON       |
|         1013 | ON       |
|         1014 | NB       |
|         1015 | NB       |
|         1016 | NS       |
|         1017 | NS       |
|         1018 | PE       |
|         1019 | NF       |
|         1020 | NF       |
|         1021 | QC       |
|         1022 | QC       |
|         1023 | QC       |
17 rows in set (0.00 sec)


The BETWEEN operator allows the selection
of values within a specified range.  In the following
example we select the stores with numbers between
1004 and 1009.  Notice BETWEEN is inclusive of
the range delimiters. The example might be described
in terms of 'values equal and greater than the lower
limiting value and equal and less than the upper limiting


SELECT Store_Number, Province  FROM store
WHERE store_number BETWEEN 1004 AND 1009;


mysql> SELECT Store_Number, Province  FROM store
    -> WHERE store_number BETWEEN 1004 AND 1009;
| Store_Number | Province |
|         1004 | AL       |
|         1005 | SK       |
|         1006 | SK       |
|         1007 | MB       |
|         1008 | MB       |
|         1009 | ON       |
6 rows in set (0.02 sec)


The LIKE operator is used to do pattern matching.
Consider the (imaginary) postal code B1C9W2.
We pretend the B and the C are related to British
Columbia. We can use LIKE with a pattern to select
all such postal codes.

We need to wild card all the other characters.

Two wild cards are used with LIKE;
We know the number of characters in the postal
code so we can use underscore to wildcard all
the other letters.


B_C___   // groups of one and three underscores

We use the pattern in the following query.


Store_Number, City, Province  FROM store
WHERE postal_code LIKE  'B_C___';


mysql> SELECT Store_Number, City, Province  FROM store
    -> WHERE postal_code LIKE  'B_C___';

| Store_Number | City      | Province |
|         1001 | Victoria  | BC       |
|         1002 | Vancouver | BC       |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)


1 ) Check in MySQL or whichever database you are using,
which of the following operators for 'not equal to' is
Do this by testing with a select statement such as the following:

mysql> SELECT Store_Number FROM store
    -> where (store_number <> 1011) & (province='ON');
| Store_Number |
|         1009 |
|         1010 |
|         1012 |
|         1013 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Report which of these are supported for your database.

2) Using the database you created, do the following.

a ) List all the store' cities, provinces, the manager ids.

b)  List only the cities that store's are located in using
 the DISTINCT  keyword to eliminate repeats.

c )   Select a store based on  two conditions , it's
        city and it's  province.  Use  a  province where
        there are two  stores or more.  Show the city
        province and store  number of this store.

d) Choose a manager's id. Select all column information
for that manager's store based on his or here id.

e) Select a store number. Select all column information
for that store id. 

f ) Select the province in which you have most stores.
Select these store's based on that province and order
the output in descending order based on the store number.
Output province and store number for these stores.

g ) Select all the store numbers and manager ids for
stores in the Maritime provinces using the IN operator.

h ) Use the BETWEEN operator to select a range of
three stores based on store_number, showing store
number and manager ids.

i ) Use LIKE and it's associated wildcard notation to
select all store numbers with a specific pattern found
in your postal code examples.