Survey Says. . .     Summer 2001 Project              P.Komisar

Java Intro

Your company has asked you to prepare a survey. They would like to know
what your browsing habits are at home and at work. What your site preferences
are etc. They would like the data they gather to be consistent from one survey
to the next. The form should have a title bar at the top, a set of ten questions that
can be answered perhaps by selecting from choice components, like JRadioButtons.
At the bottom, there should be an area where an individual can enter comments and
name and contact information if they desire. Finally a submit button will collect the
results of the data into a paragraph that is displayed in another viewing area on the
form, or one that pops up from submit buttons action. An optional feature would be
a save button that will save the information gathered to a file.

There is nothing to stop you from basing the survey on other topics. For instance
you may wish to query an individual to determine what features the person is looking
for in a house, a boat, a computer or a car.

For the Advanced Class

Use JDBC to save the data to a database. Add components to query the
database for information that the database contains.