Assignment Swing II: Java advanced             P.Komisar

All True of False [T/F]

1.  JSeperator objects are added to seperate JMenu objects.

2.  Seperators cannot be put outside menus.

3.  JFrame descends from JWindow.

4.  JFrame and JDialog are like other JComponents and therefore
     are lightweight, have no peer and are transparent.

5.  JApplet has the same default layout manager as the Applet class.

6.  In AWT you add components directly to a Frame. With JFrame you add components
     to a content pane first, then the content pane is added to the JFrame.

7.  An easy way to create a tooltip is to call the setToolTipText method
    of the JComponent you wish to add the tip to.

8.  To disable the floatable characteristic of JToolBar you need to call a
     method which sets this characteristic to false.

9.  BoxLayout allows components to be aligned along an X or Y axis, centering each
     component on the axis and allowing each to retain their preferred size and shape.

10. Box has the advantage over JPanel of having methods to add fillers
      and spacers.

12.  JList has a key enhancement over List in terms of what can be added to the list.
       (i)  Name two ways a Vector can be added to JList?
       (ii) What is a feature present in List not present in the implementation of JList?
       (iii) What component would JList be placed in to add scrolling capability.

13.  [T/F] Nine preset borders are available, but at this time, borders are not customizable.

14.  [T/F] Not all subclasses of JComponent can have their borders changed.

15.  What method would you use to change a JComponent border.