Swing Assignment I  : Java II                  P.Komisar


1.  What 5 API's make up the Java Foundation Classes [JFC] What in a line does each
      API do.

2.  The Swing API was based on what collection of classes developed by which company?

3.   [T/F]  AWT and Swing components are all JavaBeans and participate in the JavaBean event model.
4.   [T/F]  Swing components are backwards compatible with the Java 1.0 event model.
5.   [T/F] Swing and AWT API's are seperate and are unrelated in class hierarchy.

6.   List the 13 packages making up the Swing collection.(For clarity drop the 'super
      directory' references. ie com.sun.java.swing becomes java.swing in your list)

7.   Objects which implement the Icon interface must implement which three methods?
      Give an example of a class that implements the Icon interface that is useful for adding
      images to Icons.

8.   Name three capabilities JLabel has, not found in  java.AWT.Label.

9.   [T/F]  In both JCheckbox and Checkbox the Icon indicating the checked
      or unchecked state is fixed and cannot be changed.
10. [T/F]  In the implementation of a JRadioButton group, JRadioButtons are
      added to the same CheckboxGroup.
11. [T/F]  JToggleButton descends from Jcheckbox.

12.  What JComponent is used to provide an object for JScrollPane to scroll?
       What are the two means of adding an object to scroll to JScrollPane?

13. [T/F] JEditorPane descends from JTextPane which descends from JTextComponent

14. Which listener interface is available in JEditorPane to handle HTML links.
