-SBJ vol.#2 iss.#1 pg.#17-
This piece is very special to me.  It was given to my by Jon Hastings, himself!  Being such a huge fan of SBJ I bought several complete sets of the first SBJ miniseries.  I gave them away to fellow comic fans because I wanted more people to enjoy the book.  As a thank you, Jon placed my name within the pages of the second SBJ storyline.  So, this page marks my entrace into comic book fame.  Jon gave me this page when I bought my others.  His generosity is only matched by his incredible sense of humor!

Other art by this artist
-SBJ vol.#1 iss.#1 pg.#8-
-SBJ vol.#1 iss.#1 pg.#9-
-SBJ vol.#1 iss.#1 pg.#14-
-SBJ vol.#1 iss.#1 pg.#15-
-SBJ vol.#1 iss.#1 pg.#20-
-Smith Brown Jones-
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 © Jon Hastings. Used without permission.