The creative process has always interested me and Scott was kind enough to include a couple of the preliminary sketches that he did before he composed this final work of art. Click on the above image to view these sketches.
Scott Sava
-Mary Marvel-
This wonderful work of art is once again the result of an eBay deal with Scott. I honestly never thought I would have won the auction with the low bid that I had on this piece but... Well here it is. It's freaking fabulous. I really can't understand why Scott hasn't done better with his eBay sales as I believe he's one of the nicest and most talented creators hawking their wares in that forum. I guess I shouldn't complain though. I've wound up with a lot of wonderful art and a great new friend to boot

Order Scott Sava's eBay paintings as prints. Click here to find out how.

Other art by this artist
-Buffy & Angel-
-Black Widow-
-Vampire Girl 1-
-Vampire Girl 2-
-Wonder Woman-
-Scott Sava Online-
-eBay original comic art auctions-
-Scott Sava's eBay auctions-
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Artwork © Scott Sava. Used with permission.