If you want a change to take place, then a change has to take place.

The biggest step we take in life is the step between saying and doing.

Unless you act, nothing happens.

Your everyday conversation directs life's law, creating your experience.

It takes your thoughts and your feelings, in order to actualize your desires.

Whenever you pray you are asking for a change. Are you ready for a change?

You have to reap what you sowed, until you sow anew.

The future is determined not so much by planning tomorrow, as by action today.

Hatred is self-punishment.

Anxiety paralyzes activity.

Enthusiasm is contagious, so is the lack of it.

The only place you can start at the top is digging ditches.

Hope is never a substitute for clear thinking and hard work.

Hide not your talents, for use they were made. What good's a sundial in the shade?

Why not go out on a limb? That's where the fruit is.

Your dreams come true when you act to turn them into realities.

Everything must translate into work if anything is to happen.

No dream comes true until you wake up and go to work on it.

Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly.

Leadership is one of action, not position.

Unless you act, nothing happens.

It's not what you know but what you use, that helps others as well as yourself.

To become all you can be, you don't have to be good to start. Just start, then you'll become good.

Words without ideas are like sails without wind.

Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits.

Intentions, like eggs, soon spoil unless hatched.

The creative process does not end with an idea. It only starts with one.

You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do.

Better to light one little candle than to curse the darkness.

Principles have no value whatever unless we base our lives and actions upon them.

It is the optimist who takes the initiative and the pessimist who follows him.

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