Faith is more feeling than thought.

Faith is useless unless it is directed.

Faith is belief, but belief is not necessarily faith.

The world has enough beliefs. What the world needs is more faith.

You have as much faith as you will ever use.

People who have faith in themselves achieve far more than those who do not believe in their own ability.

Our faith is complete when the subjective state of our thought no longer denies that which we affirm.

Act as if, and you'll become it.

If you think of things happening in the future, then in the future they will remain.

Every life is a profession of faith. Everyone's conduct is an unspoken sermon that is forever preaching to others.

Our doubts are the mountains that our faith removes.

Faith is the paint brush of the soul that paints heavenly things.

The Lord IS my shepherd, I shall NOT want.

If you can imagine it you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it.

Do the best you can. The forest would be very quiet if all birds were silent except the best singers.

When your outlook is bad try the up look.

A good angle to approach any problem is the try angle.

Unless there is within us that which is above us, we shall soon yield to that which is about us.

Fear and faith cannot keep house together. When one enters, the other departs.

A man at his wits' end is not at his faith's end.

You are as young as your faith and as old as your doubts.

To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming is the only end of life.

Fear knocked on the door. Faith answered the door and there was no one there.

No matter how great our need, the Divine Resources are never exhausted.

It's not the greatness of our troubles, but the littleness of our faith that makes us complain and experience unhappiness.

Faith is the daring of the soul to go further than it can see.

We cannot discover new oceans unless we have the courage to lose sight of the shore.

Faith believes the word of God for what it cannot see and is rewarded by seeing what it believes.

Learn to resurrect your faith and improve your life by learning to understand God's power within you.

If you trust, you don't worry. If you worry, you don't trust.

Faith makes things possible, not easy.

What you truly value gets your attention.

You go where your inner vision is.

Try to see the unseen.

You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free.

Believe in the magic of your dreams and keep in touch with your dreams.

Every day in every way, I'm getting better and better.

One should not think so much about what one should do, but rather what one should be.

Some things have to be believed to be seen.

Our bodily food is changed into us, but our spiritual food changes us into itself.

You may do very little with faith, but you can do nothing without it.

Faith is IN something. Fear is OF something.

In all things I will do my best and leave the rest to the Infinite,.

I am immortal Spirit and nothing can overcome me.

It is our business to know the Truth. It is Truth's business to produce the results.

A string of opinions no more constitues faith than a string of beads constitues holiness.

Faith is to believe what we do not see, and the reward of this faith is to see what we believe.

Do what you can where you are with what you have.

The more faithfully you listen to that voice inside you, the better you will hear the sounding outside.

We hold onto our faults by seeing them in others.

From a tiny spark may burst a mighty flame.

Conviction is worthless unless it is converted into conduct.

It is better to say "Thank you" and not mean it, than to mean it and not say it.

If a man will go as far as he can see, he will be able to see farther when he gets there.

When we change the way we see the world we change our world.

It would be wonderful if everyone behaved like they think the other fellow ought to behave.

Follow your dreams, for as you dream so shall you become.

Folks who never do any more than they get paid for never get paid for any more than they do.

Triumph means 'Umph' added to 'try'.

If you were another person would you like to be a friend of yours?

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

A great deal of what we see depends on what we are looking for.

Human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes.

Without feeling you have only words. Without feelings and action you have no power.

All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.

Positive attitudes make positive people. Positive people make positive things happen.

A man is judged to be great because of the positive qualities he possesses, not because of the absence of faults.

I don't want merely to possess a faith. I want a faith that possesses me.

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