Prayer is accumulative.

Your every thought is a prayer.

Prayer is always answered, because the answer to prayer is in the prayer itself.

It is done unto you as you believe.

In prayer, it is better to have a heart without words, than words without a heart.

Practice in life whatever you pray for, and God will give it to you more abundantly.

Seven days without prayer makes one weak.

If prayer does not drive us into action at some point of human need, there is somethig amiss with our praying.

Strength in prayer is better than length in prayer.

Prayer changes things. Prayer changes you.

The greatest thing we can possibly get from prayer is companionship with God.

No one can live wrong and pray right. No one can pray right and live wrong.

No one is poor, who by prayer can open the storehouse of God.

Life is like a mirror. If we frown at it, it frowns back at us. If we smile, it returns the greeting.

Man says "God, I have prayed and prayed and prayed! Why don't you answer"? God says to man, "I have answered and answered and answered! Why don't you listen?"

We can pray, believe and receive, or we can pray, doubt and do without.

Prayers are not answered through words, only through the mental images and feelings that our words create.

Who rises from prayer a better person, their prayer is answered.

A pessimist is one who has financed an optimist.

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