We are always either accepting or rejecting our good.

Whenever you avoid an act based upon fear, you only strengthen your fear.

Your emotions can kill you or cure you.

you can harvest only what you plant. As you sow in your mind, so shall you reap as your experiences.

The only reason anyone fails is because they are inconsistent.

Insecurity is the basic emotion that leads to all negative thinking.

If you feel unworthy, then little of worth will come to you.

What good are you if no one needs you?

No matter how sorry you are, you still have to reap what you've sown!

The hardest part of making good is that you have to do it every day.

If you are tired today, then stop taking tomorrow to bed with you.

A golden opportunity frequently approaches you camouflaged as a difficult problem.

The law you keep, keeps you.

You can never demonstrate beyond your own self-image.

You cannot push anyone up the ladder unless he is willing to climb himself.

Never press a point too hard, because a deep wound is hard to heal and usually leaves a scar.

It is easy to dodge resonsibility, but you cannot dodge the trouble it causes.

Responsibility is the one thing in the world that develops us.

Poverty and disappointment shall be to him that refuses instruction.

If you want to put the world right, start with yourself.

It is our responsibilities and not ourselves, that we should take seriously.

A good place to find a helping hand is at the end of your arm.

By all means, keep the respect of that person you face in the mirror.

Give to every other human being every right that you claim for yourself.

Not what we have, but what we enjoy constitutes our abundance.

You cannot win respect by demanding it.

In order to profit from your mistakes, you have to go out and make some.

A mistake at least proves somebody stopped talking long enough to do something.

If you don't make mistakes, you might live and die without ever hearing your name mentioned.

The person who makes no mistakes, does not usually make anything.

If you wouldn't write it down and sign it, then don't say it.

Those who don't read have no advantage over those who won't.

We can do anything we want, if we stick to it long enough.

Men occasionally stumble over the Truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as it nothing had happened!

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