The only way to embody Truth is to identify as it.

A four word formula for success is, "Make yourself more useful!"

Make yourself necessary to somebody.

The best way to succeed in this world is to act on the advice you give to others.

God gave us two ends. One to sit on, and the other to think with. A person's success depends on the end used the most.

Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is a process. Working together is success.

The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.

Success depends on your backbone, not your wishbone.

Success is 10% skill and 90% perspiration.

People rarely succeed at anything unless they have fun doing it.

Before you attempt to be successful in the outer world, you have to be successful in the inner world.

One thing that keeps a lot of people from being a success, is work.

The road to success is usually off the beaten path.

Don't speak unless you can improve on the silence.

Of all our human resources, the most precious is the desire to improve.

Be satisfied enough to be happy, but discontent enough to keep working on yourself.

Improvement begins with "I".

Feeling grateful is a choice.

Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone.

Learn to enjoy little things, there are so many of them!

No two people are alike, and both are glad of it.

Real charity doesn't care if it's tax deductible or not.

Another good thing about telling the truth, is you don't have to remember what you said.

The ones whom you should try to get even with are the ones who have helped you.

It's good to have money and the things money can buy, but it is also good to check up once in a while and make sure you haven't lost the things that money cannot buy.

What you strongly feel is an affirmation, that attracts its likeness into your body and experiences like a magnet.

Obstacles are placed in our way to determine whether we truly want something or just thought we did.

Begin where you are -- but don't stay where you are!

Courage is doing what you're afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you're scared.

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