Be still and know that I am what you are.
Listen to my stillness, it is life itself
And it is your life.

Let it's stillness calm your mind
Search no more, for I am that Stillness within you
Express it, and you express Me.

Listen to its Peace, and it shall be your peace
Let it flow, for it is love, that feeds your being
As my being.

Let me be, and I shall be
Still your thoughts, and you will find Me
For I am, that stillness.

This peace, love and power are yours now
There is no other peace, power or love
It is what I am, and you, are what I am
I am life eternal!

Be still and know, that I am God
The breath, and the life and the mind in all
The only power in life you will ever find
For my kingdom is, in your thoughts divine.

O God, I hear and feel You now
The living presence throughout all
For now I'm free, to express You as me
O God, I know now, 
That I am one, with Thee.

Written by the Reverend Ronel E Sinstead, Ms.D.

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