
Contents. Below are brief descriptions of the software packages available for download from this site, links to download the packages, and links to online documentation about the packages. All of the software is covered by the GNU General Public License unless otherwise noted.

Documentation. Unless otherwise specified, all documentation in the packages is written in HTML. All of the online documentation for a package is also included in the package itself.

Questions. Questions or bug reports concerning any of these software packages can be e-mailed to The subject line should indicate the package to which the question or bug report refers (for example, 'filter classes question' for a question concerning the filter classes package).

Java Assertions

Last Updated: February 13, 1999
Online Documentation: none (yet)
Download: (4K), the complete Java Assertions software package.

A Java package that declares and defines a class with methods that provide rudimentary support for programming by contract: preconditions, postconditions, and regular assertions can be checked.

This package's copyright is much less restrictive than the GNU General Public License: specifically, it can be freely used in commercial applications. See the file named COPYING that is included with the package for more details.

Filter Classes

Last Updated: July 24, 1997
Online Documentation: the Filter Classes Guide
Download: (185K), the complete Filter Classes software package.

A set of C++ classes that allow classes derived from them to be combined in a manner similar to the way that programs can be combined under UNIX. The package contains:

NoteWell 0.3

Last Updated: September 30, 1997
Online Documentation: the NoteWell help topic converted to HTML
Download: (27K), the complete NoteWell application, including documentation in both text and HTML.

An editor designed specifically for finding, making and keeping notes on a variety of topics. Written in Tcl/Tk.

Support for read-only topics was added in version 0.1. Version 0.2's configuration file has more examples of how to configure NoteWell's resources (colours, widget sizes, etc.). Version 0.3 fixed a bug in switching between topics that are links to the same file, and also fixed the handling of the case where the current topic cannot be saved when switching to a new or different topic or when the main program window is destroyed.


Last Updated: December 13, 1998
Online Documentation: the CharForm applet page, which includes instructions on how to use CharForm
Download: (28K), the complete CharForm applet/application, including HTML documentation, as well as the calculator applet that appears below.

A Tcl applet/application that generates a Champions® character sheet in HTML from the information input to it. The package also includes this Tcl calculator applet:

(If you don't see anything between this paragraph and the last one then you may not have the Tcl plug-in installed. You will also need the Tcl plug-in installed if you want to run CharForm from your WWW browser as an applet.)

RadioWaves Java Applets

Last Updated: August 16, 1997
Online Documentation: the documentation for the RadioWaves and ColorRadioWaves applets
Download: (24K), the RadioWaves and ColorRadioWaves Java applets (source and class files), including documentation.

A pair of Java applets that emit 'radio waves' from their centres. Includes several examples of how the applets can be configured. The documentation also describes all of the applet parameters for both applets.

Rexx Utilities

Last Updated: July 22, 1997
Online Documentation: a brief description of each the programs in the Rexx Utilities package
Download: (23K), the complete Rexx Utilities software package, including documentation.

A collection of utility programs written in Rexx, and documentation briefly describing each. Some of these programs are specific to OS/2.

Perl Utilities

Last Updated: July 22, 1997
Online Documentation: a brief description of each of the programs in the Perl Utilities package
Download: (10K), the complete Perl Utilities software package, including documentation.

A (currently very small) collection of utility programs written in Perl, and documentation briefly describing each.

PreHTML 0.2

Last Updated: September 16, 1997
Online Documentation: the PreHTML Guide, which gives a brief description of how to use PreHTML as well as the tags that it recognizes and processes
Download: (15K), the complete PreHTML preprocessor, including documentation.

An HTML preprocessor that recognizes special tags to include files, omit sections, and do substitutions. This is an early version of the program and has not been thoroughly tested.

The syntax of the define and subvar PreHTML tags has been modified in version 0.2.

Author: James MacKay (
Last Updated: Tue Nov 6 10:48:44 EST 2007
Copyright: © 1997-2007 James MacKay

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