Student No. whatever .. Thursday evenings.
First class Thursday 12th September 2002.

(If you have questions about HTML, I would like to hear from you. Email

) If you click on View and Source, you will be able to see the layout of this page, together with all the commands, in angle brackets.
first comes the command html
nested within the html comes the head
nested within that comes the title
then the title itself
close the title command
any other commands which come into the head - and which we learn later in the course
close the head
open the body - and any commands concerning the background etc
at the end of the page:
close the body
close the html.

If I display these notes on an html page, the commands do not show, just the result of the commands. Therefore, to see the notes and the commands I have to print the .txt file. To view the commands for this page, click on "View" at the top menu, then "Source".

Our instructor says we will lose marks if we do not put the P command at the beginning of a para and the /P at the end.
However, br does not need an ending slash. It just breaks the line and begins a new line.

The exclamation mark turns these commands into comments:
(To view the commands used in these notes, click on "View" and "Source". It is useful to be able to turn commands off sometimes.
339966 is a green.

LINK means sites you have visited.
On page 133 in the book. (The book is HTML For the World Wide Web by Elizabeth Castro, Fourth Edition, Visual Quickstart Guide. It was $22.50.Canadian).
the numbers are hexidecimal codes.
the numbers are divided into three parts (two for each color - Red, Green and Blue.



NOTE: There can be only one body tag. Whether you put just body, or body background. That is the body tag.

HR is a Horizontal Rule across the screen.

U is an underline

bmp files become too large for quick downloading.
jpg and gif are usually used for the internet.

P is an opening paragraph<
> and /P is a closing paragraph.

br is a break without extra space between the lines.

Headers are used as hierarchical dividers. Should be used consistently (See Chapter 2, page 38):

H1 is used for headings - they are numbered as follows - H1 is 24 point and is a Level 1 heading.

H2 is used for headings - they are numbered as follows - H2 is 18 point and is a Level 2 heading.

H3 is used for headings - they are numbered as follows - H3 is 14 point and is a Level 3 heading.

H4 is used for headings - they are numbered as follows: - H4 is 12 point and is a Level 4 heading.

H5 is used for headings - they are numbered as follows: - H5 is 10 point and is a Level 5 heading.

H6 is used for headings - they are numbered as follows: - H6 is 8 point and is a Level 6 heading.




4 5 6 7 9

11 12 15 19 40

50 55 56 59 80


The following was "keyed" in from the book:

Uniform resource locator, or URL, is a fancy name for address. It contains information about where a file is and what a browser should do with it. Each file on the Internet has a unique URL.

The first part of the URL is called the scheme. It tells the browser how to deal with the file that it is about to open. One of the most common schemes you will see is HTTP, or Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It is used to access Web pages.

The second part of the URL is the name of the server, where the file is located, followed by the path that leads to the file and the file's name itself. Sometimes, a URL ends in a trailing forward slash with no file name given. In this case, the URL refers to the default file in the last directory in the path (which generally corresponds to the home page).

Other common schemes are HTTPS, for secure Web pages, FTP (File Transfer Protocol) for downloading files from the Net; Gopher, for searching for information; News, for sending and reading messages posted to a Usenet newsgroup; Mailto, for sending electronic mail; and File, for accessing files on a local hard disk.

A scheme is generally followed by a colon and two forward slashes. Mailto and News are exceptions; these take only a colon.

Notice that the File scheme uses three slashes. That's because the host, which in other schemes goes between the second and third slashes, is assumed to be the local computer. Always type schemes in lowercase letters.

Absolute URLs

URLs can be either absolute or relative. An absolute URL shows the entire path to the file, including the scheme, server name, the complete path and the file name itself. An absolute URL is analogous to a complete street address, including the name, street and number, city, state, zip code and country. No matter where a letter is sent from, the post office will be able to find the recipient. In terms of URLs, this means that the location of the absolute URL itself has no bearing on the location of the actual file referenced - whether it is in a Web page on your server or on mine, an absolute URL will look exactly the same.

File NameAbsolute URL
Relative URL
in (in youarehere.html)
index.html index.html
image.gif images/image.gif
data.html .../info/data.html
homepage.html none, use absolute
info.html none, use absolute

Relative URLs

To give you directions to my neighbour's house, instead of giving her complete address, I might just say "It's three doors down on the right". This is a relative address - where it points to depends on where the information is given from. With the same information in a different city, you'd never find my neighbour.

In the same way, a relative URL describes the location of the desired file with reference to the location of the file that contains the URL itself. So, you might have the URL say something like "show the xyz image that's in the same directory as the current file".

Thus, the relative URL for a file that is in the same directory as the current file (that is, the one containing the URL in question) is simply the file name and extension. You create the URL for a file in a subdirec tory of the current directory with the name of the subdirectory followed by a forward slash and then the name and extension of the desired file.

To reference a file in a directory at a higher level of the file hierarchy, use two periods and a forward slash. You can combine and repeat the two periods and forward slash to reference any file on the same hard disk as the current file.

Generally, you should always use relative URLs. They're much easier to type and they make it easy to move your pages from a local system to a server - so long as the relative position of each file remains constant, the links will work correctly.

One added advantage of relative URLs is that you don't have to type the scheme - so long as it's HTTP.

Here ends the "keyed in" text from the book.


If you get an error sign " SPACE SPACE"> This means it can't find the URL you are looking for because it is typed in incorrectly.


Notes from second Class 19th September 2002.

A stands for Anchor.

the font face is arial, size is 5 and colour is red

the font face is arial, size is 8 and colour is white

the font face is arial, size is 3 and colour is navy

HREF stands for Hypertext reference.




This uses center ..


<IMG SRC="" ALIGN="RIGHT" width="150" height="100 alt="butterfly-image">

and if for some reason the image does not appear, you should use ALT="Butterfly Gif Image"

email me Best to put a rough .gif image here to help prevent spam machines.

Some odd special characters from Earl Lennox's home page at:
These are all string characters, which will enable you to show complete html characters and brackets.

Inverted question mark: ¿
Inverted exclamation: ¡
Greater than >
Lesser than <
These last two are useful if you want to correctly show a formula on the internet page, so that it will not turn into an html command.


Think of a way to reverse this method. .. This is a way of jumping down, so how do you jump up? Well, just replace the word down with up. The downlink goes at the top of the page and the name down goes at the bottom. For up the procedure is simply reversed. Also, where you have #down or down - you could put any link name or subject - to tell it where to jump to on the page.

<P> <A NAME="UP"> </A></P>

(NOTE:This was used with the Intlinks page. It was not put for use on this page).

<P> <A HREF="#down"> downlink </A> </P>


go to top of intlinks page.

Third html class: Thursday 26th September 2002 .. check up on Search Engine Watch

I do not have many notes for 26th September class that I can put onto this page.

16bit is htm (which Windows95 uses .. even tho' they said it didn't! It merely emulated 32bit).
32bit is html.
.bmp files are always at least 1.5 mb .. too large for web pages.
.wav are larger than .mp3.



go to top of 4th HTML Class Notes page.

Although I have included most of the notes for the fourth class here, from now on I will be putting notes for each class on a separate page.

Fourth html class: Thursday 4th October 2002

HTML Editors

These allow us to enter our tags into an "edit window", Then giving us a "viewing" element within this software package. You should do a search for HTML editors on Tucows .. there are many variations available. Other software packages, such as: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Lotuc, Word Perfect and many others. They will all allow you to save your work as file type ".html(1)". (Personally I have always used Microsoft Word - and then saved the work as .txt. This does not give me any prompts or assistance. I have to find errors myself).


FTP - File Transfer Protocol - find a software - search FTP client. You must have FTP software in order to transfer your html files to the internet.


These are some types and layouts:
At the beginning you have to specify, using OL or UL and one of numerous types:

This is the formula:
<OL type=A >
A for Caps,
a for lower case
I for Roman numerals
i for lower case Roman numerals
1 for Arabic numerals

<LI> 1. etc.</LI>
<LI> 2. </LI>
<LI> 3. etc </LI>

Unordered Lists are type UL. They will mark each item with different kinds of bullets:
The formulae for beginning and ending the lists are similar to those for Ordered Lists:
<ULType=Disk or circle or square.>
(Notice that I have accidentally put a stop after the word square .. If this happens, the formula will not work and may disappear altogether!)
<LI> information goes here and you always need the Line Indent before and after each line.</LI>

<LI> default is a bullet. <LI>
<IUL> ? don't know what that was </IUL>