Java Server Pages Syntax                       
Peter Komisar v.3.2

reference: JavaServer PagesTM Fundamentals Short Course,Govind Seshadri, The J2EE Tutorial,
Java Server Pages, Stephanie Brodoff, Java ServerPages 1.2 Syntax Card, Web Development with
Java Server Pages, Duane Fields, Mark Kolb and  Shawn Bayern


Java Server Pages are a basic currency of the
Enterprise Application and is the recommended
vehicle for making presentation of information to
the user. So it makes sense to look at them in
some detail.

Another point, many of the aspects shown for JSP
pages have equivalent counter parts in the Java
Servlet code. We alert you to this, but focus on
the JSP counterparts of the Java Servlet code.
This puts those who are strong Java programmers
more on the same footing with those not as familiar
with Java.

Java Server Pages have a syntax that is similar to
Microsoft ASPs. Beyond these character groupings
JSP relies on XML to supply the rest of it's syntax

JSP syntax can be classified into directives, scripting
elements, and standard actions. Added In version 1.2
is a syntax to serve in XML documents.

The XML syntax has similarities and differences from
the HTML syntax. To introduce JSP syntax, we  will
concentrate on the HTML version of the dialect.

// a brief discussion of the parallel XML version is
// carried in subtext which we can ignore for expedience.



Directives control JSP page execution parameters,
in other words,
the global properties of the JSP page.
Directives of
themselves do not produce direct visible
output and are only there to tell the JSP engine to do

JSP directives are always enclosed within the
<%@ ... %> tag. where the percent symbol is
followed by the @ symbol.

Containing Braces of JSP Directives

<%@    .   .   .    %>

There are three directives defined in the the JSP
version 1.2 specification, the 'page', 'include' and
'taglib' directives. Though, 'include' and 'page' are
commonest while the 'taglib' directive is becoming
more popular with the adoption of custom tags. 

JSP Directives

The page Directive

The 'page' Directive

The page directive is found at the top of almost all
JSP pages. There can be any number of page
directives in a JSP page as long as their attribute
value pairs are unique. If unrecognized attributes or
values are used with the page directive a translation
error results. Following is a simple form of the page

Simple Form of a Page Directive

<%@ page   attribute1="value1" attribute2="value2"  
atributeN="valueN" %>

That the 'page' directive can be very complicated as
indicated by the comprehensive form of this directive
below. This form is shown next  and shows all the options
made available to the JSP page authors through it's
various attributes.

The Page directive with Attributes That Apply to a JSP Page.

<%@ page
[ language=" java " ] [ extends=" package. class "]
[ import="{ package. class | package .*} , ... " ]
[ session=" true |false" ]
[ buffer=" none| 8kb | size kb" ] [ autoFlush=" true |false" ]
[ isThreadSafe=" true |false" ] [ info=" text "]
[ errorPage=" relativeURL " ] [ isErrorPage=" true| false "]
[ contentType="{ mimeType [ ; charset =characterSet ]|
text/ html ; charset= ISO- 8859- 1 }" ]
[ pageEncoding="{ characterSet | ISO- 8859- 1 }" ]

// XML reference: the XML page directive: 
// <jsp: directive. page pageDirectiveAttrList />

// where pageDirectiveAttrList is the same as the
// list above in the JSP page directive

The above form can be broken out in table form for
ease of reading. The following
table summarizes the
12 attributes of the 'page' attribute.

The attributes are used to control things like the
language being used, what packages are imported
and may allow the JSP to extend a class. They are
summarized below for your reference.

Table Summarizing the 12 Attributes of the 'page' Attribute 

Attribute Name   Constraints  Default
 language language="java"  "java" scripting language to be used
 extends extends="pkg.class"  none optionally allows the JSP to extend the class specified 
 import  import=
 package .* } , ... "
 none makes packages avaiilable
to the compiler 
 session session=" true | false"   "true" decides whether a session is associated with this request /response
 buffer  buffer=" none | 8kb
 |  size kb" 
 "8kb" decides if a page is buffered & what size the buffer will be 
autoflush autoFlush=" true |false"  "true" makes sure buffer is flushed before sending response
 isThreadSafe isThreadSafe=" true |false"  "true" can assume responsibility 
for assuring thread safety
 info info=" text "   none supplies page descriptions 
to associated applications
 errorPage errorPage=" relativeURL "  none specifies a page to forward 
to in case of an exception 
 isErrorPage  isErrorPage=" true| false "  "false" identifies a page as being an error page
 contentType contentType="{mimeType
 [;charset =characterSet] |  text/html;
charset=ISO-8859- 1 }"
/ ISO-8859-1
specifies the MIME content type for page& optionally a character set.
 pageEncoding  pageEncoding=
 "{characterSet |
     ISO- 8859- 1 }"
"ISO-8859-1"  specifies a character set 
for the page 

Following is a brief description of these attributes.

The 'language' Attribute 

While Java is the default, this tag offers the possibility of
using other languages like JavaScript if the hosting server
supports other languages. If no language attribute is present,
the scripting language is assumed to be Java.

The 'extends' Attribute

The 'extends' attribute can be used by a JSP author to
tell the container to use a different implementation of the
HttpJspPage interface.  The 'extends' attribute followed by
the specified name will be appended to the class name in
the Java source code. It is expected that this attribute would
be used only rarely for very specialized JSP applications.

Example <%@ page extends="XT.HttpJspPageXtra"  %>

Java Snippet

MyJSP extends MyHttpJspPage{  // ....

The 'import' Attribute

// the only 'page' attribute that may appear more than once

The 'import' attribute and corresponding value translates
into import statements in the corresponding Java source
code. The import attribute is the only attribute that can
appear more than once inside a JSP page. The attribute
can be used in the singular or in a plural sense.

For instance, the following example showss an import of
all classes in the io package.

Example <%@  page import="*"  %>

Java Snippet


class IOer{   // ...

Additional import statements can be added to the
page or multiple packages can be specified as a
comma separated list.


<%@  page import="java.awt.Window,*, java.util.Vector"  %>

// Where to put the imports: A quick survey shows some authors
// putting the imports ahead of the introductory html tag. Others
// leave out the head of their html page and put the tag between
// the html tag and the body. Another page showed the
import as
// the first tag in the body.
Also some pages have imports between
// head and  body tags. It works to put the imports in the head tag.
// Because the page will be translated issues of forward referencing
// do not appear to be relevant.

// Between the head and body tags or as the first tag inside the body
// seems like good locations to put page directives.

Eclipse Form

We have a new authority that makes it's presence felt.
Following is a 'new' JSP template as provided by
Eclipse. It follows the form noted above where the page
directive goes before even the DOCTYPE declaration.

If the page is saved as a JSP page with a .jsp extension
I guess the associated notation may rule the roost!

Eclipse JSP Template Example

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<title>Insert title here</title>


The 'session' Attribute

The session attribute tells whether the page will
participate in a HTTP style 'session' represented in
the JSP world as a HttpSession object. The default
value for this attribute is 'true'. Specifying this attribute
will usually be used to turn session participation off.
Turning session participation off will yield a small
performance gain.

// Servlets has Session class that is manipulated directly from
// the Java code

The 'buffer' Attribute

In order to provide an exit strategy in case an error
arises and to provide some 'breathing room' where
a JSP can 'decide' to forward a request to another
page, the JSP environment supplies buffers. A buffer
is a memory area where page code can be sent and
assembled before it is sent off to a client.

Large vs Small Buffers

The buffer attribute is used to control the characteristics
of the buffer. A larger buffer allows more content to be
written before anything is sent back to the client. This
gives the JSP page more time to set up status codes
and headers as well as forward requests to other Web
locations. A smaller buffer allows a client to start to
receive output data more quickly.

The default value for the size of the memory buffer is 8
kilobytes, specified as "8kb". If the 8 kilobytes is full, the
default container behaviour is to send what is in the buffer
to the client.  If the value is set to 'none', the page will be
streamed as is, unbuffered. This eliminates the possiblity
of forwarding or hiding errors that may be generated.
The buffer size can be increased as required, although
the default value should handle the great majority of JSP

Form of the Buffer Attribute 

<%  page buffer="none| 8kb | size kb" %>

In the following example the Java sql package is being
imported and the buffer is being set to 16 kilobyte.

Page Directive Example from Magelang Tutorial

<%@ page import="java.sql.*,*" buffer="16" %>

// buffer value may have been specified as "16kb".

The 'autoFlush' Attribute 

There is also an 'autoFlush' attribute has a default value
set to true. This results in the default behaviour where the
buffer is flushed when filled, the page being streamed
'as is' to the client.

If the autoFlush attribute is set to false, then the container
will instead throw an exception. providing an opportunity
for handling the exception and
sending something other
than an incomplete response.


The 'isThreadSafe' Attribute and Synchronization in JSPs

This attribute relates to Java's intrinsically multithreaded
environment. Java allows many threads to run at the same
time. If these threads are allowed to simultaneously access
sensitive data, there is a potential for the data to be corrupted.
Java synchronizes data so that it is threadsafe. 

The JSP 'isThreadSafe' attribute by default is set to true
providing inherent thread safeness for the page. . This
presumes the page is 'thread safe' and there is no chance
of simultaneous threads hitting on shared data simultaneously
resulting in corrupted or incorrect data reading.

One option to achieve a thread safe condition is to set the
'isThreadSafe' attribute to false as in the following example.


<%@ page isThreadSafe="false" %>

This will cause the container to play it safe and 'inline'
responses to client requests, effectively synchronizing the
response code. The problem with this conservative
approach is that queuing requests may greatly reduce
throughput efficiency. This may be OK in the case of a
little used but important service.

The Better Approach

The better approach, is to leave the 'isThreadSafe' attribute
at it's default setting and be careful to synchronize accesses
on shared data by marking methods that access shared data

All static variables and objects that are in session or application
should be inspected to see that they are thread safe. 
Following, is an
example from Govind Seshadri's JSP tutorial
where a synchronized block
is used to ensure a shared object
is only accessed safely by one thread at
a time.

Example from Tutorial by Govind Seshadri

synchronized (application) {
   SharedObject foo = (SharedObject)

// the synchronized keyword is commonly applied to methods

The 'info' Attribute

The 'info' attribute is used to associate a description
with the page being
generated. This value can be
retrieved by applications to communicate
what a JSP
page can do. This is a good location for including
author and
publishing information.


The errorPage Attribute & Exception Handling

JSP pages supply an interesting technique for
handling exceptions. While, you can provide
your own exception handling within JSP pages
using 'try, catch and finally' blocks there may be
circumstances where one might 'get away'.

Java Server Pages allow the use of the 'errorPage'
attribute to forward an uncaught exception to an
error handling page.The error handling page then
takes care of processing the error. The form of the
errorPage attribute is straight forward as is shown

Form of the errrorPage Attribute

<%@ page errorPage="file_name" %>

There also is an 'isErrorPage' attribute that can be
set to true or false. It is used at the beginning of an
error page to indicate it is serving this role.

The following example states that the current page
is not an error page and that in case of an error it
wishes the request to be forwarded to the the
exceptionHandler.jsp page.


<%@ page isErrorPage="false" errorPage="exceptionHandler.jsp" %>

Note, it is also necessary for errorHandler.jsp to flag itself
as a error processing page using the following directive.


<%@ page isErrorPage="true" %>

This directive allows the Throwable object to be accessed
within a scriptlet through the implicit exception object.

// implicit objects are covered in the next note

Following is a complete example that shows how the
errorPage attribute is used.

A JSP That Specifies An Error Page

// Saved as DivideError.jsp under Web Content
// of Project

<%@ page errorPage="errorPage.jsp" %>
If you are reading this message, a random fraction <BR/>
evaluated to less than .5 and a divide by zero<BR/>
was not executed <BR/><BR/>

In case an exception had been thrown, this JSP was <BR/>
ready to send us to an error page whose name was <BR/>
assigned to the attribute 'errorPage' of the 'page' directive.

<%! int i=0; %>
<%   if (Math.random()<.5) i=1/0; %>


The Corresponding Error Page
// saved as errorPage in same location as above

<%@ page isErrorPage="true" %>
<H1> Arithmetic Exception! </H1>
This page was invoked as a result of an <BR/>
exception being thrown in the originating<BR/>
page. This page is marked as an error page </BR>
by having the page directive, attribute </BR>
'isErrorPage' assigned the boolean value, "true".

The pageEncoding and contentType Attributes

JSPs can be used to create a page in any kind of
text format, i.e. HTML, WML or XML as long as the
content conforms with that model. To use a format
other then HTML you include the contentType attribute
in the page directive. The following example from the
Magelang Institute tutorial shows 'Wireless Markup
Language' or WML being specified as the content

J2EE Tutorial Example 

<%@ page contentType="text/vnd.wap.wml" %>

The registry of content types is kept by IANA at this link.

The 'contentType' attribute allows the setting of the MIME
type for the page. This value will be typically set to "text/html"
or "text/xml". The 'pageEncoding' attribute can also be set
inside this attribute. The default value for pageEncoding is
"ISO-8859-1". The form of the attribute is repeated below
followed by an example.

Form of contentType attribute

contentType="{ mimeType [ ; charset =characterSet ]  | 
                          text/ html ; charset= ISO- 8859- 1 }"


The following example shows the combined form.

Example of  both values being set at the contentType attribute

contentType= "text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1"

Page encoding can also be set using the 'pageEncoding'
attribute. The
following example shows this approach which
appears clearer to read.


Content type and page encoding set, each using their own attributes

<%@ page contentType="text/xml" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1" %>

The include  and taglib Directives

The 'include' Directive

The 'include' directive lets you distribute page content into
manageable elements. An 'include' might be used to include
a page header or footer. Included pages may be static HTML
or more JSP content. The 'include' directive can be located
anywhere in the JSP page. The directive acts as a placeholder
where the file it points to will be located inside the containing

Net effect of the 'include' Directive

Including Page + Included Pages --> Combined Source --> Combined Page Servlet

Duane Fields et. al. in 'Web Development with Java
Server Pages'  note that it is recommended that only
top level pages use the .jsp extension, and other jsp's
that are included use a sub-referencing extension type
such as .jspf or .jsf., where the 'f' stands for jsp fragment.

They also point out that the JSP container automatically
rebuilds and recompiles whenever the file containing the
pages contents is modified. This does not apply to
modification to included files. To introduce included
changes an explicit update to the time of modification
of the top level file needs to take place.

// Open and resave the file

Following is the formal form of the directive.

Include Directive Form

<%@ include file="relativeURL" % >

Next, an example of an include directive is shown.

Include Directive Example

<%@ include file="logos/CompanyHeader.html" %>

// The XML include directive for reference :
// <jsp:directive.include file="relativeURLspec"/>

A Java Server Page that needs additional work is
exampled  next. You are asked at the end of the note
o finish this example as a 'hands-on' exercise. One
of the 'include' directive is highlighted in a shade of

Java Server Page that Includes HTML files

<H1>A Seasonal Demonstration of the 'include' Directive</H1><HR/>

<%@ include file="Spring.html" %>

<%@ include file="Summer.html">
<%@ include file="Fall.html">
<%@ include file="Winter.html">

Included HTML

Spring HTML
<H2> It's Spring! Spring has Sprung!

The taglib Directive // just for reference

The 'taglib' directive defines a tag library and a prefix
for custom tags that are used in a JSP page. The 'taglib'
directive has the following form. We defer looking at tag
libraries for now.

Form of Taglib Directive   

<%@ taglib uri="URI" prefix="tagPrefix"  %>

Following is an example from a tutorial called "Developing
JSP Custom Tags" by Qusay H. Mahmoud. The taglib
directive informs the JSP container that custom tags are
used in the page and their definitions can be found at the
specified location. The file located is specifically the
'Tag Library Descriptor' File for the library.

The TagLib directive also supplies the prefix that will act
as a namespace qualifier for the custom tags. There are
no restrictions on how many tag libraries are referenced
in a page. Name clashes are avoided by use of the
namespace prefix. The JSP specification requires that
the Java classes that supply the tags actions be stored
locally for security reasons.

JSP Custom Tags Tutorial Example

<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/jsp/TagLibrary.tld" prefix="tagLibPrefix" %>

// for reference: no XML equivalent. This action is handled as attributes of  the root element

Each custom tag will take the following form.

Detailed Form of the Custom Tag

< tagPrefix : name attribute =" value "+ ... />    |             // simple form or . . .
< tagPrefix : name attribute =" value "+ ... >
   other tags and data

</ tagPrefix : name >

// for reference: The XML tag is the same as the detailed tag shown here

Declarations, Expressions, Scriptlets & JSP Comments


JSP declarations let you define variables and methods
for use within a JSP page. If not initialized, variables are
set to default values for their Java types.

Consider a financial page might have special constants
and values such as the days prime rate and methods that
use this data, for instance in mortgage or interest rate
calculations. These would all be candidates for declaration
in JSP declaration tags.

While it is tempting to use declarations to supply such
information, it is often better to hide this complexity in
JavaBeans which we can access from a page.

Still there is a place for everything so we consider in
the following, the form of the declaration. While the key
character that distinguished directives was the 'at'
symbol, @ , the exclamation mark, !, is the unique
symbol used in declarations. The following shows that
there may be one or more declarations in a single
declaration tag.

Declaration Form

<%!   declaration; [declaration;   ]+  . . .    %>

// JSP refers to  + as 'can repeat' and  '. . .' as 'list of items'

The form used in 'Web Development With Java Server
Pages' is perhaps more straight forward to understand
if not formal.

Alternate Form 

<%! declaration(s) %>

Declarations contain Java statements. A variable statement
will always end with a semi-colon. The following example
shows this.

Example of a Declaration of a variable.

<%!  double j=7.67;  %>       

// declaration statements end in semi-colons or a closing curly braces

For those who can use a bit of Java review, the following
compound declaration shows all the java primitive types
along with a class String example being used.

Example of a Declaration of a variable.

        boolean boo = true;
         char zee = 'Z';
         short twoBytes =32000;
         int fourBytes = 2000000000;
         long reallyBig = -9000000000000000000L;
         float low_temp=2.4F;
         double high_temp=22.8;

String story="Can you tell the story associated with these variables?";
At times it may be quicker to test script components for
correctness in straight Java before migrating the code
to a JSP

Using Java to Test Before Migrating to the JSP

class Var{
public static void main(String[]args){

         boolean boo = true;
         char zee = 'Z';
         short twoBytes =32000;
         int fourBytes = 2000000000;
         long reallyBig = -9000000000000000000L;
         float low_temp=2.4F;
         double high_temp=22.8;

String story="Can you tell the story associated with these variables?";
System.out.println("Yes, it is " + boo + " " + zee + "ephaniah!");

Class vs Instance Variables

The authors of 'Web Development with Java Server Pages'
state that in the stock case where the 'isThreadSafe' page
attribute is set to true, is a guarantee from the container that
only one instance of the class is being used to service request
threads at a time and data integrity is being maintained.

In this condition, whether variables are instance variables,
(associated with the servlet instance object) or are class
variables marked 'static', the net effect may essentially be
the same. This is because in both situations there is
effectively a 'one of' condition being maintained.

On the other hand,  if 'isThreadSafe' is set to false and the
container is free to issue any number of instances of the
servlet then marking variables 'static' becomes significant
and neccessary where variables need to be shared across

The following counter variable would need to be marked
'static' in order to be shared by multiple servlet instances.
A set of instances of the same page servlet would all
increment the same shared, counter variable.


<%!  public static int counter=0  %>

Method Declarations

Methods are also declared inside declarations tags. The
following method concatenates a period to the first letter
of a name to form an initial.

static String getInitial(String name){
     char initial= name.charAt(0);
     return (initial + ".");

Overriding Life Cycle Methods // for reference only 

Whenever a JSP servlet object is run it's life cycle
methods are called. Life cycle methods are a set
of methods that run in sequence and are called
over an objects life time from it's inception to the
object's cessation.

While the JSP developer cannot override all of these,
jspInit( ) and jspDestroy( ) are available for overriding.
Recall overriding  involves imitating a method signature
exactly. In the body of the overridden method though,
custom changes can be introduced to meet the needs
of the developer.

The jspInit( ) method is called once after the servlet is
instantiated but before any requests are answered. A
typical sort of thing to do in jspInit( ) might be to initialize
a database connnection.

The jspDestroy( ) method will be called after all requests
have been answered but before the servlet object is
removed from service. The jspDestroy( ) method can be
overridden close out any streams that may have been
opened and perhaps to set stream references explicitly
to null.


Example of a Declaration of a Method being Overidden

<%! public void jspInit( ){
 // i.e. initialize database connection

<%! public void jspDestroy( ){
 //  i.e. close out streams and resources


JSP expressions explicitly resolve to string values
that are directly included in the output of JSP pages.
Simple variables, expressions or methods that resolve
to some values can all be inserted into the output of
a JSP page via an expression tag.

The hallmark of the JSP expression tag is the 'equals'
symbol, " = ".  Another notable feature that is unlike
declaration counterparts, expressions do not include
closing semi-colons. Following is the formal form of
a JSP expression.

Form of a JSP Expression

<%=     .   .   .      %>

// expression tags do not include semicolons

The variables we declared earlier would be candidates
for inclusion in expressions.

A boolean type Declaration

<%! boolean boo = true; %>

Example  // inside an HTML body tag 

That day follows night is <%=  boo %>

// evaluates into the HTML a string representation of true.

We have yet to work with Java objects but they can
be used to call methods
on whose return values will
resolve directly to a string in a JSP page.


Magelang Tutorial Example 

<%= fooBean.getName( ) %>

One more example, the String object  we named 'story'
declared above can be used to call a method that
returns the value as upper case text.

String Method in an Expression Example

<%= story.toUpperCase( ) %>

// resolves directly into the page as


Expressions convert all primitive types or Java object
types to character
strings. ( With objects the toString( )
method is called.)

 // Wrapper or object toString( ) methods convert all types to JSP output

The authors of 'Web Development with Java Server Pages' 
point out that
Java's one ternary operator, the abbreviated,
if . . . else operator is very useful
in JSPs for it's ability to make
a choice in such a small amount of code.
The ternary operator
has the following form.


Java's if else Ternary Operator

a = (boolean expression) ? b : c;

The following complete JSP example shows the ternary operator
in action.

Terrnary operator Used in a JSP

</title> gedit
Hello Bob!
In terms of AM and PM it is

<%! int hours = 18; %>
<%= (hours < 12 ) ? "AM" : "PM" %>

<!-- scriptlet evaluates to 'PM'  -->



All the tags we have described so far have an extra symbol
associated with them, (@, ! , = ). JSP 'scriptlets' are embedded
inside the plainer and generic, <% ... %> tag.

The scriplet tag is JSP's general purpose scripting construct.
Scriptlets are like declarations in that they do not evaluate to a
result that is entered in the page in the way the jsp expression
tag works. Below is the form of the scriptlet tag.

Form used by a JSP Scriptlet

<%  .   .   .    %>

Scriptlets are run when a request is serviced by a JSP page.
Scriplets are used to contain sections of valid Java code and
are not limited to a single line of code. The following code is
part of a Magelang Institute example that shows how scriplets
can be used to hold multiple lines of Java code.

// don't worry about the code for the moment. We are just showing that a scriptlet 
// can contain an arbitrary number of lines, objects can be declared and 
// instantiated, methods can be called and control statements can be executed.

Excerpt from a Magelang Institute Code Sample

   String selectedLocale = request.getParameter("locale");
   Iterator i = locales.getLocaleNames().iterator( );
   while (i.hasNext( )) {
      String locale = (String) );
      if (selectedLocale != null &&
         selectedLocale.equals(locale)) {

<!--  puts locale out to the document  --> 

     <option selected><%=locale%></option>

// notice the Sciplet's declaration was recognized by the
// expression

In the following Magelang Institute example, there is a
short scriptlet that starts the 'triplet', a middle section of
template data with jsp expressions included and a second
closing scriptlet. The output is the text, 'Hello' in different
header sizes.

Magelang Institute Example

<% for (int i=1; i<=4; i++) { %>         <!-- starting scriplet 1 -->
<H<%=i%>>Hello</H<%=i%>>     <!-- template code with expressions added -->
<% } %>                                         <!-- ending scriplet 2 -->

// while fun this might be asking for maintenance trouble

This shows an interesting aspect of JSP script that can be
confusing to read and track.  I have added some colors to
try and make it easier to see the component parts. The Java
and the template code are interleaved. Java code scriptlets
exercise control over output that is in turn expressed in the
parallel domain of the template data.

The key to following such code is to remember control actions
take place in the Java while output is always in the template
domain, by default HTML.

The scriptlet can be used hand in hand with an expression.
The following  complete JSP example shows a code block
rendered in a scriptlet and values that are created referenced
into the page using expressions.

Complete JSP sample showing Scriptlets and Expressions working in Concert

<meta content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="Content-Type">
<%@ page import="java.util.*" %>

Vector v = new Vector( );
String name1 = "Betty Crocker";
Integer number1 = new Integer(1001);

// have to add number as object type so use wrapper class
// notice we get to use Java's own comment style inside

String name2 = "Davey Crocker";
Integer number2 = new Integer(2002);



  We didn't really need the Vector but it is included
  to show Scriplets can do any kind of Java.

<small>DEAR <%= v.elementAt(0)%><br>
ARE NOT PLEASED WITH THE NUMBER, <%= v.elementAt(1)%>. <br>

Comment Types in JSP Pages

JSPs can use three sorts of comments. Standard
HTML comments can be used which are invisible in
the browser view but visible in the HTML. Following
is the HTML form.

Form of an HTML Comment Tag

<!--   HTML style  comment  -->

Inside JSP tags standard Java comment styles can
be used. There are three Java tag types. The single
line form inherited from C++ and the classic C form
for multiple lines. These two forms are shown below.

Form of a Java Single Line Comment

// Single line comment inside Java code inside tag

// careful! this comments out this  end of tag delimiter,  %>

Form of Java Multiple Line Comment Style

/*   This Java comment is a the form borrowed
      from C that can extends across several lines.  */

Scripting language comments are forwarded as part
of the HTML presentation.

// Javadoc comments should also would work in JSPs

 /** Special form used to generate Java docs  */

The JSP Comment Type

Last but not least is JSPs own comment style. It uses a mix
of familiar % sign and the two hyphens. This form is important
as these comments are not forwarded as part of the code sent
to the client. These can be used to add documentation that is
confidential to the server side JSP documents. We will show
an example of this tag in the next section.

Form of a JSP Comment Tag

<%--    .   .   .    --%>

Error Handling Inside Java Server Pages

We  saw earlier in the note that JSP supplies the mechanism
where an error condition can  result in forwarding a request
to an error page for handling.

Java's built in errror handling facilites can also be used to handle
errors without leaving the page. If you are not already familiar,
Java uses 'try, catch and finally' blocks to catch errors, report
on them and then continue on with processing. The following
is a complete JSP sample that shows a 'try catch' pair being
used in the context of a JSP page. I have highlighted the JSP
and the JSP comment is italized and presented in green.

Error Handling using 'try catch' Blocks Inside a JSP Page

Problem Houston!

<H2> Houston Space Center </H2><HR><HR/>

We are in a page working with numbers and             <BR><BR/>
an unexpected problem is about to arise.                   <BR><BR/>                                            
We could send the error to an error page but           <BR><BR/>
because this is Java we can handle such a                 <BR><BR/>
problem using try, catch, finally blocks.

<%     try { int i =  1/0; }  

   /* we can catch this problem internally */

       catch(Exception ae){
        <BR></BR><BR></BR> <HR></HR><HR></HR>
        WE HAVE A PROBLEM HOUSTON!                                           <BR><BR/>
        WE HAVE THROWN A <B> <%= ae.toString() %>               </B><BR></BR>
        THE getMessage( ) METHOD REPORTS THE FOLLOWING:  <BR></BR>
    <B> <%= ae.getMessage() %>                                                         </B>
     <%-- The toString() reports the exception name and
          the message that is returned by getMessage()
          This is also our JSP style comment and will not
visible to the client   

<% } %>


Self Test                                                 Self Test With Answers

1) Which of the following is not a JSP Directive?

a) page
b) declaration
c) taglib
d) include                                

2) Fill in the name of the page attribute and the default value for each
    of the following desciptions

i) _________      used to provide page information 
( default value )   _____________ 

ii) _________ decides if the page participates in a session
( default value ) ______________

iii) _________  used to make java packages available to page's java code
( default value )_______________

iv) ________  attribute that dictates scripting language chosen
( default value)_______________

v)  ________   used to change the default superclass of a jsp servlet
(default value) _______________

vi) ________   used to control buffering characteristics of page response
( default value  )______________

vii) _______  decides if buffer sends when full or will throw exception
(default value ) ______________

viii) _______  tells the container the page is safe to multithread
( default value ) _______________

 ix) ________ tells the container that this page is an error page
(default value ) _______________ 

x )  ________ tells the container what the MIME type of the page is
( default value ) _______________

3)  A declaration tag uses which of the following symbols

a) @
b) !
c) =
d) *                                                     

4 ) True or False: A declaration contains statements that end
      with a semi-colon or a curley brace            

5 ) Expression use which of the following symbols.

a) @
b) !
c) =
d) *                                                 

6)  True or False: An expression contains a statement that ends in
     a semi-colon.

7) What is the form of a JSP comment? _________

8) Which of the following symbols is associated with scriptlet?

a) !
b) %
c) =


// There is not time to do all these. More than less is
// included
just in case some of you are speed demons.

In all the following examples, add JSP comments that briefly
describe the page.

1) Complete the include example for the 4 seasons. Copy
into a New JSP Template in Eclipse. Without getting carried
away, feel free to add a little bit of color and formatting to your

2) Create a JSP page and a matching error page that will be
invoked in the case of some unknown exception being created.
Use the bit of code that throws an divide by zero exception and
test in Apache just to confirm you error page is set up correctly.

3) Use variations of the primitive type declarations and method
 example to declare some values and methods for a JSP page.
Use expressions to intercolate their values with template text.

4) Declare an array of names that can be referenced inside a JSP
page. Use expressions to enter the array values into the beginning
of a form letter that is created using static template text.

5) Modify the code created in number four by adding a try catch

     block that catches an ArrayOutOfBounds exception. Cause
     the code to loop out of bounds to demonstrate the error