
Introduction. Excuse me a second while I get settled in to your computer. Ah, there we are ... oops! Oh well, you were going to need a new one of those soon anyway. As you'll no doubt notice, I've mostly redone your screen in text, with just a few images to keep your visual cortex from shutting down entirely. There are some advantages to this new look, though, including:

Software. Programs, classes, etc. that I've written. They come in a variety of languages (C++, Tcl/Tk, Perl, Rexx and Java) and include the Java applets that you may (or may not) see scattered about these pages, as well as the CharForm Tcl applet/application.

Résumé. In which all links are absolute, so that it can be stored elsewhere and the links will still work properly.

Books. No, not actual books, though there are reviews of actual books, as well as links to various book-related sites, including Project Gutenberg, so in a sense there are actual books here ... sort of.

Music. Mostly links to music-related sites at this point, though in the future I hope to have record reviews and other, tastier bits here.

Programming. Repository for all things having to do with computers generally, though with an emphasis on items related to programming. It mostly consists of (a lot of) links at this point.

Useful Links. A collection of HandyLinks® to search engines, other people's home pages, and (probably least useful if you're not using my computer) files on my hard drive.

Conclusion. So feel free to look around ... let me know if there's anything you're interested in buying. Ah heck, just because I'm in such a good mood, if you see something you like, take it with you. We can always bring another one up from the back room. And if you don't see what you're looking for, let me know - maybe we have it (or them) in the back room, too.

Author: James MacKay (jmackay@steelcandy.com)
From: http://www.steelcandy.com/index.html
Last Updated: Tue Nov 6 10:48:43 EST 2007
Copyright: © 1997-2007 James MacKay

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