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Sunday 30th January 2005

What a lovely day and what a relief! The temperature was only in the minus single digits. The sun shining brilliantly. I went for quite a long walk this morning and several times just stood with my face turned up to the sun, as I have seen people in Northern European cities do. As I said, it's quite a relief.

My movie this week was "Closer". Although I am Protestant, I was educated as a Catholic. As I grow older I realize increasingly that I find a continual barrage of bad language is actually against my religion - not to mention very boring. I thought all the characters in this movie were just horrible people. Eventually I was fidgetting in my seat and hoping the continual lies, deceit, bad language and fornication would soon come to an end. As always, the actors were excellent and totally believable. I am sure there are really nasty people like this around, but I would rather not watch their unpleasantness.

Sunday 23rd January 2005

My movie this week was "The Aviator". This was a biography, the early life of Howard Hughes, from the time he made movies until the time when he became a recluse. I thought it very interesting and wonder how much of it was true. The photography is spectacular and the acting (I thought) superb. Apparently everyone else thought so too because it received numerous nominations and acclamations.

Sunday 15th January 2005

My movie this afternoon was "Bridget Jones 2 - The Edge of Reason". Rene was her usual excellent naive Bridget and Darcy his gallant very suave and sophisticated Darcy. Hugh Grant again played the part of the conniving fornicator. The movie was continually funny, surprising, and in the end had an unusual and unexpected twist. I really liked it very much. Reminded me of my years in London and the many similar experiences I either had or avoided.

Sunday 2nd January 2005

Hello again:
Major awful weather today .. Hours of freezing rain. I was hoping it might be melting a bit by this afternoon, so I could at least go out to a movie. But I don't think so.
Even the dog and cat slipped and nearly fell, when they went outside. As mother said; I don't think people were meant to live in this country!
I often think the world is alive, like a giant virus. Canada may be part of the water-purification system. Occasionally the world seems to sense that it is over-infested, then takes steps to shake some of us off. I wonder if that's what happened to the dinosaurs .. They must have been very heavily populated. If all else fails, the world sends out messages into space, calling for a comet. .. A bit like our blood-stream, when we are injured or infected, sends out messages for lucocytes (spelling?) and platelets etc.

Sorry, just thinking. I've been doing a lot of sewing and crosswords and now my eyes are tired and I'm bored.

I'm a bit worried about going to the cinema in this weather - accidentally let my CAA membership expire and probably can't renew until tomorrow. What a nuisance.

Well, better go and get on with something else.

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Visit a site for many photographs of North American Birds and animals.

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