You are the visitor to this page since 4th March 2002.

Email comments to: oficserv@sentex.net

Very often, in writing this diary, we tell of the less pleasant things, as well as some of the good things about the area. Our purpose in providing this information is to enable buyers to beware. No-one else will tell you the unpleasant things about an area. We have never seen information like this made available before. Buying a home is the most expensive investment you will ever make. We are not sales people. Apart from our own homes, we do not own any property in the area. Please do not write to us telling us the good things about this area .. any sales person or the local tourist office can provide that information. Of course, they are only interested in selling. That is the only information they want you to know.

Tuesday 15th May, 2001

Such a pleasant, sunny, quiet day. My hand and arm were still very weak, so I couldn't do gardening. Decided to take a walk with the Tsunami - and took some photographs:-

White violets
Pink & white violets
Pink Trillium
Lady Slipper - rare wild orchid.
Lady Slipper - rare wild orchid.
Lady Slipper - rare wild orchid.
Tsunami - in the pond, as usual!
Wild violets

Was also able to see a friend who, a week before I had broken my arm, had lost control of the car on ice and been in a very serious accident. As mother said: "I don't think people were meant to live in this country!" As the Southern forests are the lungs of the world, I think Canada and these vast northern areas are supposed to be the water purification organs (kidneys).

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Visit a site for many photographs of North American Birds and animals.

Rhona Raskin Home Page at http://www.rhona.com.