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Before using this chart, please be sure to check your body size and daily requirements etc. on our main Calorie Counter Information Page at:-

If you have any comments or requests, please Email enquiries to:

This chart will eventually contain approximately 800 items.

You must bear with me - as it's going to be a long job putting all this into a printable table format. .. starting 9th June 2000. Also, if you take this list and find it useful, please be kind enough to send your money-order payable to OFICSERV - and mail to: Simpson at PO Box 1, Site 23, Eden Mills, Ontario. NOB 1PO. Canada. N.B. Do not mention the word OFICSERV on the envelope or it will be returned to you - courtesy of Canada Postal Service! I leave it to you, however helpful you find this information and support, to reimburse me for my time (many hours typing) and trouble putting this on line and I thank you for your consideration. It pleases me immensely to be of help to a fellow "counter".

When counting calories, do not think for one moment this will permit you to avoid sensible eating. For example, a piece of chocolate may have the same calories as a piece of fish (or whatever) but will not have the many essential minerals and protein you require. You will need to follow a proper food guide. You must not eat prepared foods or highly processed foods. Many of the nutrients which you require for mental and physical wellbeing are cooked and strained out of highly processed and pre-prepared foods. If you have a garden, try to grow your own fresh vegetables etc.
Your body also needs regular exercise: weight-lifting and resistance, moderate cardio-vascular training etc. Obviously, the system has been designed over millions of years to require a certain amount of movement and opposition. If you don't care for your body, the bones and muscles will deteriorate, resulting in sagging and eventual breaking.

T. = Tablespoon
1 oz.(imperial Ounce) = 28.350 grams
16 ozs. = 1 Lb.
1 Lb.(imperial Pound) = 0.45359243 kilogram
14 Lbs. = 1 Stone (as used in the U.K.)
3,500 Calories = 1 Lb. of fat on your body. You will need to cut this number of calories to lose one pound of fat per week.

Don't forget .. "When they come they'll eat the fat ones first!! That's why they are continually advertising and encouraging breeding and fattening up!!" (This is supposed to be a funny way to tell you to disregard all that fattening junk you see advertised on T.V. and huge restaurant portions .. if you didn't guess).

Quiche 1 personal size
5" across
Quince 1/4 Lb.78
Rabbit, 4 oz. stewed, meat only245
Radishes, 4 small without tops5
Raisins, dried 1/4 cup115
Raspberries, 1 cup black100
Raspberries, 1 cup red70
Rhubarb, 1/2 cup cooked, sweetened with sugar195
white, cooked 1 cup
brown, cooked 1 cup200
white, pre-cooked, 1 cup210
fried, 1 cup260
Spanish, 1 cup175
plain 1
hard, round, 1160
frankfurter roll 1160
hamburger roll 1150
sweet 1135
Rutabagas, 1/2 cup boiled, drained35
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